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Static Code Analysis Using SSA

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‘go’ toolchain is great!

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go build go test go fmt go get go vet go tool cover go tool pprof go -race

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What’s the next step?

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Code generation

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go/ast go/doc go/parser go/printer go/scanner go/token

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Over 1,000 packages import go/ast

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The AST only shows the structure of code

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Static Single Assignment Intermediate Representation

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SSA IR shows how code flows

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Slide 13 text Primary Author: Alan Donovan

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No content

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Only 5 projects import

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Intermediate Representation Go IR Machine Code

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IR is high level

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IR is portable

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x := 1 y := 2 x = x + y Static Single Assignment

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x := 1 y := 2 x = x + y Static Single Assignment

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x1 := 1 y1 := 2 x2 = x1 + y1 Static Single Assignment

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SSA makes analysis easier

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Program fmt os io

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Slide 26 text type Bar type Baz func Bat() Package

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func hello(name string) { if name == “” { fmt.Print(“name?”) name = readString() } fmt.Printf(“hello %s”, name) } Function

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func hello(name string) { if name == “” { fmt.Print(“name?”) name = readString() } fmt.Printf(“hello %s”, name) } Basic Blocks

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fmt.Print(“name?”) name = readString() Control Flow Graph (CFG) fmt.Printf(“hello %s”, name) false true if name == “”

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func hello(name string) { if name == “” { fmt.Print(“name?”) name = readString() } fmt.Printf(“hello %s”, name) } Instructions

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func hello(name string) { if name == “” { fmt.Print(“name?”) name = readString() } fmt.Printf(“hello %s”, name) } Values

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SSA IR Primitives Alloc BinOp Builtin Call ChangeInterface ChangeType Const Convert DebugRef Defer Extract Field FieldAddr FreeVar Function Global Go If Index IndexAddr Jump Lookup MakeChan MakeClosure MakeInterface MakeMap MakeSlice MapUpdate NamedConst Next Panic Parameter Phi Range Return RunDefers Select Send Slice Store Type TypeAssert UnOp

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What does it look like?

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) }

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) }

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) }

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) } true

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) } false

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) }

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) }

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package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { // Parse CLI arguments. flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { fmt.Println("usage: hello NAME") os.Exit(2) } // Extract name from args and say hello. name := flag.Arg(0) sayHello(name) } func sayHello(name string) { fmt.Printf("hello, %s!", name) }

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$ ssadump -build=CPF -importbin .

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return true

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return false

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return ???

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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func main(): 0: entry P:0 S:2 t0 = flag.Parse() () t1 = flag.NArg() int t2 = t1 == 0:int bool if t2 goto 1 else 2 1: if.then P:1 S:1 t3 = new [1]interface{} (varargs) *[1]interface{} t4 = &t3[0:int] *interface{} t5 = make interface{} <- string ("usage: hello NAME":string) interface{} *t4 = t5 t6 = slice t3[:] []interface{} t7 = fmt.Println(t6...) (n int, err error) t8 = os.Exit(2:int) () jump 2 2: if.done P:2 S:0 t9 = flag.Arg(0:int) string t10 = sayHello(t9) () return

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Tools built on go/ssa

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safesql • Written by Carl Jackson at Stripe. • Verifies that the query string arg is a compile time constant. • Helps to prevent SQL injection.

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safesql func main() { // Open database. db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "dbname=db0") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer db.Close() // Retrieve color from CLI args. color := flag.Arg(0) // Execute query. db.Query("SELECT FROM widgets WHERE color = '" + color + "'") }

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safesql func main() { // Open database. db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "dbname=db0") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer db.Close() // Retrieve color from CLI args. color := flag.Arg(0) // Execute query. db.Query("SELECT FROM widgets WHERE color = '" + color + "'") } User Input

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safesql func main() { // Open database. db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "dbname=db0") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer db.Close() // Retrieve color from CLI args. color := flag.Arg(0) // Execute query. db.Query("SELECT FROM widgets WHERE color = '" + color + "'") } Ah! SQL Injection!

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safesql $ safesql . Found 1 potentially unsafe SQL statements: - main.go:13:10 Please ensure that all SQL queries you use are compile-time constants. You should always use parameterized queries or prepared statements instead of building queries from strings.

