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Deep Copycat Networks for Text-to-Text Generation Julia Ive, Pranava Madhyastha, Lucia Specia EMNLP 2019 紹介者:平澤 寅庄(TMU, 小町研, M1) 3 February, 2020 @小町研

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0 Overview ● Proposed a flexible pointer network framework for text-to-text generation task ○ copycat network based on Transformer ○ Dual-source copycat network ○ Dual-source double-attention copycat network ● Two tasks ○ Summarisation ○ Automatic Post-Edit (APE) ● Competitive results for summarisation ● Better novel/repetitive n-gram rates for APE

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1 Introduction ● Seq-to-seq models are “over creative” ● copycat framework ○ Based on transformer network ○ Do not use coverage penalty ● Better performance wrt ○ novel n-gram generation rate (higher is better) ○ repetition rate (lower is better) ● Dual-source setting: Automatic post-editing task ○ Conditioned on two inputs and copy from either of them ■ Source language ■ Original machine translation

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2 Related work ● Abstractive Summarisation ○ Pointer network [See et al., 2017] ○ Reinforcement learning ■ ROUGE and maximum likelihood [Paulus et al., 2017] ■ Global quality estimator [Li et al., 2018] ○ Content selection [Gehrmann et al., 2018] ● Automatic Post-Editing (APE) ○ Machine translation [Simard and Foster, 2013] ○ Multi-source transformer architectures [Junczys-Dowmunt and Grundkiewicz, 2018] ○ Requires large-scale dataset: unrealistic scenarios ○ SOTA APE models modify ~30% of inputs [Chatterjee et al., 2018] ■ Only 50% of modification are positive changes

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Pointer-Generator Network [See et al., 2017]

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3 copycat Networks 1. Transformer Architecture 2. Pointer-generator Network 3. Dual-source extension

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3.1 Transformer Architecture ● Based on Vaswani et al., 2017 ○ 6 layers for enc./dec. ○ 512 model dimension ● Encoder: ○ Sub-layers: multi-head self-attention, position-wise feed-forward neural network ○ Output: ● Decoder: ○ Sub-layers: multi-head self-attention, multi-head cross-attention, position-wise FFNN ○ Output: ● Other stuff ○ Vocabulary: Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) applied ○ Training: cross entropy loss

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3.2 Pointer-generator Network ● Based on See et al., 2017 ● Attention over encoder ○ Dot product attention ○ States of last decoder layer, just before Norm. layer ● Generation probability ○ sigmoid function ○ States of last decoder layer, just before Norm. layer ○ Interpolation of decoder’s probability and copy probability

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3.3 Dual-source extension 1/2 ● Standard dual-source copycat framework ○ Encoder for machine translated output: ○ stacked decoder sub-layer:

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3.3 Dual-source extension 2/2 ● Dual-source with double attention ○ Encoder for machine translated output: ○ stacked decoder sub-layer: a ○ Attention over encoder a ○ Pointer-generation with multiple sources a ○ Switching function

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4 Data and Settings: Data ● Abstractive summarisation: CNN/Daily Mail dataset [Hermann et al., 2015; Nallapati et al., 2016] ○ Online news articles (800 tokens on average) and their abstracts (60 tokens on average) ○ 300k for training, 13k for validation, 11k for test ○ BPE with 32k, truncate articles to 400 subwords ● APE: two variants ○ English-German (En-De): WMT18/WMT19 APE shared task (IT domain) ■ translated by a NMT system (45.8 BLEU) ■ 13k for training, 1k for validation, 1k for test ○ English-Latvian (En-Lv): life sciences domain [Specia et al., 2018] ■ Translated by a NMT system (38.4 BLEU) ■ 13k for training, 1k for validation, 1k for test

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4 Data and Settings: Metrics and hyperparameters ● Evaluation metrics for APE ○ HTER [Snover et al., 2009] ■ The minimum number of edits (substitution, insertion, deletion and shift) ■ 0.15 HTER for En-De, 0.29 HTER for En-Lv on average ○ BLEU [Papineni et al., 2002] ■ n-gram precision between MT hypotheses and post-edits ● Hyperparameters ○ Shared embedding with enc./dec. ○ beam search of size 5 (Summarisation), 10 (APE) ○ Adam optimizer ■ initial learning rate of 0.044, 4k warmup steps (Summarisation) ■ initial learning rate of 0.050, 8k warmup steps (APE) ○ Batch size of 50 ○ Early stopping: patience of 10 epochs based on ROUGE-L (Summarisation) and BLEU (APE)

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5 Results: Summarisation Pointer network Reinforcement Learning Content Selection

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5 Results: repetitive/novel n-gram ● Less effective for higher order n-grams than See et al., 2017 (~0 for 4-gram) ● Generated more unique quadrigrams than See et al. 2017 (~10%)

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5 Results: Example of Summarisation

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5 Results: APE ● BASE: the raw MT output ● PNT-TRG: copycat with attention over the MT ● PNT-TRG+SRC: copycat with double attention ● Pre-training model is mandatory ○ Pre-train models on synthetic data by randomly deletion, insertion, shift, substitution target side sentence in parallel corpus wrt HTER score in APE dataset ○ eSCAPE corpus (En-De) ○ Europarl and EMEA corpora (En-Lv) ○ Fine-tuning with learning rate of 0.001 ● The performance of copycat systems depends on the difficulty of the task ○ Minor improvement for German ● Major post-edits ○ punctuation (e.g., deletion of a comma) ○ auxiliary words (e.g., insertion/deletion of prepositions or articles) eSCAPE: a Large-scale Synthetic Corpus for Automatic Post-Editing EMEA: European Medicines Agency

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5 Results: Examples of APE

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6. Conclusion