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Trustworthy Machine Learning David Evans University of Virginia Bertinoro, Italy 26 August 2019 19th International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design 3: Privacy

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Course Overview Monday Introduction / Attacks Tuesday Defenses Today Privacy 1

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Machine Learning Pipeline 2 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service

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Potential Privacy Goals 3 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy API User

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Potential Privacy Goals 4 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy Distributed (Federated) Learning API User

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5 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy Distributed (Federated) Learning Inference Attack API User

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6 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy Distributed (Federated) Learning Inference Attack API User

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7 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy Distributed (Federated) Learning Inference Attack API User Model Stealing Attack

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8 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy Distributed (Federated) Learning Inference Attack API User Model Stealing Attack Hyperparameter Stealing Attack

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9 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service Data Subject Privacy Distributed (Federated) Learning Inference Attack API User Model Stealing Attack Hyperparameter Stealing Attack Note: only considering confidentiality; lots of integrity attacks also (poisoning, evasion, …)

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Privacy Mechanisms: Encryption 10 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User API User Randomized Response, Local Differential Privacy Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Distributed Learning (Federated Learning)

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Privacy Mechanisms: Encryption 11 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User API User Randomized Response, Local Differential Privacy Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Distributed Learning (Federated Learning) Oblivious Model Execution

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Privacy Mechanisms: Noise 12 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User Machine Learning Service API User Randomized Response, Local Differential Privacy Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation

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Mechanisms Overview Noise Local Differential Privacy, Randomized Response Prevent subject data exposure Differential Privacy During/after model learning Prevent training data inference Encryption Secure Multi-Party Computation Prevent training data exposure Prevent model/input exposure Homomorphic Encryption Hybrid Protocols 13

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Secure Two-Party Computation Can Alice and Bob compute a function on private data, without exposing anything about their data besides the result? ! = #(%, ') Alice’s Secret Input: % Bob’s Secret Input: ' 14

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Secure Two-Party Computation Can Alice and Bob compute a function on private data, without exposing anything about their data besides the result? ! = #(%, ') Alice’s Secret Input: % Bob’s Secret Input: ' “private” and “correct” 15

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Secure Computation Protocol Alice (circuit generator) Bob (circuit evaluator) Secure Computation Protocol secret input ! secret input " Agree on function # $ = #(!, ") $ = #(!, ") Learns nothing else about b Learns nothing else about a 16

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FOCS 1982 FOCS 1986 Note: neither paper actually describes “Yao’s protocol” Andrew Yao (Turing Award 2000) 17

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Regular Logic Inputs Output a b ! 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 " # ! AND 18

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“Obfuscated” Logic Inputs Output a b ! "# $# %# "# $& %# "& $# %# "& $& %& ' ( ! AND ") , $) , %) are random values, chosen by generator but meaningless to evaluator. 19

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Garbled Logic Inputs Output a b ! "# $# %&',)' (+# ) "# $- %&',). (+# ) "- $# %&.,)' (+# ) "- $- %&.,). (+- ) / 0 ! AND "1 , $1 , +1 are random wire labels, chosen by generator 20

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Garbled Logic Inputs Output a b ! "# $# %&',)' (+, ) ", $# %&',). (+, ) "# $, %&.,)' (+, ) "# $# %&.,). (+# ) / 0 ! AND Garbled Table (Garbled Gate) 21

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Yao’s GC Protocol Alice (generator) Sends tables, her input labels (!" ) Bob (evaluator) Picks random values for ! #,% . ' #,% , ( #,% )*+,,+ ((# ) )*+,,/ ((# ) )*/,,+ ((# ) )*/,,/ ((% ) Evaluates circuit, decrypting one row of each garbled gate ( 0 Decodes output 0 Generates garbled tables 22

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Yao’s GC Protocol Alice (generator) Sends tables, her input labels (!" ) Bob (evaluator) Picks random values for ! #,% . ' #,% , ( #,% Evaluates circuit, decrypting one row of each garbled gate ( ) Decodes output ) Generates garbled tables 23 *+,,-, ((# ) *+,,-0 ((# ) *+0,-, ((# ) *+0,-0 ((% ) How does the Bob learn his own input wire labels?

