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雲端組態佈署自動化 SaltStack Cheng-Lung Sung (clsung@)

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Worked at Cloud Service Infrastructure, Studio Engineering, HTC

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Funfit -樂動趣

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Working at Tensorflow/CSI, HealthCare, HTC

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Tricorder Ref:

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Are you Dev, Ops, or DevOps?

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“DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support.” -

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DevOps: Infrastructure as Code

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DevOps guideline ● Elements ○ Automated ○ Idempotent, also implies ○ Repeatable ● Avoid SPOF (single point of failure) ● Release fast, release often ○ Testing ○ Continuous Integration ○ Continuous Deployment

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What is SaltStack ● Remote execution framework ● Configuration management and orchestration system ● Cloud Provisioning tool ● Written in Python ● Communicate with 0MQ ○ Port: 4505, 4506

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What we will not talk about ● Comparison with CM friends ○ Ansible (Python) ○ Chef (Ruby) ○ Puppet (Ruby) ● Comparison with Container-related tools ○ Docker, rxt ○ Kubernetes, Docker-swarm, Mesos ● Some salts ○ Salt-proxy, Salt Orchestration, Salt Virt, Salt Runner ○ RAEF Transport (replacement of ZMQ) ○ Thorium (new Salt Reactor)

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Why I choose Saltstack

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Why I choose Saltstack ● Written in Python(!) ● Been using Ansible since in 2014~ ○ Always find difficulty in using playbooks ● Also tried Saltstack in 2014 ○ Most modules are already Ansibled ■ “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” ● New project in 2016 ○ From scratch, bootstrapping…. ○ Faster than Ansible (thanks to ZeroMQ)

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Why I choose Saltstack

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Saltstack Introduction

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Saltstack is a remote execution framework ● Master/Agent ○ Master commands agents (minions) ● Communication: ○ Publisher (port 4505) ○ ReqServer (port 4506) ● Secure ○ Salt Minion key authentication ○ Communication is ■ AES-encrypted ■ CBC - 192 bits (why 192 instead of 256?) ● Access Control

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Saltstack Installation ● Fetch the latest script ○ % curl -L -o ● Salt-master (Master/Agent) ○ % sh -P -M ● Salt-minion (Master/Agent, Masterless) ○ % sh -P ● Salt-syndic (Master/Agent) ○ % sh -P -M -S ● Salt-ssh (Agentless) ○ % # noop

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Salt commands ● salt-[master|minion|syndic] ● salt-key ● salt-cloud ● salt ● salt-ssh (agentless) ● salt-run ● salt-call ● salt-proxy

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Remote Execution

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● Package installation ○ % salt '*' pkg.install nginx ○ % salt '*' service.start nginx ● Direct command ○ % salt '*' 'whoami' ● States ○ % salt '*' state.apply ○ % salt '*' state.apply mosh ● Modules ○ % salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar Salt root@master:~$ salt

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Salt-Call ● Run module functions locally ○ Instead remote executed from the master ● Created for debug/troubleshooting/testing % salt-call state.highstate test=True % salt-call state.sls test=True % salt-call state.show_sls ● Also known as masterless minion (Standalone)

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Salt Masterless ● Modify /etc/salt/minion ○ file_client: local ● Specify in CLI ○ ‘--local’ with salt-call % salt-call --local state.apply ● Always can be test % salt-call --local state.apply test=True

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Salt-SSH ● Agentless ○ Do not require a daemon (minion) process ● Roster file: salt22: host: csi-salt2 user: csiuser ● Remote execution via ssh

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Salt-Cloud ● Provision systems on cloud providers, hypervisors

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Salt-Cloud (AWS) ec2-us-west-2-public: minion: master: ip-172-31-30-32 id: 'AWS id' key: 'AWS key+iIP21RaHNBq1DOMaQMkOAgF' private_key: /etc/salt/secret keyname: csiuser-dl-oregon ssh_interface: public_ips securitygroup: security location: us-west-2 iam_profile: arn:iam_role driver: ec2 del_root_vol_on_destroy: True del_all_vols_on_destroy: True rename_on_destroy: True % salt-cloud -p gpu gpuwork1 % salt-cloud -d gpuwork1 gpu: image: ami-d732f0b7 size: g2.2xlarge location: us-west-2 network: default grains: role: gpu tags: {'Environment', 'dev'} del_root_vol_on_destroy: True block_device_mappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs.VolumeSize: 120 Ebs.VolumeType: gp2 del_all_vol_on_destroy: True ssh_username: ubuntu make_master: False sync_after_install: grains provider: ec2-us-west-2-public

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Salt-Syndic ● Also need salt-master ○ And salt-syndic ● (optionally) ○ salt-minion ● Relay command from ○ salt-master to salt-syndic’s salt-master ● Aggregate result from ○ salt-minion(s) to salt-master

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Configuration Management

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Configuration / Resource Management tools ● Master/Agent v.s. Standalone ● Standalone: ○ Small / simple deployments ○ Dev / Testing ● Master/Agent ○ Large / complicated deployments ○ Centralization ○ Parallel operations ● Agentless ○ Security concern?

