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Introduction to HBase Karthik Kumar

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Overview ● Background ● Data Model ● APIs ● Case Study ● Architecture

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What is HBase? ● A “sparse, distributed, consistent, multi-dimensional, sorted map” ● Column-oriented ● Based on Google’s BigTable (2006) ● Apache project

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Map ● At its core, HBase is just a mapping of keys to values key -> value

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Sorted ● Each cell is sorted lexicographically by key ○ Allows for range queries ■ (return all values with keys between k1...k5)

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Multi-dimensional ● Key is actually made up of several parts (rowkey, column family, column, version) -> value

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Sparse ● For a given row, we don’t store anything for null/empty values ● No data wasted for empty values

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Distributed ● Data stored in HBase can be spread over many machines and can store billions of cells, reliably ● Uses HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) ○ Provides protection against node failures

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Consistent ● HBase is strongly consistent ○ All changes within the same row are atomic ○ Reads always return the last written & committed value

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Data Model ● Table ○ Row ■ Column Family ● Column ○ Cell (value, timestamp) ● 1+ columns form a row ● 1+ rows form a table ● Each column can hold 1+ versions of a value

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Data Model - Table ● Clients store data in HBase tables ● Made up of several rows

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Data Model - Row ● Rows provide a logical grouping of cells ● Rows are sorted by key

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Data Model - Columns ● Columns are arbitrary labels for attributes of a row ● Does not need to be specified up front

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Data Model - Column Families ● Columns are grouped into column families ● Used to define storage attributes for columns (compression, # of versions etc).

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Data Model - Cells ● Each cell contains a value and a version (usually a timestamp

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Putting it all together (Table, RowKey, Family, Column, Timestamp) -> Value

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Canonical Example: Google WebTable

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HBase API ● HBase Shell: JRuby IRB-based shell ○ JRuby = Ruby over JVM ● REST queries (Stargate): Use curl requests ● Thrift: communication protocol used for RPC ● MapReduce: Create Mapper and Reducer that queries HBase ● Java, JRuby, HBql, Jython, Groovy, Scala: provide libraries that can talk to HBase

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CRUD Operations ● PUT hbase> put ‘table’, ‘rowkey’, ‘fam:col’, ‘value’, ‘ts’ ● GET hbase> get ‘table’, ‘rowkey’, {COLUMN => ‘col’, TIMESTAMP => ‘ts’, VERSIONS => 4} ● DELETE hbase> delete ‘table’, ‘rowkey’, ‘fam:col’ ● SCAN hbase> scan ‘table’, {COLUMNS => ['c1', 'c2'], LIMIT => 10, STARTROW => 'xyz'}

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HBase Case Study: NFL Play-by-play data ● We want to store every play for every game since 2002 ● Play by play is time-series data ● Use play number instead of timestamp ● Identify each game by gameid ● One column family with several columns for each attribute of play

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Sample data gameid,qtr,min,sec,off,def,down,togo,ydline,description,offscore,defscore,season

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Schema Design

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No content

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HBase Architecture Overview

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