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Primitive: Oblivious Transfer (OT) Alice (sender) Bob (receiver) Oblivious Transfer Protocol ! " , ! # selector $ ! $ Learns nothing about % Rabin, 1981; Even, Goldreich, and Lempel, 1985; … 24

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G0 G1 … G2 Chain gates to securely compute any discrete function! !" " or !# " $" " or $# " !" # or !# # $" # or $# # %" " or %# " %" # or %# # %" & or %# & ' () ),+) ) (%" ") ' (. ),+) ) (%" ") ' () ),+. ) (%" ") ' (. ),+. ) (%# ") ' () .,+) . (%" #) ' (. .,+) . (%" #) ' () .,+. . (%" #) ' (. .,+. . (%# #) ' /) ),/) . (%" &) ' /. ),/) . (%" &) ' /) ),/. . (%" &) ' /. ),/. . (%# &)

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From Theory to Practice

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Building Computing Systems Digital Electronic Circuits Garbled Circuits Operate on known data Operate on encrypted wire labels 32-bit logical operation requires moving some electrons a few nm One-bit AND requires four encryptions Reuse is great! Reuse is not allowed! ! "# #,"# % ('( )) ! "% #,"# % ('( )) … 27

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28 $1 $10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 $10,000,000 $100,000,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Estimated cost of 4T gates 2PC, compute only (bandwidth free) Caveat: very rough data and cost estimates Moore’s Law rate of improvement FairPlay (Malkhi, Nisan, Pinkas and Sella [USENIX Sec 2004])

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29 $1 $10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 $10,000,000 $100,000,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Free-XOR Pipelining, + Half Gates Estimated cost of 4T gates 2PC, compute only (bandwidth free) Caveat: very rough data and cost estimates Moore’s Law rate of improvement Passive Security (Semi-honest)

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$1 $10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 $10,000,000 $100,000,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 30 Free-XOR Pipelining, + Half Gates Estimated cost of 4T gates 2PC, compute only (bandwidth free) Caveat: very rough data and cost estimates, mostly guessing for active security Active Security (Malicious-Secure) Passive Security (Semi-honest)

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MPC State-of-the-Art Mature research area hundreds of protocols, thousands of papers well-established security models, proofs many implementations, libraries; industry use Practicality General-purpose protocols computation nearly free bandwidth expensive: scales with circuit size Custom protocols overcome bandwidth scaling cost combine homomorphic encryption, secret sharing 31 Pragmatic Introduction to Secure MPC Evans, Kolesnikov, Rosulek (Dec 2018)

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Multi-Party Private Learning using MPC 32 Dataset A Dataset B Alessandro Beatrice MPC Protocol Circuit describes Training Algorithm ! !

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Federated Learning 33

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Federated Learning 34 Central Aggregator and Controler ! ! 1. Server sends candidate models to local devices

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Federated Learning 35 Central Aggregator and Controler ! ! 1. Server sends candidate models to local devices 2. Local devices train models on their local data 3. Devices send back gradient updates (for some parameters) 4. Server aggregated updates, produces new model "# "$

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36 Privacy against Inference

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Distributed Learning 37 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Output Model Hyperparameters Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Distributed/Federated Learning Inference Attack

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No Inference Protection 38 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters User API User Distributed Learning (Federated Learning) Inference Attack

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Inference Attack 39 Training Data Data Collection Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Inference Attack

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40 Predictions for next text from OpenAI’s GPT-2 language model.

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43 USENIX Security 2019

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Limiting Inference 44 Data Collection Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Inference Attack Local DP

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Limiting Inference 45 Data Collection Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Inference Attack Local DP Trust Boundary

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Limiting Inference 46 Data Collection Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Inference Attack Trust Boundary Preventing inference requires adding noise to the deployed model: how much noise and where to add it?

