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CSS and the: First meaningful paint CSS Conf EU, May 2017 Patrick Hamann @patrickhamann

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann How do you measure your performance?

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CSS and the first meaningful paint • First byte • Document complete • Load event • Requests / bytes • Start render • SpeedIndex • First meaningful paint • Time to Interactivity • Custom… Old New

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann WTF is TTFMP ?

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann First Meaningful Paint is the time when a page’s primary content appeared on the screen.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann First Meaningful Paint is the first paint after which the biggest above-the-fold layout change has happened, and web fonts have loaded.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann A bold statement

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann A bold statement

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Optimising for TTFMP A case-study:

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann • Where are your users based? • What is their device landscape? • In what context are they using your site? • What is their network profile? • What did they come for? What is your average user profile?

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Forming a TTFMP baseline: 3G EM 3G Cable 3 secs 2 secs 1 secs Time to First Meaningful Paint: 3G EM 3G Cable ? ? ? Insert your custom profiles here:

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other head elements... 10 11 12 13 14 Content ... 15 16 17

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann

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Name of Presentation Baseline results TTFMP (ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Baseline 3G EM 3G Cable

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Inline critical CSS

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM Render page GET css GET js response response idle idle Render blocking Run JS Async JS

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM Render page GET css GET js response response idle idle Render blocking Run JS Async JS

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM Render page GET css GET js response response idle idle Render blocking Run JS Async JS GET css response

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM Render page GET css response idle Async CSS Render

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ç 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 html{-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}a{background-color:tran 9 10 Critical styles ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 /*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ 17 (function(){ ... }()); 18 19 20 Other head elements... 21 22 23 24

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Name of Presentation Inline critical CSS results TTFMP (ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Baseline Inline 3G EM 3G Cable % Improvement 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TTFMP % impovement 3G EM 3259 63 3G 1462 63 Cable 1327 46

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CSS and the first meaningful paint • No blocking resources • No SPOF on CSS • Eliminates critical request • Instant painting • Causes reflow • Not cachable • Hard to maintain • Hard to automate Pros Cons

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann What are your critical resources?

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Logo? Fonts? Hero image?

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM First paint GET css response idle idle Render blocking Render tree

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM First paint GET css response idle idle Render blocking GET font response Text paint Text blocking Render tree

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Request page Network Renderer GET html Build DOM response Build CSSOM First paint GET css response idle idle Render blocking GET font response Text paint Text blocking Render tree

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Preload, W3C working draft

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Provides a declarative fetch primitive that initiates an early fetch and separates fetching from resource execution.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann 1 2 3 4 5 6 var res = document.createElement("link"); 7 res.rel = "preload"; 8 = "style"; 9 res.href = "styles/other.css"; 10 document.head.appendChild(res); 11 1 Link: rel=“preload”; as=“style” nopush Preload with markup: Preload with HTTP header:

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann < GET /index.html
 < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Cache-Control: private, max-age=60, must-revalidate < Expires: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 21:39:52 GMT < Last-Modified: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 13:11:33 GMT < ETag: "966eca3815d88d8848933d33c68ab2bd" < Content-Type: text/html < Content-Encoding: gzip < Content-Length: 43177 < Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 21:39:52 GMT < Connection: keep-alive < Link: ; as=style; rel=preload; nopush, 
 ; rel=preload as=font crossorigin nopush, ; rel=preload as=font crossorigin nopush, ; as=image; rel=preload; nopush

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Name of Presentation Preload results TTFMP (ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Baseline Inline Preload 3G EM 3G Cable % Improvement 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TTFMP % impovement 3G EM 3176 64 3G 1778 55 Cable 1042 57

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CSS and the first meaningful paint • Indicate hidden resources • Dictate priority and order • Separates fetch from exec • Easy to create contention • Requires server logic Pros Cons

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Server push

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann HTTP/2

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann ! " Client Server GET /index.html GET /main.css 200 OK /index.html #

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann ! " Client Server PUSH_PROMISE /main.css 200 OK /index.html GET /index.html

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 10 1 Link: ; rel=“preload”; as=“style” Indicate push of critical styles with Link preload header: Convert inline styles into normal link rel=“stylesheet” declaration and async the main styles

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Before index.html main.css Start render TTFMP Idle Idle

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TTFMP Start render After critical.css TTFMP index.html main.css Idle Start render Idle

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann /hero.jpg Stream ID: 4 Weight: 16 /data.json Stream ID: 7 Weight: 16 /app.js Stream ID: 3 Weight: 64 /icon.svg Stream ID: 9 Weight: 16 /main.css Stream ID: 2 Weight: 110 /index.html Stream ID: 1 Weight: 128

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Name of Presentation Push results TTFMP (ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Baseline Inline Preload Push 1256 1042 1327 2477 2826 1778 1462 3983 5035 3176 3259 8849 3G EM 3G Cable % Improvement 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TTFMP % impovement 3G EM 5035 43 3G 2826 29 Cable 1256 49

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Is indicating push via the HTML response too late?

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Async push

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TTFMP Start render After critical.css TTFMP index.html main.css Idle Start render Idle

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann ! " Client Server PUSH_PROMISE /main.css - # 200 OK /index.html GET /index.html ! GET /index.html 200 OK /index.html App

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann 1 const http2 = require('http2'); 2 3 function handler(request, response) { 4 if (request.url === "/index.html") { 5 const push = response.push('/critical.css'); 6 push.writeHead(200); 7 fs.createReadStream('/critical.css').pipe(push); 8 } 9 10 // Generate index response: 11 // - Fetch data from DB 12 // - Render template 13 // etc ... 14 15 response.end(data); 16 } 17 18 const server = http2.createServer(opts, handler); 19 server.listen(80);

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Name of Presentation Push async results TTFMP (ms) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Baseline Inline Preload Push Push async 3G EM 3G Cable % Improvement 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TTFMP % impovement 3G EM 3062 65 3G 1613 59 Cable 1021 58

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CSS and the first meaningful paint • Uses idle time • Ensures delivery before preload • Easy to create contention • Limited avaliablity • Custom server logic • Hard to debug Pros Cons

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann What about the repeat view?

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann PRPL

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The future

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103 Early hints status code for HTTP, K. Oku

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Cache digests for HTTP/2, K. Oku

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Resource loading is hard.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Bandwidth is often 

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Identify your critical resources and request chains.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Use preload to indicate critical resources, such as fonts to the browser.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Push critical CSS, but only on first view and only within idle time.

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CSS and the first meaningful paint @patrickhamann Always be testing.

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Thanks! Patrick Hamann @patrickhamann