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Time Series Data Models & the Query Languages That Love Them Paul Dix @pauldix

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Future of InfluxDB’s Data Model & Query Language

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CTO & co-founder makers of

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Founder of NYC Machine Learning Meetup

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No content

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Editor Addison Wesley’s Data & Analytics

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Recovering Rubyist

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Data Models

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Graphite apps.backend.server_01.counters.requests.count

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Graphite apps.backend.server_01.counters.requests.count Hierarchy

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Graphite apps.backend.server_01.counters.requests.count Hierarchy

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Graphite apps.backend.server_01.counters.requests.count Value - double precision float Time - second precision epoch

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Graphite apps.backend.server_01.counters.requests.count Value - double precision float Time - second precision epoch regular series only!

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Regular time series t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t6 t7 Samples at regular intervals

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Irregular time series t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t6 t7 Events whenever they come in

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OpenTSDB sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=3 1356998400 1.2

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OpenTSDB sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=3 1356998400 1.2 Metric

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OpenTSDB sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=3 1356998400 1.2 Tags (string key/value pairs)

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OpenTSDB sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=3 1356998400 1.2 millisecond precision epoch

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OpenTSDB sys.cpu.user host=webserver01,cpu=3 1356998400 1.2 Value int64 or float64 (2.4)

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Prometheus http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000

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Prometheus http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 Metric

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Prometheus http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 Labels (string key/value pairs)

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Prometheus http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 Value - float64

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Prometheus http_requests_total{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000 millisecond precision epoch

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west user=23.2,system=54.1 1465839830100400200

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west user=23.2,system=54.1 1465839830100400200 Measurement

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west user=23.2,system=54.1 1465839830100400200 Tags (string key/value pairs)

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west user=23.2,system=54.1 1465839830100400200 Fields (key/value pairs)

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west user=23.2,system=54.1 1465839830100400200 float64 value

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west foo=23i 1465839830100400200 int64 value

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west bar=t 1465839830100400200 bool value

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west line=“some text here” 1465839830100400200 string value

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InfluxDB 1.x cpu,host=serverA,region=west user=23.2,system=54.1 1465839830100400200 nanosecond precision epoch

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Differences organization data types precision Graphite hierarchical float64 seconds OpenTSDB metric, tags float64 milliseconds Prometheus metric, tags float64 milliseconds InfluxDB 1.x metric, tags, fields float64, int64, bool, string nanoseconds

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Data Exploration what series do I have

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Retrieval & Computation raw data, transforms, materialized series, aggregates, samples

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Organization matters with thousands of series or more

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Hierarchy Tree!

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Lookup metrics/measurements OpenTSDB /api/search/lookup?query= (all series) Prometheus {__name__=~“.+”} (all series?) InfluxDB SHOW MEASUREMENTS

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Lookup tag/label keys OpenTSDB /api/search/lookup?query= (all series) Prometheus {__name__=~“.+”} (all series?) InfluxDB SHOW TAG KEYS

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Lookup tag/label values OpenTSDB /api/search/lookup?query={host=*} (all series with host?) Prometheus {host=~“.+”} (all series with host?) InfluxDB SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = “host” SHOW TAG VAVUES FROM “cpu” with KEY = “host”

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Drill Down OpenTSDB /api/search/lookup?query={host=*,service=mysql} (all metrics on the hosts) Prometheus {host=~“.+”,service=mysql} (all metrics on the hosts) InfluxDB SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = “host” WHERE “service” = ‘mysql’

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Why to care about drill down (faceted search)

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Why to care about drill down (faceted search)

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Why to care about drill down (faceted search) select nonstop, LGA, JFK

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Facets __name__ host service region group …

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Facets __name__ host service region group … go_goroutines go_memstats_alloc_bytes go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes go_memstats_other_sys_bytes …

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Facets __name__ host service region group … go_goroutines go_memstats_alloc_bytes go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes go_memstats_other_sys_bytes … host service region group …

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Facets __name__ host service region group … go_goroutines go_memstats_alloc_bytes go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes go_memstats_other_sys_bytes … host service region group … dynamic hierarchy! (name already selected)

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Labels/Tags > Hierarchy

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Up Front Design

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Powerful Discovery

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Slicing, dicing, grouping

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Query Languages Query Language Example Graphite functional target, from, until sumSeries(summarize(water.level.h2o.feet.*, '1hour', 'max')) OpenTSDB http params startTime, endTime, metric, aggregationFunction, filter, functions, expressions Prometheus functional-ish increase(http_requests_total{job=“prometheus”}[5m]) InfluxDB 1.x SQL-ish select mean(system) from cpu where time > now() - 6h group by time(10m)

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Functional > SQL or API

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Time series are streams

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Apply Functions!

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Selection what series (streams) are we working with?

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Timing what time range are we interested in?

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Merging multiple streams into 1

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Joining /, *, +, -, &, |, ^, filter

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Partitioning do we slice the stream into blocks of time?

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Sampling first, last, min, max, filters

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Transforming time shift, derivative, rate, interpolate

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Summarizing count, percentile, mean, median, mode, histogram

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Future InfluxDB!

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Subject to Change! *disclaimer

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Requirements • Support InfluxDB 1.x Data Model • Support InfluxDB 1.x QL • Support Prometheus Data Model • Functional Query Language • Rich Query Builder UI • Query Completion CLI • PromQL?

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InfluxDB 2.0 Data Model • Tags • non-string values? • Value • int64 • uint64 • float64 • bool • string • bytes • Timestamp (nanosecond)

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No More Measurement!

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No more fields?! yep, but remember joining and merging!

