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LibreOffice: The History (why "libre" is better than "open")

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When you come to a fork in the road, take it Yogi Berra First Thought

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Our Ten Years Heritage

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History of StarOffice 1984: Marco Börries, age 16, releases StarWriter for the Zilog Z80, the Amstrad CPC and the Commodore 64, then ported to the 8086-based Amstrad PC-1512 Later, the development of other two programs - Base and Draw - turned StarWriter into StarOffice 1.0, for DOS, IBM OS/2 and MS Windows StarOffice 3.0 offered StarWriter, StarCalc, StarDraw, StarImage and StarChart 1999: Sun Microsystems acquired the company, copyright and trademark of StarOffice

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History of July 19, 2000: Sun makes StarOffice source code available for download with the objective of creating an OSS development community and providing a free and open alternative to MS Office May 1st, 2002: 1.0 released with dual license SISSL (Sun Industry Standard SW License) and GNU LGPL October 20, 2005: OpenOffice 2.0 released with single license LGPL October 2008: OpenOffice 3.0 released

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OOo Lean in 2000

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OOo Fat in 2005

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OOo Conference Lyon 2006

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MS Office Foundation ?

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Breaking the Bell

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The First Supper Budapest, Sep 2, 2010

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your life does not get better by chance it gets better by CHANGE Change to Improve

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September 28, 2010

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Kübler-Ross Change Curve

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50 Reasons against Change

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Curve of Managed Change

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Copyleft License Free Software Ethos Fosters the Development Community Protects a Fair Contribution Environment

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Allows to grow the community based on collaboration Excellent for very hard technical problems where nobody can run alone Excellent for catching up to existing proprietary alternatives through sharing Allows to reuse a lot of existing code as well Great if you do not want proprietary forks Copyleft is Awesome

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OOo source code was used by several derivatives: Copyleft: Go-OO, OpenOffice Novell Edition, RedOffice, NeoOffice, OxygenOffice Professional and Jambo OpenOffice Other: IBM Symphony (released in 2007 based on the five years old SISSL - permissive - licensed OOo 1.1, and then on OOo 3.0 based on a contract with Sun which ignored the obligations of the LGPL) CopyLeft @ OOo: What History Says

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Copyleft vs Permissive Copyleft Volunteers Permissive Corporations

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No Contributor Agreement Drop CLA

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Meritocracy if you want something done DO IT you will lead and be recognized

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Community Governance

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Vendor Independence NO one can control more than 30% of the votes in any statutory body of TDF

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The Document Foundation was born TO PROMOTE free software TO PROMOTE SW user freedom TO PROMOTE document freedom TO PROMOTE open standards TO DEVELOP LibreOffice The Document Foundation

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TDF: Strong, Stable, Enduring Incorporated in Berlin as German Stiftung Provides the legal framework for the community work Membership element incorporated into legally binding statutes Collects donations, holds domain names, trademarks and other community assets Annual budget (2013): about 300.000 € excluding AB fees Administrative setup completed, all administrative work done by volunteers, no paid consultants

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Board of Directors MEMBERS Thorsten Behrens Florian Effenberger Olivier Hallot Caolán McNamara Michael Meeks Charles Schulz Italo Vignoli DEPUTIES Jesús Corrius Andreas Mantke Björn Michaelsen

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Membership Committee MEMBERS Sophie Gauthier Cor Nouws Eike Rathke Fridrich Štrba Jean Weber DEPUTIES Leif Lodahl Simon Phipps

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Engineering Steering Committee Ahmad H. Al-Harthi (MOTAH) Stefan Bergman (RedHat) René Engelhard (Debian) Joel Madero (independent) Mirek Mazel (independent) Lionel Elie Mamane (indep.) Eilidh McAdam (Lanedo) Caolán McNamara (RedHat) Michael Meeks (SUSE) Björn Michaelsen (Canonical) Petr Mladek (SUSE) Markus Mohrhard (indep.) David Tardon (RedHat) Norbert Thiebaud (indep.) Andras Timar (SUSE)

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Advisory Board John Sullivan, FSF Thomas Krumbein, FrODeV Jeremy Allison, Google Dirk Hohndel, Intel Martyn Russell, Lanedo Christian Schaller, RedHat Bdale Garbee, SPI Alan Clark, SUSE

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Affiliations OSI - Open Source Initiative OIN - Open Invention Network OASIS - Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

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Subverting the Paradigm

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Teams and Collaboration Users Development QA L10n Documentation Daily Build Beta/RC Build Last RC == Final Tinderbox TDF/Wiki GIT Bugzilla Pootle Mailing list IRC Marketing