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Differential Privacy TCC 2006

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Differential Privacy Definition 48 A randomized mechanism ! satisfies (#)-Differential Privacy if for any two neighboring datasets % and %’: “Neighboring” datasets differ in at most one entry. Pr[! % ∈ +] Pr[! %′ ∈ +] ≤ /0

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Differential Privacy Definition 49 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Pr[$ % ∈ '] Pr[$ %′ ∈ '] ≤ +, +, Privacy Budget -

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Definition 50 A randomized mechanism ! satisfies (#)-Differential Privacy if for any two neighboring datasets % and %&: “Neighboring” datasets differ in at most one entry: definition is symmetrical Pr[! % ∈ +] Pr[! %′ ∈ +] ≤ /0 Pr[! %′ ∈ +] Pr[! % ∈ +] ≤ /0 /10 ≤ Pr[! % ∈ +] Pr[! %′ ∈ +] ≤ /0

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51 Image taken from “Differential Privacy and Pan-Private Algorithms” slides by Cynthia Dwork Pr[$(&) ∈ )] Pr[$(&′) ∈ )] Pr[$ & ∈ )] Pr[$ &′ ∈ )] ≤ -.

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Definition 52 A randomized mechanism ! satisfies (#, %)-Differential Privacy if for two neighboring datasets ' and '’: Pr[! ' ∈ -] Pr[! '′ ∈ -] ≤ 12 + %

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53 Differential privacy describes a promise, made by a data holder, or curator, to a data subject: “You will not be affected, adversely or otherwise, by allowing your data to be used in any study or analysis, no matter what other studies, data sets, or information sources, are available.”

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Limiting Inference 54 Data Collection Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model Hyperparameters Output Perturbation Objective Perturbation Gradient Perturbation Inference Attack Trust Boundary

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Where can we add noise? 55

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Differential Privacy for Machine Learning Chaudhuri et al. (2011) Objective Perturbation Chaudhuri et al. (2011) Output Perturbation Abadi et al. (2016) Gradient Perturbation

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2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 [D06] [DMNS06] [CM09] [CMS11] [PRR10] [ZZXYW12] [JT13] [JT14] [WFWJN15] [HCB16] ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.8 ! = 0.5 ! = 0.1 ! = 1 ! = 0.2 [WLKCJN17] ! = 0.05 Empirical Risk Minimization algorithms using ! ≤ 1 All using objective or output perturbation Simple tasks: convex learning, binary classifiers Differential Privacy introduced

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Multi-Party Setting: Output Perturbation !(#) ! = 1 ' ( # ) !(*) + , Pathak et al. (2010) Model Training Model Training Model Training - -(#) ' data owners !(7) !(8) ! MPC Aggregation 9# 97 98 , = 9 # ∝ 1 -(#) Noise of smallest partition

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Multi-Party Output Perturbation !(#) Model Training Model Training Model Training % %(#) & data owners !(0) !(1) ! 2 = 4 # ∝ 1 7% # ~ 1 % Add noise within MPC ! = 1 & 9 # : !(;) + 2 Bargav Jayaraman, Lingxiao Wang, David Evans and Quanquan Gu. NeurIPS 2018.

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! = 1000 ! = 50000 * [Rajkumar and Agarwal] Violates the privacy budget KDDCup99 Dataset - Classification Task

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Differential Privacy for Complex Learning To achieve DP, need to know the sensitivity: Pr[$ % ∈ '] Pr[$ %′ ∈ '] ≤ +, + . max2,24, 2 524 6 78 ℳ % − ℳ %; < how much a difference in the input could impact the output.

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Differential Privacy for Complex Learning To achieve DP, need to know the sensitivity: Pr[$ % ∈ '] Pr[$ %′ ∈ '] ≤ +, + . max2,24, 2 524 6 78 ℳ % − ℳ %; < how much a difference in the input could impact the output.

