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“It’s not you, It’s me”

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How to avoid being coupled with a Javascript framework.

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Even if you loved it. Even if it was the right one.

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Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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About me... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Jr. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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About me... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Jr. Javascript Pervert Roberto Felter Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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About me... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Jr. Javascript Pervert Roberto Felter Marco.. who? basically anyone else Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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Actually I am: a Frontend Developer at Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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Actually I am: a Frontend Developer at Conference organizer with From The Front Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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Actually I am: a Frontend Developer at Conference organizer with From The Front and a javascript pervert Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax

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General Purpose Frameworks

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LOVE FACT #1 Love is a given, hatred is acquired. Doug Horton

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Definition frame·work n. A structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used as the basis for something being constructed. gen·er·al-pur·pose adj. Designed for or suitable to more than one use; broadly useful.

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A little history

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Once upon a time code snippet “dhtml” if (document.all)

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Why did they get so popular? DOM access Cross browser implementation Shorthands Community support

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1. Community Support

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Let’s Fight -

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Slide 28 text - Where’s your community now?

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2. Updating is a mess

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Long life cycle websites General purpose framework may seem the right solution to handle complexity - -

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Long life cycle websites General purpose framework may seem the right solution to handle complexity New browser, new framework version - -

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Long life cycle websites General purpose framework may seem the right solution to handle complexity New browser, new framework version How many patches did you make in your framework over years? - -

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Short life cycle websites Counterintuitively situation is even worse -

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Short life cycle websites Counterintuitively situation is even worse Less analysis and foresight -

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Short life cycle websites Counterintuitively situation is even worse Less analysis and foresight Did you make any patch in your framework over years? -

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Our job is evolving

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It's the browser, baby

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It's the browser, baby

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Some frameworks are just not built for maintainability

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Some frameworks are just not built for simplicity

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Some frameworks are just not built for love

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3. Code Portability

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case study Own scripts built on a known framework - -

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case study Own scripts built on a known framework Brand new website with responsive design - -

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case study Own scripts built on a known framework Brand new website with responsive design same old bloat code over 3g? - -

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$LAB .script("jquery.js").wait() .script("scripts.js"); $LAB .script("xui.js").wait() .script("scripts.js"); Desktop Mobile

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$LAB .script("jquery.js").wait() .script("scripts.js"); $LAB .script("xui.js").wait() .script("scripts.js"); Desktop Mobile

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It's the browser, baby

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and the devices

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and the devices

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We need our code to be PORTABLE

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We need our code to be PORTABLE but how?

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Go Vanilla

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LOVE FACT #2 What is known as a French Kiss in the English speaking world is called an English Kiss in France.

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_.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });

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_.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });

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_.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });

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_.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });

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$.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] });

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for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] });

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for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] });

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operations per second (higher is better)

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yes, but...

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you should

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operations per second (higher is better)

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operations per second (higher is better)

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for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] }; var i = 0; while (i < items.length) { [...] i++; };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] }; var i = 0; while (i < items.length) { [...] i++; };

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for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] }; var i = 0; while (i < items.length) { [...] i++; }; //and counting ->

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items.forEach(function(item, i) { [...] });

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items.forEach(function(item, i) { [...] });

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Vanilla loop PROS Lots of flavors Performance benefits CONS mmm...

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wait, what? too many characters??

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Zip It!

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...and minify

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Yeah, baby, yeah

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Context Binding

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var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;

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var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;

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var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;

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var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;

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var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;

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conf.clicked.bind(conf) conf.clicked.createDelegate(conf); $.proxy(conf.clicked, conf); conf.clicked.bind(conf)

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conf.clicked.bind(conf) conf.clicked.createDelegate(conf); $.proxy(conf.clicked, conf); conf.clicked.bind(conf)

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conf.clicked.bind(conf) conf.clicked.createDelegate(conf); $.proxy(conf.clicked, conf); conf.clicked.bind(conf)

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myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments); } })(conf);

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myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments); } })(conf);

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myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments); } })(conf);

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myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments); } })(conf);

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myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments); } })(conf);

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myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments); } })(conf);

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argh, my eyes are bleeding..

