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The Tao of the React Component Props vs State

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What is a React Component? • Basically, a function that transforms data into HTML. • The same data always renders the same HTML. * By data, we mean props and state. * By HTML, we mean a Virtual DOM node.

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MyComponent = React.createClass({ contextTypes: { previousURL: React.PropTypes.string }, propTypes: { expanded: React.PropTypes.bool }, getDefaultProps: function() { return {expanded: false}; }, componentWillReceiveProps: function(props) { if(props.expanded) this.setState({url: this.context.previousURL}); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) { return nextProps.expanded !== this.props.expanded; }, render: function() { return ( A link ); } });

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MyComponent = function(props, state) { return ( A link ); };

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What is a React Component? • A React Component is also a state machine • Update a component’s state by calling setState() • Or by calling setProps() (on the top component only)

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What are props? • Arguments to the Component render function • Props come from outside the Component

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var Tab = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
); } }); var active = false; (function renderTab() { React.render( Hello, World! , document.body ); active = !active; }());

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What is State? • Also used in the Component render function • State is isolated inside the Component • State persists between renders

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var Tab = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {active: false}; }, handleClick: function() { this.setState({active: !}); }, render: function() { return (
); } }); (function renderTab() { React.render(Hello, World!, document.body); }());

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So, when do you use props vs. state?

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So, maybe you should primarily use state? Components are about encapsulation

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So, maybe you should primarily use props! Components are about composition

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So, when do you use props vs. state?

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Unless you need to use state Always use props

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Interactive Props • Some components are affected by user interactions • Since props are immutable, interactions that change the component must either be handled by the parent component, or translated to state

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React Form Components React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {value: 'Hello!'}; }, handleChange: function(event) { this.setState({value:}); }, render: function() { return ( ); } });

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Controlled Components • Values provided as props • Changes always come from above in the form of new props

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var Tab = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (
); } }); var active = false; (function renderTab() { React.render( Hello, World! , document.body ); active = !active; }());

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Uncontrolled Components • Values maintained in state • parent components might pass in callbacks to be notified of changes

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var Tab = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {active: false}; }, handleClick: function() { this.setState({active: !}); }, render: function() { return (
); } }); (function renderTab() { React.render(Hello, World!, document.body); }());

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The best of both worlds: Controllables • An interactive component needs to maintain its own state • But sometimes it needs to yield control • Like React’s Form Components with interactive props •

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var Tab = React.createClass({ mixins: [ControllablesMixin], controllables: ['active'], getDefaultProps: function() {return {defaultActive: false};}, handleClick: function(event) { if (this.props.onClick) this.props.onClick(event); this.setState({active: !}); }, render: function() { return (
); } }); (function renderTabs(active) { React.render(
Hello, World!, Goodbye, World!,
, document.body); }());

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Finally, a word about PropTypes • Props are your Component API • Validate usage of your Component • Document usage of your Component

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var Tab = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Tab', propTypes: { active: React.PropTypes.bool, onClick: React.PropTypes.func }, render: function() { return (
); } });

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More words about PropTypes • React provides the most common PropTypes under React.PropTypes • Custom PropTypes are possible, but sometimes it’s a bit tricky to fully emulate what the builtin types do • •

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