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Product Experimentation Workshop Workshop Kickoff + Overview

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Hands-On Case Study: Existing Experiment Today’s Agenda Introductions + Getting Started 1 2 2 Hands-On Lab: Creating An Experiment 3 What’s Possible When Experimentation is Built-In? 4 AMA with Split Data Scientist Lizzie Eardley 5

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Introductions Dave Karow Continuous Delivery Evangelist 3 Henry Jewkes Experimentation Architect Lizzie Eardley Data Scientist + Experimentation PM

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Workshop Housekeeping 4 Diving in together

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Zoom Etiquette ● Mute your microphone when not speaking ● Make sure your name is displayed as your Zoom username ● Questions and comments are encouraged, we’ll stop often, but feel free to raise a hand in Zoom, DM an instructor or assistant, or simply speak up! 5

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Get ready ● Follow along in Zoom 6

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Get ready ● Follow along in Zoom ● Review steps in the handout 7

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Get ready ● Follow along in Zoom ● Review steps in the handout ● Ask questions in Slack or Zoom 8

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Get ready ● Follow along in Zoom ● Review steps in the handout ● Ask questions in Slack or Zoom ● Use Zoom reactions 9

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Get ready ● Follow along in Zoom ● Review steps in the handout ● Ask questions in Slack or Zoom ● Use Zoom reactions ● Before the second Hands-On session, find your personal lab credentials in Slack 10 workshop+demoorg-***

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Let’s Get Started! 11

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Why We Need Experimentation 12 New Release Metrics Change “Can’t we just change things and monitor what happens?”

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Problem: Separating Signal From Noise 13 New Release Metrics Change Everything else in the world ● Product changes ● Marketing campaigns ● Global Pandemics ● Nice Weather

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Solution: Cancel Out External Influence With Experimentation (Think noise cancelling headphones, but for your metrics) 14 Control Treatment 50% 50%

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Hands-On Case Study Session 15 Hotel Booking Travel Site

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Agenda ▶ Scenario Set-Up ▶ Your Role and Current Focus ▶ One of Your Experiments ▶ Hands-On Tour ▶ Your Website: Split Reservations ▶ Split: Your Experiment ▶ Split: Metrics and Events ▶ Debrief 16

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Scenario Setup ▶ Your Role as PM, Bookings: ▶ Grow User Engagement and Revenue ▶ Your Current Focus: ▶ Bookings Per User ▶ Bookings Per Platinum User ▶ Average Price Paid Per User 17

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One of Your Experiments What If We Show More Info By Default? 18

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Let’s Find Out! 19 Time To Go Hands-On

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Open Two Browser Tabs: 20

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1. Log Out of Split (if currently logged in) 21 Login Page: Email: Password: Sunflower1! 2. Log in to Split as:

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Events ▶ Event = evidence of user behavior or system response ▶ Not always a user action: could be a system response too: ▶ Errors ▶ Response time ▶ Number of rows returned ▶ Something a user did or experienced along their journey ▶ Ideally, you already have event telemetry. ▶ If so, Split let’s you harvest it. ▶ If you need to capture new events, you can create them via our SDK or API 22

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Back to Split 23 Let’s look At An Event

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Debrief 24 What You Saw

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Case Study Debrief 1/2 ▶ What You Saw ▶ Split: a feature flag in your code, gatekeeping code execution flow into to one or more treatments (i.e. code paths) ▶ Targeting rules: the per-split rules which determine which treatment a user is routed to at runtime ▶ Events: collected data points containing evidence of user behaviors or system responses. inspect/debug them with live tail ▶ Metrics Definition: the formula for deriving a metric from a series of events ▶ Metrics impact: the per-split dashboard showing the statistically significant differences in user and system behavior between treatments ▶ Metrics Trends + Details: a “drill-down” into the details behind a single metric on a split’s dashboard 25

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Case Study Debrief 2/2 ▶ The Data Attribution Model Behind What You Saw ▶ An Impression is the record of a Treatment being served to a specific user (who got what treatment, when, and why). ▶ The user got that Impression because they passed through a Split which routed them to a specific Treatment using Targeting rules. ▶ An Event is a data point containing evidence of a user behavior or system response at a point in time. Events are not specific to one Split… they, like Metrics, are global and automatically calculated for every Split. ▶ A Metric is calculated per user*, based on Impressions and Events seen for that user, using the formula constructed in a Metric Definition. ▶ Metrics Impact is the statistical result of the comparing the distributions of Metric values across different Treatments in a Split *Per User, per Account or per any other Traffic Type 26

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27 Your App Targeting Rules Feature Flags and Targeting Data Layer & Analytics Management Console SDK User Attributes (age, account balance) Visual Debrief: Targeting