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LibOCon Berlin 2012

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No content

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LibreOffice: Standard for GNU/Linux

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Developers: TDF Main Asset

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"Rules for Revolutionaries"

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Growth of New Code Committers Sep 10 Oct 10 Nov 10 Dec 10 Jan 11 Feb 11 Mar 11 Apr 11 May 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mar 12 Apr 12 May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Aug 12 Sep 12 Oct 12 Nov 12 Dec 12 Jan 13 Feb 13 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Cumulative Number of LibreOffice New Code Committers New Hackers Old Hackers

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"The Amazing Easy Hacks"

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Huge Mentoring Effort

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Pasta Hacking

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Number of Committers per Month Mar 11 Apr 11 May 11 Jun 11 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 Mar 12 Apr 12 May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12 Aug 12 Sep 12 Oct 12 Nov 12 Dec 12 Jan 13 Feb 13 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 LibreOffice Code Contributors per Month New Hackers Old Hackers 12 Month Average

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LibreOffice Code Contributors

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Balanced Developers Community Changesets by Company/Group September 2011 (inner) vs December 2012 (outer) Volunteers SUSE Red Hat OOo Code Canonical ALTA Lanedo Aentos KACST Collabora SIL TATA Apache OO Bobiciel IBM Nou & Off Munich CodeThink CodeWeavers Intel

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Diverse Developers Community (1) Active Developers by Affiliation September 2011 (inner) vs December 2012 (outer) Volunteers OOo Code SUSE KACST RedHat Lanedo AOO Volunteers Canonical Collabora IBM Munich SIL Aentos ALTA Bobiciel CodeThink CodeWeavers Intel Nou & Off TATA

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Diverse Developers Community (2) LibreOffice Developers with 100+ Commits Caolán McNamara (Red Hat) Tor Lillqvist (SUSE) Stephan Bergmann (RedHat) Michael Stahl (RedHat) David Tardon (RedHat) Kohei Yoshida (SUSE) Markus Mohrhard (Volunteer) Miklos Vajna (SUSE) Luboš Luňák (SUSE) Noel Grandin (Volunteer) Andras Timar (SUSE) Matúš Kukan (Volunteer) Norbert Thiebaud (Volunteer) Michael Meeks (SUSE) Rafael Dominguez (Volunteer) Eike Rathke (RedHat) Julien Nabet (Volunteer) Takeshi Abe (Volunteer) Fridrich Štrba (SUSE) Jan Holesovsky (SUSE) Cédric Bosdonnat (SUSE) Noel Power (SUSE) Ivan Timofeev (Volunteer) Thomas Arnhold (Volunteer) Peter Foley (Volunteer) Lionel Elie Mamane (Volunteer) Bjoern Michaelsen (Canonical) Artur Dorda (Volunteer) Andrzej J.R. Hunt (Volunteer) Xisco Fauli (Volunteer) David Ostrovsky (Volunteer) Thorsten Behrens (SUSE) Zolnai Tamás (Volunteer)

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Newest Member of the Project

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Manuals in Arabic Language

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346 active users in Pootle ( 112 languages in Pootle + 4 languages maintained outside of Pootle LibreOffice 4.0 has 109 UI languages, and help packs in 58 languages LibreOffice can be used in their native language by more than 4 billion people worldwide LibreOffice Localizations

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Development Process

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Gerrit Code Review

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Automated Tests Automated tests to prevent software problems The objective is to spot problems before they hit master Tests are integrated into the development strategy Small filter tests ensure that a fixed bug never regresses again Tests run whenever anybody builds LibreOffice and are executed on Tinderboxes too Nightly builds are available to execute tests on the newest version

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Torture Tests on Documents 3.4.0 3.5.0 3.6.0 4.0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Count of Types of GNUmake Enabled Unit Tests (each one runs a battery of tests)

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Ongoing Quality Process Background Development Tools Tinderboxes compile the code after each commit Hackers can check development problems in real time Tinderboxes upload dailies for QA activities Bibisect (Binary Bisect) help chasing regressions Multiple office installs in a small package allow to spot the commit that introduced the bug

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Bug Submission Assistant

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Bug Tracking & Management

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Test Marathons

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Removing Unused Methods

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Removing German Comments 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.0 0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 Detected Lines of German Comments

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Paying Down Substantial Technical Debt Reduced footprint of the software Undertaken long awaited code renovation Removed tens of thousands lines of dead code Removed deprecated libraries Translated many German comments to English Many other code renovation actions Completely new and substancially improved build system, making builds much easier Using 21st Century C++ constructs