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Iterative Multi-Party Gradient Perturbation Model Training ! !(#) % data owners Bargav Jayaraman, Lingxiao Wang, David Evans and Quanquan Gu. NeurIPS 2018. /0# (1) /02 (1) /03 (1) 1 = 1 − 6( 1 % 8 /09 1 + ;) Iterate for < epochs ; ∝ 1 >! # ~ 1 ! Each iteration consumes privacy budget

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Multiple Iterations 64 Composition Theorem: ! executions of an " -DP mechanism on same data satisfies !" -DP. Pr[&' ( ∈ *] Pr[&' (′ ∈ *] ≤ ./ Pr[&0 ( ∈ *] Pr[&0 (′ ∈ *] ≤ ./ Pr[&' ( ∈ *] Pr[&' (′ ∈ *] ⋅ Pr[&0 ( ∈ *] Pr[&0 (′ ∈ *] ≤ ./ ⋅ ./

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2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 [D06] [DMNS06] [CM09] [CMS11] [PRR10] [ZZXYW12] [JT13] [JT14] [SCS13] [WFWJN15] [HCB16] ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.8 ! = 0.5 ! = 0.1 ! = 1 ! = 1 ! = 0.2 [WLKCJN17] ! = 0.05 ERM Algorithms using ! ≤ 1 Complex tasks: high ! [SS15] [ZZWCWZ18] ! = 100 * = +,-, /00 first Deep Learning with Differential Privacy

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Tighter Composition Bounds 66

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2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 [D06] [DMNS06] [CM09] [CMS11] [PRR10] [ZZXYW12] [JT13] [JT14] [SCS13] [WFWJN15] [HCB16] ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.8 ! = 0.5 ! = 0.1 ! = 1 ! = 1 ! = 0.2 [WLKCJN17] ! = 0.05 ERM Algorithms using ! ≤ 1 Complex tasks: high ! [SS15] [ZZWCWZ18] [JKT12] [INSTTW19] ! = 10 ! = 10 ! = 100 ! = 369,200 [BDFKR18] [HCS18] [YLPGT19] [GKN17] [ACGMMTZ16] [PAEGT16] . = / . = 0 ! = 8 ! = 8 ! = 21.5 ! = 8 Complex tasks: using relaxed DP definitions

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2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 [D06] [DMNS06] [CM09] [CMS11] [PRR10] [ZZXYW12] [JT13] [JT14] [SCS13] [WFWJN15] [HCB16] ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.2 ! = 0.8 ! = 0.5 ! = 0.1 ! = 1 ! = 1 ! = 0.2 [WLKCJN17] ! = 0.05 ERM Algorithms using ! ≤ 1 Complex tasks: high ! [SS15] [ZZWCWZ18] [JKT12] [INSTTW19] ! = 10 ! = 10 ! = 100 ! = 369,200 [BDFKR18] [HCS18] [YLPGT19] [GKN17] [ACGMMTZ16] [PAEGT16] . = / . = 0 ! = 8 ! = 8 ! = 21.5 ! = 8 Complex tasks: using relaxed DP definitions Privacy Budget ! 0 10 20 30 40 50 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 12 Bound on Distinguishing

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69 How much actual leakage is there with relaxed definitions?

