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Get rid of that 
 front end @hagenburger #rubyconftw

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(I’m from Germany. The country producing China Oil for Taiwan.)

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(Ruby) back-end vs. front-end developers

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Back-end developer ★ Hard to hire ★ Used to work with: ★ Databases ★ Services ★ Ruby

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Front-end developer ★ Even harder to hire ★ Today mostly JavaScript based: ★ Grunt/Gulp/Broccoli/Webpack/etc. ★ Might not like use Ruby

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Working as a team ★ JavaScript/Node might be harder to install than expected ★ Ruby might be harder to install than expected ★ Note to self: Not everybody is using a MacBook

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Do you want to combine this?

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Might cost time.

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Better use the time to separate concerns.

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Split up your architecture

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A typical project

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Why Phone Apps?

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Why Phone Apps? APP APP HTML and CSS

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(The architecture might look like this:)

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(Step 1: Get the CSS out of the applications by creating a global front-end style guide)

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(This is what style guides contains)

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A style guide is a copy & paste API

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(3 × copy & paste) (actual Step 1: We created an additional version of the HTML templates and more complexity)

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(Step 2: Get the HTML out of the applications and providing the templates as API)

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HTML can’t live without CSS CSS can’t live without HTML CSS HTML

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(Example for a style guide describing an API partial. The style guide is just the API documentation.)

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Remote partials

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How to implement?

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Different approaches ★ Completely separate ★ Two applications combined ★ As Ruby Gem ★ Monolith application

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Completely separate +Back end (Rails) +Front end (JS on developing machine) −Slow change processes ★ API: ★ Provide templates (e. g. as JSON) ★ Load all templates into back end at startup

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Two apps combined +Run the application (e. g. Rails) normally +Run the front-end app (e. g. Middleman) +Changes can be done more easily −Still does not solve different working environments #protip: Use Foreman

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GEM +Include it into every app +Helpers can be shared +Form builders are possible −Ruby back end only −Harder to develop (Git)

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One app +Nothing much to change +Share partials between app and style guide −Still does not solve different working environments

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Visual changes ★ CSS changes in the style guide ★ HTML in the app must reflect this

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Example Old version: New version: (Applying this wrapper to all fields in the application might be a lot of work)

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Version numbers ★ Gem version ★ NPM version

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Git commit hash ★ Just refer to latest commit hash ★ Get the matching HTML for the CSS

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Atomic design @brad_frost

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Split it up Front end templates (partials) Back end views (e. g. Rails) API

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Test it Unit tests (regression testing) Integration tests (e. g. Cucumber) API

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Regression testing Old version: New version: (Button height fails: Pink parts show diff.)

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Default test Edge case test Test cases

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What’s an edge case? ★ Having the same HTML with different amount of text ★ Having the same HTML without image (user with no profile image) ★ Having the same HTML with too small image

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Front end Takes care that the ★ design won’t break ★ content won’t break ★ devices won’t break Back end Takes care that the ★ work flows won’t break ★ user input won’t break ★ security won’t break

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Depends on the framework. (Backbone, React, and Ember might work well, Anguler could be tricky.)

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Might be part of the front end.

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Why? ★ Translations need typography ★ Typography requires designers ★ Designers work in the front-end team

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100 % 50 % 0% (a designer knows which spacing is right)

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I18n is design and user experience.

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Learnings ★ Keep it as simple as possible ★ Try using Mustache ★ Test the setup before releasing to your co- workers (Readme, Mac/Win/Linux, …)

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Takeaways ★ Your team must feel comfortable with your architecture ★ Front end and back end getting more and more different ★ Cherry-pick the parts you need ★ Some JS frameworks might be hard to use

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URLs ★ (WIP) ★ Also: ★ ★ Slides:

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Slide 58 text email twitter blog first name last name 謝謝 Thank you!