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LibreOffice Release Roadmap

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Growth of Users Pinging for Updates 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 0 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000 12000000 14000000 16000000 18000000 20000000 22000000 LibreOffice New Unique IPs Pinging for Software Updates Daily (left) & Cumulative Number (right) since February 2012

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LibreOffice Estimated Value

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City of Munich loves LibreOffice After careful risk-assessment, the capital of Munich has decided to migrate from OpenOffice to LibreOffice. In favour of that decision, among others, was the greater flexibility of the project regarding consumption of open source licenses. Beyond that, Munich wants to rely on large and vibrant communities for any Open Source product it employs. Kirsten Böge, head of public relations

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MimO loves LibreOffice

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Limerick loves LibreOffice

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Las Palmas loves LibreOffice

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Chicago Public Library loves LibreOffice

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Regione Umbria loves LibreOffice

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LibreOffice New Features

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 New gradient / drop-shadow to highlight Writer pages

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Color and line styles for the columns and footnote separator lines

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Greek Characters mode for bullets and numbering

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Redesigned Move/Copy Sheet dialog

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Named range as the data source for Pivot Table

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Improved search toolbar opens by hitting Ctrl+F

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Adding and removing color charts

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Improve HTML export with an image thumbnail gallery of the slides on the contents page

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.4 Linux text-rendering improvements

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Better UI for Header and Footers handling

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 First ever built-in Grammar checker for English (and a few other languages...)

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 New Hinting on Linux Libertine G and Linux Biolinum G

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Multi Line input bar in Calc

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Unlimited conditional formatting

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Re-Designed Autofilter popup window

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Support embedding Palettes and other property list types (we could only embed palettes into Impress ODP thus far)

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Line chart smoothing upgraded to ODF1.2 standard

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 RTF import rewrite

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Import filter for MS Visio documents

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Import filter for MS Visio documents

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Import filter for MS Visio documents

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Toolbar improvements

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 The word count dialogue is now mode-less and updates as you type This feature is key for professional writers like journalists and translators

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Improved color picker

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.5 Importing PPTX SmartArt

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Added Word Count to status bar

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Support for contextual spacing

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Label / Business Card Wizard

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Improved CSV export

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Support field items in cells

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Allow Sorting from Autofilter popup window

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Quickly allow pasting only text, value, or formula from the context menu

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Support for color scales and data bars

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 More than 3 sort entries for data

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 10 new Impress Master Pages

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Corel import filter

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 PDF Export with Watermark option

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New Feature: LibreOffice 3.6 Rulers are now much cleaner and more light-weight

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Range Comments (sponsored by OSBA)

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Allow extra word boundary characters

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Allow different header and footer on the first page

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 RTF: Drawing Object Import 4.0

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 RTF: Improved eg. Formulae

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 DOCX: Ink Annotation Import

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Support of CMIS Protocol

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Microsoft Publisher Import

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Arbitrary XML → Spreadsheet

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Conditional Formatting Bars + Icons

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Stock Options Pricing Formulae

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Exporting of a single chart as image (PNG, JPG)

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Android Remote Control for Impress

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 New Template Selection UI

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 Style Previews in Drop Down Menu

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 New Widget Layout Technique

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.0 LibreOffice Personas (shared with Firefox)

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New Feature: LibreOffice 4.1 Font Embedding in ODF Documents ODF Contents (ODP)

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Open Document Format ISO/IEC Standard 26300 Driven and maintained by OASIS Implemented to the latest version Recognized by many governments

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Hybrid PDF Format Standard ODF Format embedded in a Standard PDF Format

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Navigating the Project

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Global Mailing List [email protected] - announces [email protected] - discussions [email protected] - project coordination [email protected] - users [email protected] - localization [email protected] - documentation [email protected] - marketing [email protected] - design [email protected] - certification

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Development #libreoffice-dev on freenode

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Quality Assurance #libreoffice-dev on freenode

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Resources for Documentation

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Documentation Workflow

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Design and User Interface [email protected] [email protected]

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Growing the Ecosystem Educating enterprises about getting professional support for LibreOffice Certification program, to allow community members to add value and make money with LibreOffice Help migrations from MS Office to LibreOffice, based on professional support

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Certification Program

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People who live in the past generally are afraid to compete in the present. I've got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them. There's no future in it. Sparky Anderson Last Thought

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Credits Thanks: to the LibreOffice community at large to Michael Meeks for statistics about developers and development to Joel Madero for coordinating QA and providing QA statistics to Marc Parè for many screenshots of new features to all other developers and volunteers which I do not remember but have provided additional information

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[email protected] skype italovignoli - gtalk [email protected]