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Measuring Accuracy Loss 71 Accuracy Loss ∶= 1 − Accuracy of Private Model Accuracy of Non-Private Model

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72 Accuracy Loss Privacy Budget ! Rènyi DP has 0.1 accuracy loss at ! ≈ 10 Naïve Composion has 0.1 accuracy loss at ! ≈ 500 Logistic Regression on CIFAR-100

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Experimentally Measuring Leakage 73 Data Subjects Data Collection Data Owner Data Collection Model Training Trained Model Deployed Model User Inference Attack Gradient Perturbation

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Membership Inference Attack 74 Adversary Membership Inference Test ! ! ∈ # # True or False Privacy Leakage Measure: True Positive Rate – False Positive Rate Training Evaluated on balanced set (member/non-member)

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How can adversary guess membership? 75 Test error Training error Accuracy on CIFAR-10 Hint from first lecture:

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How can adversary guess membership? 76 Test error Training error Accuracy on CIFAR-10 Generalization Gap Overfitting: Model is “more confident” in predictions for training examples

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Membership Inference Attack: Shokri+ 77 Reza Shokri, Marco Stronati, Congzheng Song, Vitaly Shmatikov [S&P 2017] !" !# Assumption: adversary has access to similar training data 1. Train several local models Intuition: Confidence score of model is high for members, due to overfitting on training set. !$ ...

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Membership Inference Attack: Shokri+ 78 Reza Shokri, Marco Stronati, Congzheng Song, Vitaly Shmatikov [S&P 2017] !" !# A Assumption: adversary has access to similar training data 1. Train several local models 2. Train a binary classifier model on local model outputs to distinguish member/non- member Intuition: Confidence score of model is high for members, due to overfitting on training set. !$ ...

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Membership Inference Attack: Yeom+ 79 Samuel Yeom, Irene Giacomelli, Matt Fredrikson, Somesh Jha [CSF 2018] Attack: At inference, given record !, attacker classifies it as member if ℓ(!) ≤ & Intuition: Sample loss of training instance is lower than that of non-member, due to generalization gap. Assumption: adversary knows expected training loss of target model & = 1 ) * +,- . ℓ/ !+

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Attribute Inference Attack 80 Adversary Membership Inference Test ["# , "% , ? , "' ] " ∈ * * Training + Predict value of unknown (private) attribute

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81 Privacy Leakage Privacy Budget ! Logistic Regression on CIFAR-100 Theoretical Guarantee RDP NC zCDP RDP has ~0.06 leakage at ! = 10 NC has ~0.06 leakage at ! = 500 Membership Inference Attack (Yeom)

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82 Privacy Leakage Privacy Budget ! Logistic Regression on CIFAR-100 Theoretical Guarantee PPV = 0.55 Positive Predictive Value = #$%&'( )* +($' ,)-.+./'- #$%&'( )* ,)-.+./' ,('0.1+.)#- Non-private model has 0.12 leakage with 0.56 PPV

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Neural Networks 83 NN has 103,936 trainable parameters

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84 Accuracy Loss Privacy Budget ! Rènyi DP has ~0.5 accuracy loss at ! ≈ 10 Naïve Composion has ~0.5 accuracy loss at ! = 500 NN on CIFAR-100

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85 NN on CIFAR-100 Theoretical Guarantee RDP NC zCDP PPV = 0.74 PPV = 0.71 Non-private model has 0.72 leakage with 0.94 PPV

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86 Who is actually exposed?

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89 NN on CIFAR-100 Huge gap between theoretical guarantees and measured attacks Sacrifice accuracy for privacy

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Open Problems Close gap between theory and meaningful privacy: - Tighter theoretical bounds - Better attacks - Theory for non-worst-case What properties put a record at risk of exposure? Understanding tradeoffs between model capacity and privacy 90

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University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia USA 91 Image: cc Eric T Gunther

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92 Thomas Jefferson

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93 Thomas Jefferson

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Other Security Faculty at the University of Virginia 95 Yonghwi Kwon Systems security Cyberforensics Yuan Tian IoT Security ML Security and Privacy Yixin Sun [Joining Jan 2020] Network Security & Privacy Mohammad Mahmoody Theoretical Cryptography David Wu Applied Cryptography Collaborators in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering

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Visit Opportunities PhD Student Post-Doc Year/Semester/Summer Undergraduate, Graduate, Faculty 96 Please contact me if you are interested even if in another area

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David Evans University of Virginia Thank you!