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; }

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; }

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; }

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; }

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; }

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { return function() { func.apply(context, arguments); }; } myElm.onclick = $.proxy(conf.clicked, conf); myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf); return function() { return func.apply(context, arguments); };

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf); $.proxy(func, context);

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Design Patterns

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Wrapper Pattern

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf); $.proxy(func, context);

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf); $.proxy(func, context);

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MyNS.bind = function(func, context) { } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf); $.proxy(func, context);

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Slide 117 text Wrapper Pattern

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Slide 118 text sorry I should have said “NSFW” and, moreover...

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Slide 119 text sorry I should have said “NSFW” and, moreover...

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var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};

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var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};

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var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};

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var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};

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var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};

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var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};

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_.extend(default, config); Ext.apply(default, config); $.extend(default, config); Object.extend(default, config);

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_.extend(default, config); Ext.apply(default, config); $.extend(default, config); Object.extend(default, config);

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_.extend(default, config); Ext.apply(default, config); $.extend(default, config); Object.extend(default, config);

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } $.extend(default, config);

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } $.extend(default, config);

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } Ext.apply(default, config);

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } _.extend(default, config);

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } Object.extend(default, config);

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Wasn’t it bad to delegate?

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); $.extend(default, config);

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MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { return } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); $.extend(default, config);

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Deeply into it

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/warn.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/warn.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/warn.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/warn.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/warn.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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Event Driven Design

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MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ [...] } MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });

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MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); }); Advantages

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MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); }); Advantages Semantic

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MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); }); Advantages Semantic More Flexible

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Advantages Unpluggable

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almost decoupled

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What about ... ?

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a real world example

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From The Front

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Not only the conference

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basically a lot of stuff

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basically a lot of stuff @sid05 @verlok @aureliari @lucasalvini

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cross site menu

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Goals modify a single file to update menu do not depend on website implementation do not interfere with website implementation

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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AJAX: MicroAjax 0.4kB DOM: TinyDOM 0.4kB DOMEvents: Vine 0.8kB OUR CODE: microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); }); SIZE: 1.8kB

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microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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microAjax("static/nav.html", function (res) { $.prependBody(res); vine.bind("ftf_xsite_sel", "change", function(e){ var s = $.id("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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FTF.ajax("static/nav.html", { success: function (res) { FTF.dom.prependBody(res); FTF.evt.bind("ftf_xsite", "change", function(e){ var s = FTF("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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FTF.ajax("static/nav.html", { success: function (res) { FTF.dom.prependBody(res); FTF.evt.bind("ftf_xsite", "change", function(e){ var s = FTF("ftf_xsite"); var href = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; if (href) { document.location.href = href; } }); });

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Actually decoupled

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Ain’t that bad

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LOVE FACT #3 2 out of 5 people marry their first love.

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You may want a silver bullet

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Do you really need it?

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Work to decouple your FOUNDATION CODE

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Work to decouple your FOUNDATION CODE AND TEST IT!

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Let your UI rely on a framework

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Advantages of this approach

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Portability & Maintainability -

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Build own architecture

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Improve javascript skills

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Mobile $LAB .script("xui.js").wait() .script("") .script("scripts.js") $LAB .script("jquery.js").wait() .script("lightbox.jquery.js") .script("layer.desktop.js") .script("scripts.js"); Desktop

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the whole point is

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play with javascript BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT

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play with javascript discover your own project needs BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT

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play with javascript discover your own project needs BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT

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play with javascript discover your own project needs BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT let github be your playground

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play with javascript discover your own project needs BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT let github be your playground javascript is fun

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play with javascript discover your own project needs BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT let github be your playground javascript is fun javascript is lovable

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play with javascript discover your own project needs BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT let github be your playground javascript is fun javascript is lovable but you also need to...

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know when to stop

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Slide 213 text @cedmax your framework —