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Effective testing Mohamed3on How to write tests that let you confidently deploy on a Friday By Mohamed Oun Software Engineer at HelloFresh

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Tests when you make a one-line change

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Why do we even write tests?

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We write tests to give us more confidence The point of tests is NOT to tell you that you made changes, it’s to tell you whether your changes broke something

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If we want developers to embrace a culture of testing, we have to show the benefits to it

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Tests should serve as a documentation for how the code works • Think about clear names for your test cases • Be explicit about what you’re testing • Avoid DRY test code, It’s ok to duplicate test objects and code to make clearer, easier to read test cases

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Each test should bring unique value and should not be coupled to any other test

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Tests should be as flexible and accommodating as possible Think hard of the core functionalities you don’t want to break, and focus on testing those

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Thinking flexibly, how do we test this?

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Two ways to test for this • Ensure that all recipe cards are 170px height (current default size) • Ensure that all recipe cards have the same height (more flexibility)

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Fix your bugs by writing tests for them 1. Find out the buggy function that’s returning a wrong value for some inputs (easier said than done). 2. call the function with those inputs in a test. 3. Use that test to reproduce the bug and fix it. Why? 1. Rerunning that test is much faster that reproducing manually over and over. • Faster feedback loop leads to faster bug fixes 2. Having that test in the test suite ensures this bug never happens again

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How do I know if my test is bad? • If your test broke when your source code didn’t, it’s a bad test • If your source code broke when your test didn’t, it’s a bad test

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Tests should be behaviour-sensitive, but structure-insensitive

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What shouldn’t break your tests • Adding a data-test-id • Refactoring without changing functionality • Changing styles* (fonts, colours, paddings) * unless it’s a reusable UI component (example: Design System)

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A tale of two tests

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Avoid snapshots as much as you can • They’re implicit, so it’s hard to know exactly what the test is for • They’re usually brittle, breaking when the component’s functionality doesn’t • They almost always fail the (bad test) test • Can be helpful in the case of reusable UI components (ex. design system components)

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Many of your unit tests can be replaced by a type system* *Not sponsored by Microsoft

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100% test coverage is a trap “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.”

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High test coverage is NOT an indicator that your tests are sufficient • Focusing on high test coverage leads to low-quality, easy-gain tests (hint: snapshots) • you get diminishing returns on your tests as the coverage increases much beyond 70-80% • Very high coverage means that you are likely testing implementation details, which means your tests will probably break while refactoring, ironically making it harder, not easier, to refactor your code.

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OK, so how do I know if my test suite is good enough? • You rarely get bugs that escape into production. • You are rarely hesitant to change some code for fear it will cause production bugs.

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When you have bugs in production but tests are green

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Black-box testing Testing the public API, from the point of view of your users

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React components have 2 main users The developer using the component in another component, and the user seeing the rendered output

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• Clicking on an interactive element (end user) • Changing props for a component (developer user) • Instead of testing component state/methods, testing the rendered output Black box testing in UI

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How to test this counter?

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Better yet, use data- test-id

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How do I know if I’m testing implementation details? • Imagine you didn’t have access to the source code of what you are testing, would you still be able to write that test?

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Unit? Integration? End to end?

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How to know if my test is unit, integration or E2E? • If you mock everything, it’s a unit test • If you mock nothing, it’s an end to end test • Everything in between is an integration test

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Unit → integration → E2E Trade-offs 1. Points of potential failure 2. Engineering time

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Unit → integration → E2E 1. Amount of code tested 2. Confidence 3. Testing implementation details Trade-offs

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Testing tools • Cypress/Selenium: • Integration ↔ E2E • Run in a real browser • Can still mock API responses • Jest: Enzyme/React-testing-library: Unit ↔ Integration • Run in an emulated browser • Can mock almost everything (functions, components, API responses)

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Tired: Testing pyramid

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Credits: @mrjedmao Wired: Testing trophy

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Summary • Prefer explicit over implicit tests (avoid snapshots in most cases). • Use tests to fix the bugs you find • Use test coverage as a guide, not as a goal. • Prefer integration tests to get the most confidence and value out of your tests (mock as few things as possible). • Write tests that mimic real world usage of your application, and avoid testing implementation details (black-box testing). • Use a type system if you can.

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Thank you!