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Hack HTTP Request and Response Interfaces Yuuki Takezawa PHPerKaigi 2019

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Profile • ஛ᖒ ༗و / ytake • גࣜձࣾΞΠελΠϧ CTO • PHP, Hack, Go, Scala • Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka
 • twitter • facebook • github

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Defines common cross-framework interfaces to represent HTTP requests and responses

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PHP-FIG? • PHP Framework Interop Group • ͓ͳ͡Έ PSR-x • PHP Standards Recommendation

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PSR-7 was designed for PHP, not Hack, and some descisions do not fit smoothly with Hack's type system.

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HackͰPHP • PHPͷΠϯλʔϑΣʔεΛHackͰར༻͢Δʹ͸ɺ
 HackʹܕΛೝࣝͤ͞ΔͨΊʹผ్هड़͢Δඞཁ͕͋Γ • hhiϑΝΠϧΛ༻ҙ͠ɺHackͰܕΛೝࣝͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹ • hack-psr/psr7-http-message-hhi

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Additionally, with the planned end of PHP support in HHVM, it will stop being possible to use the canonical definitions or common implementations of PSR-7 in Hack code.

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Ending PHP Support, and The Future Of Hack • PHP Is Unsupported(·ͩͪΐͬͱಈ͘) • গͣͭ͠PHPͷػೳഉআ

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Ending PHP Support, and The Future Of Hack • .hack ֦ுࢠͷ௥Ճ

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HHVM 4.0 has dropped support for Composer, please use PHP instead. Aborting.

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don't worry!

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Package Manager • We are currently working to move 
 to a package manager that fully supports 
 multiple languages.

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Package Manager • Hack͸YarnΛϕʔεʹͨ͠Package Manager΁Ҡߦத

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For Hack • hhvm/hack-http-request-response-interfaces • hack-interface-standards
 container / log

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Difference between PSR-7 And hack-http-request-response- interfaces

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no mixed example MessageInterface

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public function withAddedHeader($name, $value);

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* @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name to add. * @param string|string[] $value Header value(s). * @return static

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public function withAddedHeader( string $name, vec $values ): this;

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/** * Retrieves a message header value by the given case-insensitive name. * * This method returns an array of all the header values of the given * case-insensitive header name. * * If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return an * empty array. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return string[] An array of string values as provided for the given * header. If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST * return an empty array. */ public function getHeader($name);

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/** * Retrieves all message header values. * * The keys represent the header name as it will be sent over the wire, and * each value is a vec of strings associated with the header. * * While header names are not case-sensitive, getHeaders() will preserve the * exact case in which headers were originally specified. * * Implementations *MUST* return header names of the form `Foo-Bar`, but keys * should be considered case-insensitive. * * Implementations *MAY* choose to normalize some headers in different ways, * for example, `ETag` instead of `Etag`. */ public function getHeaders(): dict>;

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dict[ 'content-type' => vec[ 'application/json' ], ]

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To HH\Lib\Experimental\IO\ReadHandle HH\Lib\Experimental\IO\WriteHandle

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<<__Memoize>> public static function requestInput(): IO\ReadHandle { /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[2049] __PHPStdLib */ /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[4107] __PHPStdLib */ return new self(\fopen('php://input', 'r')); } <<__Memoize>> public static function requestOutput(): IO\WriteHandle{ /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[2049] __PHPStdLib */ /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[4107] __PHPStdLib */ return new self(\fopen('php://output', 'w')); }

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final class PipeHandle extends NativeHandle { public static function createPair(): (this, this) { /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[2049] intentionally not in HHI */ /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[4107] intentionally not in HHI */ list($r, $w) = Native\pipe() as (resource, resource); return tuple(new self($r), new self($w)); } }

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/** Create a pair of handles, where writes to the `WriteHandle` can be * read from the `ReadHandle`. */ function pipe_non_disposable(): (ReadHandle, WriteHandle) { return _Private\PipeHandle::createPair(); }