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816 Tags

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816 Key

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816 Value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816 Separators

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816 spaces, /, and : must be escaped

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 1491675816 float64 value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23 1491675816 float64 value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23 1491675816 time (precision assumed closest to now)

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23 1491675816000000us time (precision specified)

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol system:cpu,region:cpu,host:a,metric:user_idle 23.2 2017-04-08T14:23:54Z time (RFC3339Nano)

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol name:foo 2i 1491675816 int64 value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol name:foo 2u 1491675816 uint64 value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol name:foo [234, 21, 9, 23, 87, 90, 11, 54] 1491675816 bytes value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol name:foo “it’s a string, yo!” 2017-04-18T14:58:00Z string value

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InfluxDB 2.0 Line Protocol name:foo f 2017-04-18T14:58:00Z bool value

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InfluxQL 2.0 functional!

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f1(f2(f3(f4(streams)))) Lisp?

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No content

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No content

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Paul Graham, Rich Hickey

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D3"body") .selectAll("p") .data([4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]) .enter().append("p") .text(function(d) { return "I’m number " + d + "!"; });

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Function Chaining!

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Series { "id": 24, "meta": { "dataType": "float64", "metricType": "gauge" }, "tagset": { "host": "A", "region": "B" }, "vector": [ {"value":23.2, "epoch":1491499253}, {"value":78.1, "epoch":1491499263, "tagset":{"host":"B"}} ] }

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Matrix [ { "tagset": { "host": "A", }, "vector": [{"value":23.1, "epoch":1491499253}, {"value":56.2, "epoch":1491499263}] }, { "tagset": { "host": "B" }, "vector": [{"value":23.1, "epoch":1491499253}, {"value":56.2, "epoch":1491499263}] } ]

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Example database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`"host" = 'A' and "system" = 'cpu'`) .range(startOffset:"-1h")

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Named Parameters database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`"host" = 'A' and "system" = 'cpu'`) .range(startOffset:"-1h") Named parameters!

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Example Queries database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`"host" = 'A' and "system" = 'cpu'`) .range(startOffset:"-1h") Wrap strings in back ticks to avoid pesky escaping

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Database returns Matrix database(name:"testdb") [ { "tagset": { "host": "A", }, "vector": [ {"value":23.1, “epoch":1491499253}, {"value":56.2, "epoch":1491499263}] }, { "tagset": { "host": "B" }, "vector": [ {"value":23.1, “epoch":1491499253}, {"value":56.2, "epoch":1491499263}] } ]

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Select filters vectors database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`"host" = 'A' and "system" = 'cpu'`)

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Select filters vectors database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`"host" = 'A' and "system" = 'cpu'`) Tag keys

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Select filters vectors database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`"host" = 'A' and "system" = 'cpu'`) Tag values

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Complex Criteria database(name:"testdb") .select(criteria:`”t1” = ‘foo’ AND (“t2” = ‘bar’ OR “t3” = ‘asdf’)`)

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Criteria Operators • = • != • =~ • !~ • < • > • startsWith • in • notIn

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What hosts do we have? database(name:"testdb") .values(key:"host") .sort() .limit(n:20)

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How many hosts? database(name:"testdb") .values(key:”host") .count()

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// get the cpu load of hosts that have mysql running var db = database(name:"testdb") criteria:`"system" = 'cpu' and "metric" = 'load' and "host" in #{`"service" = 'mysql'`).values(key:"host") }`) .range(startOffset:"-4h")

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// get the cpu load of hosts that have mysql running var db = database(name:"testdb") criteria:`"system" = 'cpu' and "metric" = 'load' and "host" in #{`"service" = 'mysql'`).values(key:"host") }`) .range(startOffset:"-4h") Variables

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// get the cpu load of hosts that have mysql running var db = database(name:"testdb") criteria:`"system" = 'cpu' and "metric" = 'load' and "host" in #{`"service" = 'mysql'`).values(key:"host") }`) .range(startOffset:"-4h") string interpolation

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// get the count in 10m periods in the last 24h from an event stream // and filter that to only include those periods that were 2 sigma above the average var m = database(name:”testdb”).select(criteria:"\"event\" = 'pageview'") .range(startOffset:"-24h") .merge() .window(func:count(),duration:"10m")

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// get the count in 10m periods in the last 24h from an event stream // and filter that to only include those periods that were 2 sigma above the average var m = database(name:”testdb”).select(criteria:”\”event\” = 'pageview'") .range(startOffset:"-24h") .merge() .window(func:count(),duration:"10m") // this is shorthand for m.stddev.join(op:"*", right:2) var sigma = m.stddev() * 2

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// get the count in 10m periods in the last 24h from an event stream // and filter that to only include those periods that were 2 sigma above the average var m = database(name:”testdb”).select(criteria:”\”event\” = 'pageview'") .range(startOffset:"-24h") .merge() .window(func:count(),duration:"10m") // this is shorthand for m.stddev.join(op:"*", right:2) var sigma = m.stddev() * 2 // return only the counts 1 sigma above m.filter(exp:"$ > #{sigma}")

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// return the last hour of time series of the top 10 host cpu utilizations by // their average load over last 10 minutes var topTen =”\”metric\” = 'load' and system = 'cpu'") .range(startOffset:"-10m") .mean() .sort(func:first()) .slice(end:10) .values(key:"host")”\"metric\" = 'load' and system = 'cpu' and host in #{topTen}") .range(startOffset:"-1h")

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Functions • interpolate • join • merge • timeShift • window • rate • first, last, min, max, mean, percentile, etc.

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Public docs PR in two weeks! please to give feedback :)

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Thank you. Paul Dix @pauldix