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From Greenfield Dreams to Brownfield Realities: Navigating Platform Development Icons made by Freepik from Cat Morris Product Manager at Syntasso, the creators of Kratix

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Platforms are Brownfield

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“Brownfield development … describe[s] problem spaces needing the development and deployment of new software systems in the immediate presence of existing (legacy) software applications/systems.” Wikipedia

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Platforms are Emergent

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For Platforms, the way we think about MVPs needs to change

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Uh oh…

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… So what can we use instead?

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… So what can we use instead? Waterfall??

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… So what can we use instead? Waterfall??

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Time to butcher some Sciences 1. Prospect Theory 2. Endowment Effect 3. Trust Repair

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Kahneman & Tversky Prospect theory suggests that when faced with a risky choice leading to gains people are risk averse, preferring the certain outcome with a lower expected utility. Wikipedia

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People will accept the lesser, but certain experience of their existing processes over the uncertainty of your new Platform.

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A user can complete one job from beginning to end

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Build a sense of ownership of the new platform

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It has been proposed that “Repaired” trust is structurally different from previolation “pristine” trust and that no trust repair initiatives may ever fully restore trust to its original level

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Don’t break your users’ trust

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1. Focus on the jobs to be done

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1. Focus on the jobs to be done 2. Build a sense of ownership of the new platform

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1. Focus on the jobs to be done 2. Build a sense of ownership of the new platform 3. Don’t break users trust

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Thank you! [email protected] •