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practical serverless & edge computing. alexey taktarov · @mlfrg

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2 alexey taktarov / @mlfrg λ. co-founded, 8.5M+ resumes online λ. I write code (JS / Ruby) occasionally these days… λ. I love designing backends!

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3 wouter: a tiny 1.3KB React router react-colorful: a 1.8KB color picker an amateur OSS contributor react-colorful — a micro color picker component for React

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1. the state of serverless in 2020

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5 fundamental problems in networking increasing throughput horizontal scaling, network configuration

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5 fundamental problems in networking increasing throughput horizontal scaling, network configuration reducing latency caching, geo-distribution

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6 serverless* aims to solve both * Functions-as-a-Service →

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7 λ

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7 λ function calls (http requests / events)

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λ http reqs λ. ∞-scalable λ. no ops needed λ. pay for the compute you need (down to 100ms) 8

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λ http reqs λ. ∞-scalable λ. no ops needed λ. pay for the compute you need (down to 100ms) λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ 8

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9 AWS Lambda

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9 AWS Lambda

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9 general-purpose FaaS providers AWS Lambda, Google Cloud, Azure, IBM, Yandex …

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9 general-purpose FaaS providers AWS Lambda, Google Cloud, Azure, IBM, Yandex … → deployment platforms + SmartCDNs Vercel (formerly Zeit / Now), Netlify better DX, less configurable built on internally

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9 general-purpose FaaS providers AWS Lambda, Google Cloud, Azure, IBM, Yandex … → deployment platforms + SmartCDNs Vercel (formerly Zeit / Now), Netlify better DX, less configurable built on internally edge computing Cloudflare Workers AWS Lambda@Edge EdgeEngine

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10 Vercel and Cloudflare λ. CDN-based λ. great developer experience* * Serverless Framework is another great tech worth looking at

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2. general-purpose lambdas with Vercel 11

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import fetch from 'node-fetch' export default async (req, res) "=> { const name = "|| 'wouter' const response = await fetch(githubRepo(name)) const repo = await response.json() res.json({ stars: `${repo.stargazers_count} stars!` }) } api/stars.js 12

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1. NPM deps are bundled import fetch from 'node-fetch' export default async (req, res) "=> { const name = "|| 'wouter' const response = await fetch(githubRepo(name)) const repo = await response.json() res.json({ stars: `${repo.stargazers_count} stars!` }) } 1 api/stars.js 12

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1. NPM deps are bundled import fetch from 'node-fetch' export default async (req, res) "=> { const name = "|| 'wouter' const response = await fetch(githubRepo(name)) const repo = await response.json() res.json({ stars: `${repo.stargazers_count} stars!` }) } 1 2. async/await is supported 2 api/stars.js 12

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1. NPM deps are bundled import fetch from 'node-fetch' export default async (req, res) "=> { const name = "|| 'wouter' const response = await fetch(githubRepo(name)) const repo = await response.json() res.json({ stars: `${repo.stargazers_count} stars!` }) } 1 2. async/await is supported 3. req and res provide convenient helper methods 3 2 api/stars.js 12

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13 > vercel zero-config deployment with just one command https:"//

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14 a case study server-side PDF rendering microservice

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16 λ. the preview must update in the real-time λ. react-pdf renders preview in a WebWorker λ. IE isn’t supported → need an SSR fallback

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17 λ : (json) "-> pdf

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18 challenge #1 how to authorise requests? backend browser lambda → →

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19 authorisation decoupled JSON Web Tokens signed with asymmetric ciphers (RSA/ECD) →

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20 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9. eyJ1aWQiOiIxIiwicGx uIjoicHJlbWl1bSIsIm lhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyM n0. o1ayTFNg0eVZSQvd4T RUNRgSBa2MK2LCAUtj yIx1ydk ← header →

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21 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9. eyJ1aWQiOiIxIiwicGx uIjoicHJlbWl1bSIsIm lhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyM n0. o1ayTFNg0eVZSQvd4T RUNRgSBa2MK2LCAUtj yIx1ydk ← payload → { "uid": "1", "pln": "premium", "iat": 1516239022 }

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22 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9. eyJ1aWQiOiIxIiwicGx uIjoicHJlbWl1bSIsIm lhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyM n0. o1ayTFNg0eVZSQvd4T RUNRgSBa2MK2LCAUtj yIx1ydk ← signature → issue: private key verify: public key

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23 backend issues JWT signs with the secret key browser passes JWT to the lambda Authorization header lambda user info token authenticity token lifetime (iat)

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24 challenge #2 how to reuse already allocated resources?

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25 export default async (req, res) "=> { const db = await connectToDB() const user = await db.getUserById( }

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25 export default async (req, res) "=> { const db = await connectToDB() const user = await db.getUserById( } ← latency!

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26 reusing resources between calls λ. one lambda can only process 1 request at a time λ. a lambda could be reused between requests λ λ λ λ λ λ lambda instance #1 lambda instance #2 λ

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27 let dbPool = null const connectToDB = async () "=> { if (!dbPool) { dbPool = createConnectionPool() } return await dbPool.acquire() } ← could be reused between requests

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28 challenge #3 DRY-ing up the repetitive code

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29 const useAuthMiddleware = fn "=> (req, res, ""...args) "=> { if (!jwtValid) { const errorMessage = "Not Authorized!" return res.status(402).json({ errorMessage }) } return fn(req, res, ""...args) } export default useAuthMiddleware(lambda) Remember: lambdas are just plain functions!

