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CSP is Dead, Long Live CSP On the Insecurity of Whitelists and the Future of Content Security Policy Lukas Weichselbaum Michele Spagnuolo Sebastian Lekies Artur Janc ACM CCS, 2016, Vienna

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About Us We work in a special focus area of the Google security team aimed at improving product security by targeted proactive projects to mitigate whole classes of bugs. Michele Spagnuolo Senior Information Security Engineer Lukas Weichselbaum Senior Information Security Engineer

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Research Questions TL;DR: is CSP protecting against XSS? 1

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Research Questions ◉ How is CSP used on the web? ◉ Do deployed CSPs protect against XSS? ◉ Do CSP whitelists work in practice? ◉ Is there a better way to effectively mitigate XSS?

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Recap: What is CSP? ◉ An HTTP header developers can use to lock down their web applications in various ways. ◉ A defense-in-depth mechanism - it reduces the harm that a malicious injection can cause, but it is not a replacement for careful input validation and output encoding.

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Recap: How does CSP work? Script injections (XSS) get blocked Content-Security-Policy default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; report-uri /csp_violation_logger; ">'>alert(42) CSP blocks inline script not allowed ">'><script src="//"> CSP blocks source not whitelisted CSP allows CSP allows

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Data Set Internet-wide analysis on the full Google index (approximately 100 billion pages) 2

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Collecting CSPs & Bypasses WWW Google Index 100 Billion pages CSP Filter 1.6 Million Hosts with CSP CSP Dedupe 26,011 unique CSPs In addition to the CSPs, we also collected JSONP endpoints and Angular libraries (whitelist bypasses) JSONP Filter 8.8 Million JSONP endpoints Angular Filter 2.6 Million Angular libraries

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Normalize & de-duplicate CSPs ◉ Problem 1: CSP can have variable parts (e.g. nonces) ◉ Problem 2: Same CSP on thousands of hostnames ○ Caused by off-the-shelf web applications ■ e.g., message boards and e-commerce platforms ○ De-duplication by hostname/CSP would have been strongly biased ◉ De-duplication based on the normalized CSP string

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Normalize & de-duplicate CSPs CSP Dedupe ◉ Normalization: ○ Parse CSP, ○ Replaced nonces and report URIs, with fixed placeholders, ○ Order directives and directive values script-src 'self' 'nonce-xyz789'; report-uri /csp/a2d0ad39-5d0e-40d4-81ce-e43cb07697b8; script-src 'nonce-abc123' 'self'; report-uri /csp/97830f0f-d1df-4847-b98f-67a28d866731; script-src 'self' 'nonce-PLACEHOLDER'; report-uri PLACEHOLDER; Normalize & de-dupe

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CSP Use Cases All Unique Policies This data set contains all unique CSP policies, both in report-only and enforcing mode. XSS Policies ● enforced ● at least one of: ○ script-src ○ object-src ○ default-src Strict XSS Policies Like XSS Policies, not including unsafe directive values as: ● 'unsafe-inline' ● a URI scheme ● the * wildcard 26,011 unique CSPs 86% 11%

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CSP Evaluation Assess whether a CSP policy can be bypassed to execute attacker-controlled scripts 3

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Evaluation of CSPs ◉ We only considered automatic & FP-free checks ◉ We assess if CSP can be bypassed (XSS) ◉ Checks: ○ Usage of ’unsafe-inline’ in script-src ○ Missing object-src ○ Use of wildcards in whitelists ■ E.g. script-src * http: https: data: ○ Unsafe origin in whitelists ■ JSONP-like endpoints ■ Endpoints hosting Angular

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Some CSP Bypass Examples 'unsafe-inline' in script-src script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; CSP-Bypass: ">'>alert(1337) URL scheme/wildcard in script-src script-src 'self' https: data: *; object-src 'none'; CSP-Bypass: ">'> Missing or lax object-src script-src 'none'; CSP-Bypass: ">'> JSONP-like endpoint in whitelist script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; CSP-Bypass: ">'> AngularJS library in whitelist script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; CSP-Bypass: "><script src="">
These bypasses can be verified in an automated and FP-free manner

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Results The state of CSP on the web 4