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interface IDisposable { /** * This method is invoked exactly once at the end of the scope of the * using statement, unless the program terminates with a fatal error. */ public function __dispose(): void; } interface IAsyncDisposable { /** * This method is invoked exactly once at the end of the scope of the * await using statement, unless the program terminates with a fatal error. */ public function __disposeAsync(): Awaitable; }

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<<__ReturnDisposable>> protected function reader(): Filesystem\DisposableFileReadHandle { return Filesystem\open_read_only($this->filename); } public async function saveAsync( Serializer\SerializeInterface $serializer ): Awaitable { if($this->exists()) { return; } await using $handle = $this->writer(); await $handle->writeAsync($serializer->serialize()); await $handle->closeAsync(); }

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<<__ReturnDisposable>> protected function reader(): Filesystem\DisposableFileReadHandle { return Filesystem\open_read_only($this->filename); } public async function saveAsync( Serializer\SerializeInterface $serializer ): Awaitable { if($this->exists()) { return; } await using $handle = $this->writer(); await $handle->writeAsync($serializer->serialize()); await $handle->closeAsync(); }

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<<__ReturnDisposable>> protected function reader(): Filesystem\DisposableFileReadHandle { return Filesystem\open_read_only($this->filename); } public async function saveAsync( Serializer\SerializeInterface $serializer ): Awaitable { if($this->exists()) { return; } await using $handle = $this->writer(); await $handle->writeAsync($serializer->serialize()); await $handle->closeAsync(); }

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/** * Gets the body of the message. */ public function getBody(): IO\ReadHandle; /** * Return an instance with the specified message body. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return a new instance that has the * new body stream. */ public function withBody(IO\ReadHandle $body): this;

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/** * Gets the body of the message. */ public function getBody(): IO\WriteHandle; /** * Return an instance with the specified message body. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return a new instance that has the * new body stream. */ public function withBody(IO\WriteHandle $body): this;

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To ReadHandle / WriteHandle • MessageInterfaceͷgetBodyɺwithStreamͰ
 StreamʹΞΫηεͯ͠ॻ͖ࠐΈɾಡΈࠐΈ • ReadɺWriteʹผΕͨͨΊɺ

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To ReadHandle / WriteHandle • we need separte {Server,Client}{Request,Response} interfaces too in a server context, request body is read, response body is write
 but it's the opposite for clients

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To ReadHandle / WriteHandle • server context the response is both read and write
 the controller writes the body
 the emitter reads the body to send it to the client

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public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ): ResponseInterface { if ($this->checkRequest($request)) { try { $request = $request->withParsedBody( $this->parse($request->getBody()) ); } catch (Exception $exception) { throw HttpErrorException::create(400, [], $exception); } } return $handler->handle($request); }

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public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ): ResponseInterface { if ($this->checkRequest($request)) { try { $request = $request->withParsedBody( $this->parse($request->getBody()) ); } catch (Exception $exception) { throw HttpErrorException::create(400, [], $exception); } } return $handler->handle($request); }

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type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request) // ServeHTTP calls f(w, r). func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) { f(w, r) }

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<<__Sealed( FileHandle::class, PipeHandle::class, StdioHandle::class )>> abstract class NativeHandle implements IO\ReadHandle, IO\WriteHandle { // }

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ಠ࣮ࣗ૷͢Δ৔߹͸ UserspaceHandleΠϯλʔϑΣʔεΛ

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final class PipeHandle extends NativeHandle { public static function createPair(): (this, this) { /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[2049] intentionally not in HHI */ /* HH_IGNORE_ERROR[4107] intentionally not in HHI */ list($r, $w) = Native\pipe() as (resource, resource); return tuple(new self($r), new self($w)); } }

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list($read, $write) = IO\pipe_non_disposable();

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list($read, $write) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); $decode = \json_encode(dict['body' => 'message']); await $write->writeAsync($decode); await $read->readAsync();