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30 PDF rendering lambda performance λ. responds within 400ms–1.6s (depending on a document size) λ. no downtime since March, 2019 λ. processes ~300GB/m worth of requests λ. conversion rate increased by 0.2%

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31 a case study instant resume image preview lambda

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32 ← image preview

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33 λ : (id) "-> jpeg

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33 λ : (id) "-> jpeg could take up to 2s to render the image…

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3. Smart CDNs

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35 Now Vercel is a CDN that is also capable of executing code. Guillermo Rauch, Vercel

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36 response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 's-maxage=86400') Vercel will cache the image in 70+ locations around the world for 24 hours →

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37 → λ SFO1 760ms cache MISS: call lambda

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37 → λ SFO1 760ms cache MISS: call lambda cache HIT! SFO1 20ms

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37 → λ SFO1 760ms cache MISS: call lambda ARN1 800ms cache MISS: call lambda cache HIT! SFO1 20ms

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38 https:"// page number jpeg / png / webp change to invalidate

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39 another example that uses edge caching in Vercel random avatar generator

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40 λ. a Vercel lambda builds SVGs from the set of pre-made parts: heads, eyes, hairs λ. the result is cached forever in SmartCDN λ. PRNG is initialized with the name as a seed https:"//

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40 λ. a Vercel lambda builds SVGs from the set of pre-made parts: heads, eyes, hairs λ. the result is cached forever in SmartCDN λ. PRNG is initialized with the name as a seed https:"//

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41 challenge #4 but the first request is still slow!

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A B B B B 42 → Cache-Control: ’s-maxage=60, stale-while-revalidate=600' serve cached version, but revalidate in the background A 1 min ← revalidates without blocking the request 10 min A A C D E 0 min

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λ. request time is critical λ. the content changes infrequently λ. does not have to be always fresh when to use stale-while-revalidate OG image preview rarely changes, but has to be fast!

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4. Edge Computing w/ Cloudflare Workers

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origin SFO

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origin SFO client

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origin SFO edge FRA client

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origin SFO edge FRA client Cloudflare has 200+ edge locations around the globe →

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46 running JS on the edge λ. V8 Isolate: cold starts in 5ms λ. can modify origin request / response λ. no filesystem, no Node modules λ. only pure JS packages λ. Web APIs: Crypto, fetch, URL etc. →

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47 a case study Injecting «Above-the-Fold» CSS on the fly

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48 λ. CSS files are render-blocking λ. «Above-the-Fold» CSS could be inlined to speed up the page load λ. higher PageSpeed → better SEO →

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50 .hero{background-color: #ADD8E6;color: #444;cursor: pointer;""... "

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50 .hero{background-color: #ADD8E6;color: #444;cursor: pointer;""... " «Critical» CSS of the above-the-fold content

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51 challenge #1 modify origin’s HTML? →

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51 challenge #1 modify origin’s HTML? → HTMLRewriter class! based on lol-html — a low output latency rewriter written in Rust

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52 async function handleRequest(req) { const originResponse = await fetch(req) return new HTMLRewriter() .on("div", new MyDivHandler()) .transform(originResponse) } addEventListener("fetch", event "=> { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) })

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1. inspired by ServiceWorkers 1 52 async function handleRequest(req) { const originResponse = await fetch(req) return new HTMLRewriter() .on("div", new MyDivHandler()) .transform(originResponse) } addEventListener("fetch", event "=> { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) })

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1. inspired by ServiceWorkers 1 2. fetches the response from the origin 52 async function handleRequest(req) { const originResponse = await fetch(req) return new HTMLRewriter() .on("div", new MyDivHandler()) .transform(originResponse) } addEventListener("fetch", event "=> { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) 2

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1. inspired by ServiceWorkers 1 2. fetches the response from the origin 52 async function handleRequest(req) { const originResponse = await fetch(req) return new HTMLRewriter() .on("div", new MyDivHandler()) .transform(originResponse) } addEventListener("fetch", event "=> { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) 2 3 2. rewriter allows to modify individual elements using a «visitor» pattern

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53 request →

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53 request fetch origin → →

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53 request fetch origin → critical CSS → →

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53 request fetch origin → critical CSS → → rewrite HTML →

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53 request fetch origin → critical CSS → → rewrite HTML response → →

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53 request fetch origin → critical CSS → → rewrite HTML response → → headless-chrome? not supported by workers… →

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53 request fetch origin → critical CSS → → rewrite HTML response → → headless-chrome? not supported by workers… → Vercel lambda running headless-chrome! λ

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called with waitUntil() 54 → origin server Rails app CF worker fetch the origin KV → CSS client Vercel lambda extract CSS w/ Chrome

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«Critic» performance λ. CPU time ~5.3ms (99 pct) λ. processes 3M+ reqs/m λ. SEO clicks doubled Core Web Vitals report, green shows the number of webpages that are considered “good” → worker

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5. Conclusion

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57 Cloudflare Workers λ. SSR, APIs, websites λ. fine-grained app proxies Vercel, Netlify and alternatives λ. server-side rendering λ. APIs λ. dynamic websites with infrequent updates: blogs, SEO pages λ. things that use canvas, headless chrome, native packages etc. λ. low-latency / HA APIs λ. real-time apps w/ WebSockets* *

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58 For the longest time, CDNs have been treating the "origin" as an opaque black box. It's now possible to push content directly to the network and design frameworks that optimize for this capability. Guillermo Rauch, Vercel

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59 λ. website built w/ Vercel & CF Workers λ. Using node-canvas with Vercel λ. chrome-aws-lambda package additional resources appendix font Inter · icons Radix Icons Alexey Taktarov · · · @mlfrg