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28 Your App SDK Feature Flags and Targeting Data Layer & Analytics Management Console Visual Debrief: Impressions Impression Data ● Traffic Key (UUID, account ID, etc) ● Split name ● Version (Treatment) of split ● Rule used ● Timestamp Impression Data

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29 Your App SDK Feature Flags and Targeting Data Layer & Analytics Management Console Visual Debrief: Events SDK Feature Flags and Targeting Data Layer & Analytics Management Console Event Data ● Via SDK, Split API, or packaged integration ○ Traffic Key ○ Event Type ○ Properties

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30 Visual Debrief: Metrics impact (Attribution) Impressions + Metrics ⇓ Attribution Impression Events Metric Events

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Hands-On Experiment Lab Onboarding Metrics

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Log Out from the Case Study 32

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Log in to Lab 33 ● ● Credentials shared in Slack ● Message us if you need help ○ Missing credentials ○ Failed login ○ Loading spinner

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Break Time Hands-On Lab is Next!

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35 Let’s run an experiment! Our travel site has a problem with onboarding

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Problem ▶ Losing customers during the onboarding process ▶ Customer feedback is that it takes too long ▶ Internally, we need more visibility 36

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Current Onboarding Searching Trip Planning Comparisons History report 37

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Current Onboarding Searching Trip Planning Comparisons History report 38

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Removed ● Travel history report ○ Showed where you have visited ○ Cool feature! ○ For power users 39

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Removed ● Travel history report ○ Showed where you have visited ○ Cool feature! ○ For power users ● New user survey ● Tracking ○ Time to completion ○ Progress through onboarding ○ Product interactions Added 40

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From Feature 41 To Experiment

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Hypothesis ▶ Removing reporting from onboarding will reduce onboarding time and increase the number of users who complete onboarding 42

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Hypothesis ▶ Removing reporting from onboarding will reduce onboarding time and increase the number of users who complete onboarding Action ▶ Remove reporting from onboarding process Problem ▶ Losing customers during the onboarding process ▶ Customer feedback is that it takes too long 43

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Metrics Planning 44 d/o9J_lQWrXsA=/

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Time to take a look! 45

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Break Time “What’s Possible When Experimentation is Built-In?” is Next!

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What’s Possible When Experimentation is Built-In? Uptime, Safety, Flow, and a Culture of Continuous Learning 47

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What changes when the lift to do experimentation is small? 48 ● What if automated data science could help you move faster, easier, safer, instead of requiring “prioritization” to get coverage? ● What happens when you escape the limitation of impact analysis being performed on “critical” releases only?

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Do you do this each time your team releases to production? 49 49

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50 Can you remember a release night that went like this?

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How You Release Matters (Progressive Delivery Techniques) 51 Harvey Balls by Sschulte at English Wikipedia [CC BY-SA (] Approach Benefits Blue/Green Deployment Canary Release (container based) Feature Flags Feature Flags + Experimentation Avoid Downtime Limit The Blast Radius Limit WIP / Achieve Flow Learn During The Process

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Problem: Detecting Early Signs of Trouble 52 Feature Exposed to 100% of users

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Problem: Detecting Early Signs of Trouble 53 Feature Exposed to 100% of users Feature Enabled for 5% of users

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Solution: Monitoring Guardrail Metrics Automatically 54 Control Treatment 5% 95%

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Feature Flags and Experimentation: A Layered Approach to Productivity and Psychological Safety 55 Decouple Deploy From Release With Feature Flags ● Incremental Feature Development for Flow ● Testing In Production ● Kill Switch (big red button)

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Feature Flags and Experimentation: A Layered Approach to Productivity and Psychological Safety 56 Decouple Deploy From Release With Feature Flags Automate Guardrails ● Alert on Exception / Performance Early In Rollout ● “Limit The Blast Radius” w/o Manual Heroics

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Feature Flags and Experimentation: A Layered Approach to Productivity and Psychological Safety 57 Measure Release Impact Decouple Deploy From Release With Feature Flags Automate Guardrails ● Iteration w/o Measurement = Feature Factory 😡 ● Direct Evidence of Our Efforts → Pride 😎

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Feature Flags and Experimentation: A Layered Approach to Productivity and Psychological Safety 58 Measure Release Impact Decouple Deploy From Release With Feature Flags Automate Guardrails ● Take Bigger Risks, Safely ● Learn Faster With Less Investment ○ Dynamic Config ○ Painted Door Test to Learn (A/B Test)

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What Software Delivery Looks Like When Experimentation is Built-In 59 DEPLOY Code deployed No exposure ERROR MITIGATION 0-50% Ramp Identify bugs/crashes MEASURE Maximum Power Ramp Understand impact SCALE MITIGATION 50-100% Ramp Identify scaling issues RELEASE Complete rollout

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Break Time AMA With Split Data Scientist Lizzie Eardley is Next!

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Thank you 61