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Introduction of the Facebook’s Fresco CyberAgent, Inc. ߱໼ େ஍

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About Me wasabeef @wasabeef_jp

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About Fresco • Image Manager • Streaming • Animations • Drawing • Loading

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Quick Start

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Adding Fresco to your Project dependencies { // your app's other dependencies compile 'com.facebook.fresco:fresco:0.2.0+' }

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Adding Fresco to your Project public class MainApplication extends Application { ! @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Fresco.initialize(this); } }

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Adding Fresco to your Project ! !

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Adding Fresco to your Project public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { ! @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ! SimpleDraweeView drawee = (SimpleDraweeView) findViewById(; ! Uri uri = Uri.parse(“"); drawee.setImageURI(uri); } }

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Concepts • DraweeView • DraweeHierarchy • DraweeController • The Image Pipeline

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Drawee Guide

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Using Drawees in XML

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Animated Images • Fresco supports animated GIF and WebP images. • Control of animation

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Resizing and Rotating public class ResizeOptions { public final int width; public final int height; ! public ResizeOptions(int width, int height) { /** **/ } }

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Listening to Download Events public interface ControllerListener { void onSubmit(String var1, Object var2); ! void onFinalImageSet(String var1, INFO var2, Animatable var3); ! void onIntermediateImageSet(String var1, INFO var2); ! void onIntermediateImageFailed(String var1, Throwable var2); ! void onFailure(String var1, Throwable var2); ! void onRelease(String var1); }

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Modifying the Image public interface Postprocessor { void process(Bitmap var1); ! String getName(); } public interface Postprocessor { ! void process(Bitmap var1); ! String getName(); }

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Image Pipeline Guide

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Modifying the Image public interface Postprocessor { void process(Bitmap var1); ! String getName(); }

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Configuring the Image Pipeline • Progressive JPEGs • Configuring the disk cache • Keeping cache stats

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Third Party Libraries

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Using Other Network Layers public interface Postprocessor { void process(Bitmap var1); ! String getName(); } dependencies { // your app's other dependencies compile ‘com.facebook.fresco:fresco:0.2.0+’ compile ‘com.facebook.fresco:imagepipeline-okhttp:0.2.0+' }

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Using Other Image Loaders public interface Postprocessor { void process(Bitmap var1); ! String getName(); } dependencies { // your app's other dependencies compile ‘com.facebook.fresco:fresco:0.2.0+’ compile ‘com.facebook.fresco:drawee-volley:0.2.0+' }

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