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list($read, $write) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); $decode = \json_encode(dict['body' => 'message']); await $write->writeAsync($decode); await $read->readAsync();

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list($read, $write) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); $decode = \json_encode(dict['body' => 'message']); await $write->writeAsync($decode); await $read->readAsync();

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list($read, $write) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); $decode = \json_encode(dict['body' => 'message']); await $write->writeAsync($decode); await $read->readAsync();

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WriteHandle • WriteHandle͸ඇಉظʹ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ॏཁ
 (asyncΛ࢖͏) • we really don't want a standard that encourages hiding HH\Asio\join

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Hackͷasync/awaitʹ͍ͭͯ ͓ܰ͘͞Β͍

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Asynchronous Operations namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\AsyncOps\Basics\Examples\AsyncCurl; use namespace HH\Lib\Vec; async function curl_A(): Awaitable { $x = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $x; } async function curl_B(): Awaitable { $y = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $y; } async function async_curl(): Awaitable { $start = \microtime(true); list($a, $b) = await Vec\from_async(vec[curl_A(), curl_B()]); $end = \microtime(true); echo "Total time taken: " . \strval($end - $start) . " seconds\n"; } <<__EntryPoint>> function main():void { \HH\Asio\join(async_curl()); }

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Asynchronous Operations namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\AsyncOps\Basics\Examples\AsyncCurl; use namespace HH\Lib\Vec; async function curl_A(): Awaitable { $x = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $x; } async function curl_B(): Awaitable { $y = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $y; } async function async_curl(): Awaitable { $start = \microtime(true); list($a, $b) = await Vec\from_async(vec[curl_A(), curl_B()]); $end = \microtime(true); echo "Total time taken: " . \strval($end - $start) . " seconds\n"; } <<__EntryPoint>> function main():void { \HH\Asio\join(async_curl()); }

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Asynchronous Operations namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\AsyncOps\Basics\Examples\AsyncCurl; use namespace HH\Lib\Vec; async function curl_A(): Awaitable { $x = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $x; } async function curl_B(): Awaitable { $y = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $y; } async function async_curl(): Awaitable { $start = \microtime(true); list($a, $b) = await Vec\from_async(vec[curl_A(), curl_B()]); $end = \microtime(true); echo "Total time taken: " . \strval($end - $start) . " seconds\n"; } <<__EntryPoint>> function main():void { \HH\Asio\join(async_curl()); }

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Asynchronous Operations namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\AsyncOps\Basics\Examples\AsyncCurl; use namespace HH\Lib\Vec; async function curl_A(): Awaitable { $x = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $x; } async function curl_B(): Awaitable { $y = await \HH\Asio\curl_exec(""); return $y; } async function async_curl(): Awaitable { $start = \microtime(true); list($a, $b) = await Vec\from_async(vec[curl_A(), curl_B()]); $end = \microtime(true); echo "Total time taken: " . \strval($end - $start) . " seconds\n"; } <<__EntryPoint>> function main():void { \HH\Asio\join(async_curl()); }

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Asynchronous Operations • ϝΠϯεϨουͰ࣮ߦ • ڠௐతϚϧνλεΫ • operations/some-basics

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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// Emulate a client-server environment list($cr, $sw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); list($sr, $cw) = IO\pipe_non_disposable(); await Tuple\from_async( async { // client await $cw->writeAsync("Herp\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Derp\n"); await $cw->writeAsync("Foo\n"); $response = await $cr->readLineAsync(); expect($response)->toBeSame("Bar\n"); }, async { // server $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Herp\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Derp\n"); $request = await $sr->readLineAsync(); expect($request)->toBeSame("Foo\n"); await $sw->writeAsync("Bar\n"); }, );

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·ͱΊ • PSR-7ͷhhi͔Β࢝·ͬͨ • HackͷܕΛ׆༻͠࠷దԽ͞ΕͨInterface • ύΠϓϥΠϯͱॲཧʹ͍ͭͯߟ͑ͯΈΑ͏

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