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SaLt State (SLS)

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Salt SLS structure Ref:

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State file format Ref:

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State formula execution order To describe: salt '*' state.show_sls sls1[,sls2,...]

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State External formulas (contrib) ● Pre-written salt states ○ Mostly: ● Added as GitFS Remote ○ In /etc/salt/master gitfs_remotes: - ● Added manually ○ Clone in /salt/formulas (also specified in file_root) file_roots: base: - /srv/salt - /srv/formulas/datadog-formula - /srv/formulas/etcd-formula - /srv/formulas/docker-formula

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Grains ● Static information ○ At least not manually changed % salt '*' % salt '*' grains.items ● Distinguishable in top.sls base: 'consul*': - consul 'role:nogpu': - match: grain - mxnet.no_gpu 'role:gpu': - match: grain - mxnet.with_gpu - torch

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Pillar example: consul.sls consul: service: true url: # for master config: retry_interval: 15s {% if salt['grains.get']('ip4_interfaces:eth0', None) %} bind_addr: {{ grains['ip4_interfaces']['eth0'][0] }} {% endif %} start_join: ["", "", ""] {% if grains['id'].startswith('consul')%} client_addr: "" acl_down_policy: "extend-cache" {% if grains['id'] == 'consulone'%} bootstrap: true {% else %} bootstrap: false {% endif %} server: true {% endif %} datacenter: "main" ui: true enable_syslog: true encrypt: "keyencrypted" log_level: info data_dir: /var/consul

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Service Discovery

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Event and Reactor

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Event salt-run state.event pretty=True

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Reactor ● /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf reactor: # Salt master config section "reactor" - 'salt/minion/*/start': # Match tag "salt/minion/*/start" - /srv/reactor/start.sls # Things to do when a minion starts - 'salt/cloud/*/cache_node_new: # Match tag “salt/cloud/*/cache_node_new” - /srv/reactor/autoscale.sls # Things to check if auto scale required - 'csi/grape/metric/gpu': # React to gpu events - salt://reactor/grape_gpu.sls # what states to apply ● /srv/reactor/start.sls {% if salt['grains.has_value']('ec2_tags') %} update_ec2_name: - name: /opt/ - require: - file: /opt/ {% endif %}

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Event and Reactor

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Beacons Ref:

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Beacons - fire events to reactor ● /etc/salt/master.d/beacons.conf beacons: inotify: /csi/specific.log: mask: - modify /csi/log: mask: - open - create auto_add: True disable_during_state_run: True load: 5m: - 0.0 - 9.0 onchangeonly: True ● Modules to ○ File system changes ○ System load ○ Service status ○ Shell activity, (e.g. login) ○ Network and disk usage

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Event and Reactor beacons

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Salt Development and Testing

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“Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.” -

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Testing Salt with Vagrant ● Fast local testing ● Provision VMs ● Disposable environment ● Built-in Salt provisioner ● Private/Public Network # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure("2”) do |config| = "bash -c 'BASH_ENV=/etc/profile exec bash'" = "ubuntu/precise64" "public_network", :bridge => "eth0" # "private_network", :ip => "" config.vm.hostname = "dev_walker1" config.vm.synced_folder "/srv/sls/", "/srv/" config.vm.provision :salt do |salt| salt.pillar({"is_vagrant" => true}) salt.minion_config = "salt/minion" salt.colorize = true salt.run_highstate = true end end

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Testing Salt with Docker ● Fast local testing ● Focus on Salt states ● Disposable environment ● Masterless FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER Cheng-Lung Sung RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common && add-apt-repository -y ppa:saltstack/salt RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install salt-minion RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* VOLUME ["/etc/salt", "/srv/salt", "/srv/pillar", "/srv/formulas"] CMD salt-call --local state.apply % docker build -t test_docker % docker run --rm -ti -v /path/to/etc/salt:/etc/salt \ -v /path/to/salt:/srv/salt \ -v /path/to/pillar:/srv/pillar \ -v /path/to/formulas:/srv/formulas \ test_docker

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Discussion (My Salt ongoing list) ● AutoScaling ○ Use Reactor ■ ● Continuous Deployment ○ Salt-API ○ Canary or BlueGreen Deployment ● Monitoring system ○ Dashboard ○ Alert

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Thank you! And Q & A