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DIGITAL ART? DIGITAL CREATION? Insights from artists and experts

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I view digital creation simply as as a world of endless creativity. Edgar Afoutou, multidisciplinary developer

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[Digital creation involves] finding contemporary models by manipulating your computer until it reveals its soul. Fred Forest, artist

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It is an art form where code serves as the key, essential and irreplaceable material of a piece of work. Armando Menicacci, artist

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For us, digital creation defines and designs various artistic features using digital language, computing and new media. It is a new relationship established between a human subject and technology. This special relationship lets us push creative boundaries for broader artistic enrichment. Digital creation is much more than a connection; it is a source of questioning, innovation and renewal. JAKOB & MACFARLANE, architects

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Digital art is multifaceted, increasingly influencing all other art forms and expressions. It has also given rise to new art forms such as net art, interactive art, sensory art, augmented reality, generative art and more. I would be tempted to define digital art and creation as any piece of work that uses digital tools in its creative process and that would leave an impression on the audience after the lights are switched off. Afif Riahi, director of the FEST festival

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Digital art goes beyond conventional use; it infiltrates our daily lives and broadens our perspective with new sensory perceptions and experiences (...). Anne Huybrechts, representative of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

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Digital creation allows new forms of social exchange to be invented, unique shapes stemming from the mind of an author or artist. Whilst they engage numerous users, these creations remain individual inventions. (...) Artistic creation reconnects us with the individual in their wild unpredictability. Martine Neddam, artist

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In our field of performing arts and, specifically, contemporary dance, digital technology [...] means the opportunity to deepen meaning, to bridge the gap between the human body and computer technology, and to converge human movement with technology. Deepening meaning thus broadens our imaginations, our connections to the world and the way we communicate. K.Danse, Jean-Marc Matos, choreographer

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An art that is rhizomatic and open. An art that invents secret passages between things. An art that disrupts and rearranges sensory experiences. An art that connects things by creating resonances. Philippe Franck, director of the Transcultures intermedia centre

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When attempting to understand, conceptualise and describe what digital art is, we approach it based on what came before and still holds authority. So for now, allow it to get lost in our imaginations, without attempting to know what it is, where, how or by whom [...]. Philippe Baudelot, curator