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Crunching 'real-life stories' with DDD EventStorming and combining it with BDD techniques

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Kenny Baas-Schwegler Software Consultant - EventStormer Domain Driven Design Behaviour Driven Development Continuous Delivery @kenny_baas

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It is not the domain experts knowledge that goes to production, it is the assumption of the developers that goes to production - Alberto Brandolini

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To communicate effectively, the code must be based on the same language used to write the requirements - the same language that the developers speak with each other and with domain experts - Eric Evans

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We all know or should know that language is fluid, liquid, subject to the whims of the people. Language evolves, as it should. Because language changes to accommodate new users, the older users resist and complain.

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Confirmation Bias

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Slide 24 text “Apophany” that moment when a sufferer says, “Oh! I get it!” when they really don’t. - Liz Keogh

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Slide 26 text Build beliefs Draw conclusions Generate assumptions Filter data Observe data

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The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge. - Daniel J. Boorstin

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Big Picture Process Design and Modelling Software Modelling

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Every tool has his or hers blind spots. That blind spot might as well be your million dollar mistake.

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All models are wrong, but some are useful, and some are useless, and some are outright damaging. Sometimes a model only gives you the illusion of control. - Multiple people (Attributed to George Box)

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Try at least to find three models, even if you think you already found the “right model”

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Don’t cling to a mistake Just because you spend a lot of time making it.

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Every tool has his or hers blind spots. That blind spot might as well be your million dollar mistake.

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Software Development is a learning process, working code is a side effect - Alberto Brandolini

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Serious software development is the practice of symmathesy. “Sym” = together, “mathesy” = learning. - Jessica Kerr

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#CatTax @kenny_baas