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Memories of a remote and lonely Android developer

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When considering a new job, 53.3% said remote options were a top priority

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A majority of developers 63.9% reported working remotely at least one day a month

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11.1% say they’re full-time remote or almost all the time

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What does remote mean?

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A bad writer could turn a 2-minute chat into a 10-minute chat “ - Nick Francis CEO Help Scout

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Hours 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 Android Studio Slack Inbox 1 2.5 3 4 8 22 1 3 2 3 6 25 March February

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Your main goal is to ship a product

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Your main goal is to ship a product

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7 stages of naming

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helpscout api app database

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app common data domain injection

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domain conversations folders mailboxes session search settings

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mailboxes model usecases view MailboxesMVP MailboxesPresenter

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Static analysis

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Static analysis apply plugin: '' // wrapper task to run all static code analysis task staticAnalysis { description 'Runs checkstyle, findbugs and pmd against the main sources.' group 'Verification' } def sourceSetMain = def rulesDir = new File(project.teamPropsDir, 'rules') def ignoreFail = !project.failFastOnError def includeSrcPatternApplication = 'net/helpscout/**/*.java' def excludeSrcPatternClass = 'net/helpscout/android/**/' def excludeSrcPatternGeneratedFiles = '**/gen/**' def excludeSrcDagger = 'net/helpscout/android/injection*.java'

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Static analysis apply plugin: '' // wrapper task to run all static code analysis task staticAnalysis { description 'Runs checkstyle, findbugs and pmd against the main sources.' group 'Verification' } def sourceSetMain = def rulesDir = new File(project.teamPropsDir, 'rules') def ignoreFail = !project.failFastOnError def includeSrcPatternApplication = 'net/helpscout/**/*.java' def excludeSrcPatternClass = 'net/helpscout/android/**/' def excludeSrcPatternGeneratedFiles = '**/gen/**' def excludeSrcDagger = 'net/helpscout/android/injection*.java'

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Static analysis apply plugin: '' // wrapper task to run all static code analysis task staticAnalysis { description 'Runs checkstyle, findbugs and pmd against the main sources.' group 'Verification' } def sourceSetMain = def rulesDir = new File(project.teamPropsDir, 'rules') def ignoreFail = !project.failFastOnError def includeSrcPatternApplication = 'net/helpscout/**/*.java' def excludeSrcPatternClass = 'net/helpscout/android/**/' def excludeSrcPatternGeneratedFiles = '**/gen/**' def excludeSrcDagger = 'net/helpscout/android/injection*.java'

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Static analysis apply plugin: 'checkstyle' task checkstyleMain(type: Checkstyle) { ... } staticAnalysis.dependsOn checkstyleMain task verifyNoCheckstyleWarnings { doLast { File warningsFile = file(‘buildMessage/reports/ checkstyle/main.xml') if (warningsFile.exists() && warningsFile.text.contains("

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Static analysis apply plugin: 'checkstyle' task checkstyleMain(type: Checkstyle) { ... } staticAnalysis.dependsOn checkstyleMain task verifyNoCheckstyleWarnings { doLast { File warningsFile = file(‘buildMessage/reports/ checkstyle/main.xml') if (warningsFile.exists() && warningsFile.text.contains("

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Static analysis apply plugin: 'checkstyle' task checkstyleMain(type: Checkstyle) { ... } staticAnalysis.dependsOn checkstyleMain task verifyNoCheckstyleWarnings { doLast { File warningsFile = file(‘buildMessage/reports/ checkstyle/main.xml') if (warningsFile.exists() && warningsFile.text.contains("

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The process

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Who is going to review my code?

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Who is going to review my code?

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Page heading Open Pull Request !rst, the old way

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Pull Requests now

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Pull Requests now

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The planning

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Github integration in Android Studio

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Release process

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The pipeline

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Amazon Device Farm and Jenkins

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Travis before_install: - chmod +x team-props/firebase/ - chmod +x team-props/firebase/ - chmod +x team-props/release/ script: - ./gradlew clean build - team-props/firebase/ - team-props/release/ - team-props/firebase/

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Firebase Test Lab #!/bin/bash # Use gcloud from Google to run Espresso tests # on Firebase Test Lab BRANCH='master'; ACCOUNT=''; FILE='./team-props/firebase/google_cloud_secret.json'; if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then echo "Skipping tests on Firebase: was pull request." elif [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "$BRANCH" ]; then echo "Skipping tests on Firebase: wrong branch. Expected '$BRANCH' but was '$TRAVIS_BRANCH'." else echo "Starting tests on Firebase"

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Firebase Test Lab ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud auth activate-service- account $ACCOUNT --key-file $FILE ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud beta test android run -- async --type instrumentation --app ./app/build/outputs/ apk/app-debug.apk --test ./app/build/outputs/apk/app- debug-androidTest.apk --device-ids Nexus5 --os-version-ids 22 --project help-scout

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Publish to Alpha / Beta apply plugin: '' def playstoreServiceAccount = System.env.PLAYSTORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT def playstorePk12File = System.env.PLAYSTORE_PK12_FILE if (playstoreServiceAccount && playstorePk12File) { play { track = 'beta' serviceAccountEmail = playstoreServiceAccount pk12File = rootProject.file(playstorePk12File) } } project.afterEvaluate { def publishApkRelease = project.tasks.getByName("publishApkRelease") def incrementVersionForRelease = project.tasks.getByName("incrementVersionForRelease") publishApkRelease.dependsOn incrementVersionForRelease

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Publish to Alpha / Beta #!/bin/bash # Use Google Play plugin to release an app version to the Alpha Channel BRANCH='master'; GRADLE_TASK='publishProductionRelease'; if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then echo "Skipping release on Google Play: was pull request." elif [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "$BRANCH" ]; then echo "Skipping release on Google Play: wrong branch. Expected '$BRANCH' but was '$TRAVIS_BRANCH'." else echo "Starting release on Google Play" ./gradlew $GRADLE_TASK echo "APK upload to Google Play complete" fi

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Publish to Alpha / Beta

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Publish to Alpha / Beta

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Thank you! David González @dggonzalez [email protected]

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Remote: Office not required (book) - 1 Resources What We’ve Learned Building a Remote Culture - Why I Stopped Using Multiple Monitors - The source of all technical debt - Good naming is a process, not a single step - Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2017 -