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safesql const FavColor = “purple” func main() { // Open database. db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "dbname=db0") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer db.Close() // Execute query. db.Query("SELECT FROM widgets WHERE color = '" + FavColor + "'") }

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safesql $ safesql . You're safe from SQL injection! Yay \o/

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oracle • Provides insights about your code. • Even works with interfaces! • Uses pointer analysis to scan your whole program

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oracle • What code calls a function • What code is called by a function • Trace possible paths to a function call from main() • Determine what implements an interface • Find who sends to & receives from a channel • Determine possible values of a pointer • Find other identifiers that refer to the same value

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oracle callees

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type I interface { Foo() } type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} func doSomething(condition bool) { var x I = &T{} x.Foo() if condition { x = &V{} } x.Foo() }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#168 callees main.go main.go:24:7: this dynamic method call dispatches to: main.go:7:11: (*main.T).Foo

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type I interface { Foo() } type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} func doSomething(condition bool) { var x I = &T{} x.Foo() if condition { x = &V{} } x.Foo() }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#210 callees main.go main.go:24:7: this dynamic method call dispatches to: main.go:7:11: (*main.T).Foo main.go:11:11: (*main.V).Foo

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oracle callers

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type I interface { Foo() } type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} func doSomething(condition bool) { var x I = &T{} if condition { x = &V{} x.Foo() } }

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type I interface { Foo() } type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} func doSomething(condition bool) { var x I = &T{} if condition { x = &V{} x.Foo() } }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#61 callers main.go main.go:7:11: (*main.T).Foo is not reachable in this program.

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type I interface { Foo() } type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} func doSomething(condition bool) { var x I = &T{} if condition { x = &V{} x.Foo() } }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#98 callers main.go main.go:11:11: (*main.V).Foo is called from these 1 sites: main.go:22:8: dynamic method call from main.main

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oracle pointsto

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type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} type I interface { Foo() } func doSomething(cond bool) { var x I = &T{} if cond { x = &V{} } fmt.Printf("x is %T\n", x) }

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type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} type I interface { Foo() } func doSomething(cond bool) { var x I = &T{} if cond { x = &V{} } fmt.Printf("x is %T\n", x) }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#168 pointsto main.go main.go:21:6: this I may contain these dynamic types: main.go:8:6: *T, may point to: main.go:21:14: complit

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type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} type I interface { Foo() } func doSomething(cond bool) { var x I = &T{} if cond { x = &V{} } fmt.Printf("x is %T\n", x) }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#206 pointsto main.go main.go:24:3: this I may contain these dynamic types: main.go:12:6: *V, may point to: main.go:24:9: complit

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type T struct{} func (*T) Foo() {} type V struct{} func (*V) Foo() {} type I interface { Foo() } func doSomething(cond bool) { var x I = &T{} if cond { x = &V{} } fmt.Printf("x is %T\n", x) }

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$ oracle -pos main.go:#244 pointsto main.go main.go:27:26: this I may contain these dynamic types: main.go:8:6: *T, may point to: main.go:21:14: complit main.go:12:6: *V, may point to: main.go:24:9: complit

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gorename • Safely renames identifiers • Renames the declaration as well as references. • Even works across packages in GOPATH • Just uses go/types but it’s still cool • Intelligently prevents ambiguity and shadowing conflicts.

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gorename func doSomething() { var x int if y := rand.Intn(10); y == 0 { x = 1 } fmt.Printf("x is %d\n", x) } Shadowing Conflict

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gorename $ gorename -from mypkg.doSomething::x -to y Shadowing Conflict

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gorename mypkg.go:2:6: renaming this var "x" to "y" mypkg.go:4:3: would cause this reference to become shadowed mypkg.go:5:5: by this intervening var definition Shadowing Conflict

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gorename package mypkg type Widget struct { Name string } ... type Woojit struct { Widget Floojit string } Ambiguity Conflict

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gorename $ gorename -from mypkg.Widget -to Floojit Ambiguity Conflict

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gorename main.go:8:2: renaming this field "Widget" to "Floojit" main.go:9:2: would conflict with this field Ambiguity Conflict

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It’s just the beginning! There is so much to build!

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Q&A @benbjohnson