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How secure are real-world CSP policies ? Unique CSPs Report Only Bypassable unsafe_inline Missing object_src Wildcard in script-src whitelist Unsafe domain in script-src whitelist Trivially Bypassable Total Unique CSPs 26011 2591 9.96% 21947 84.38% 3131 12.04% 5753 22.12% 19719 75.81% 24637 94.72% XSS Policies 22425 0 0% 19652 87.63% 2109 9.4% 4816 21.48% 17754 79.17% 21232 94.68% Strict XSS Policies 2437 0 0% 0 0% 348 14.28% 0 0% 1015 41.65% 1244 51.05%

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Do CSP whitelists work in practice ? The median policy has 12 distinct whitelisted hosts (in script-src). At the median of 12 entries, we managed to bypass 94.8 % of all policies!

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Do CSP whitelists work in practice ? Top 10 hosts for whitelist bypasses are sufficient to bypass 68% of all unique CSPs!

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CSP-Evaluator ● Core library is open source ● Also as a Chrome Extension

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Do CSP whitelists work in practice ? ◉ Problems due to 'unsafe-inline', missing object-src, and wildcards could potentially be fixed ◉ Stop whitelisting domains that allow to bypass CSP is a much harder problem: ○ Can't use CDNs ○ Can't use widgets (e.g. Google Maps) ○ ...

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'strict-dynamic' Drop whitelists and use nonces with dynamic trust propagation instead 5

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Effects of 'strict-dynamic' ◉ Nonce-only not feasible in practice (libraries, widgets) ◉ Grant trust transitively via a one-use token (nonce) instead of listing whitelisted origins ◉ If present in a script-src or default-src directive, together with a nonce and/or hash ○ discard whitelists (for backward-compatibility) ○ Allow JS execution triggered by non-parser-inserted active content (dynamically generated).

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'strict-dynamic' propagates trust to non-parser-inserted JS var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = "//"; document.body.appendChild(s); var s = "<script "; s += "src=//>"; document.write(s); var s = "<script "; s += "src=//>"; document.body.innerHTML = s;

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How to adopt strict CSP ? 1. Add nonces to elements 2. Refactor inline event handlers and javascript: URIs 3. Serve the following Content-Security-Policy header: script-src 'nonce-{random}' 'unsafe-inline''strict-dynamic' https: http:; object-src 'none'; Detailed instructions on

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Advantages of a strict CSP ? ◉ tags injected via XSS will be blocked, because of missing nonce ◉ No host/path whitelists necessary! ○ Less breakages ○ No need to go through the painful process of crafting and maintaining a whitelist → every product uses the same CSP! ◉ No bypasses because of JSONP-like endpoints on external domains

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Does it work in practice ? ◉ Yes! 'strict-dynamic' is already served to millions of users ◉ Complex web applications with 'strict-dynamic': ○ Google Photos, Google Cloud Console, Google Wallet, Google History Chrome Web Store, Google Careers Search...

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Browser support for CSP :) :( Nonce support 'strict-dynamic' support CSP support

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Research Questions ◉ How is CSP used on the web? ◉ Do deployed CSPs protect against XSS? ◉ Do CSP whitelists work in practice? ◉ Is there a better way to effectively mitigate XSS? No! >94% automatically bypassable No! Top 10 domains sufficient to bypass 68% CSPs Mostly to mitigate risk of XSS Nonces/hashes + 'strict-dynamic'

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Any questions ? You can find us at: {lwe,mikispag,slekies,aaj} @we1x, @mikispag, @slekies, @arturjanc Thanks!

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Appendix A

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Recap: What is XSS? String error = Request.getParameter("error"); response.write(“

” + error + “

”); ◉ Attacker controlled scripts executing in the context of a user GET /errorPage?error=alert(1)


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Most commonly whitelisted domains Count Origin XSS bypass JSONP bypass Angular bypass 'object-src' bypass 8825 yes, if 'unsafe-eval' yes, if 'unsafe-eval' no no 7201 * yes yes yes yes 6307 * yes, if 'unsafe-eval' yes, if 'unsafe-eval' no no 5817 * yes yes no no 5475 * yes yes no no 5146 * yes no yes no 5076 yes yes no yes 4728 yes yes no no 4423 yes no yes no 4189 yes yes yes yes 3829 * yes yes no no 3621 * yes yes no no 3617 yes no yes no 2959 no no no no 2809 yes yes no no