CUDA in your Python: Effective
Parallel Programming on the GPU
William Horton
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Moore’s Law is dead
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Moore’s Law
The number of transistors
on an integrated circuit will
double every two years
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By - Original text : Data source:, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The Death of Moore’s Law
“I guess I see Moore’s Law
dying here in the next
decade or so, but that’s not
- Gordon Moore, 2015
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Why GPUs?
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History of the GPU
The GPU (graphics processing unit) was originally developed for gaming
Designed to be good at matrix operations
Typical workload for gaming graphics requires arithmetic operations on large
amounts of data (pixels, objects in a scene, etc.)
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Specs: GPU vs CPU
Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti Founder’s Edition Intel Core i9-9900K
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Specs: GPU vs CPU
Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti Founder’s Edition Intel Core i9-9900K
Cores: 4352 CUDA Cores across 68
Streaming Multiprocessors
Base Clock: 1.350 GHz
Boost Clock: 1.635 GHz
Cores: 8 (16 Hyperthreads)
Base Clock: 3.6 GHz
Boost Clock: 5.0 GHz
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GPU Architecture
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The rise of GPGPU
General-purpose computing on GPU
“In the past the processing units of the GPU were designed only for computer
graphics but now GPUs are truly general-purpose parallel processors.” (“GPGPU
Computing”, Oancea 2014)
Different models: CUDA (Nvidia), APP (AMD), OpenCL (open standard maintained
by Khronos Group)
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About me
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My work
Senior Software Engineer on the Data team at Compass
Tools my team uses: PySpark, Kafka, Airflow
We’re hiring in NYC and
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The Future: GPUs for Data Pipelines?
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The Future: GPU Databases?
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My hobbies include...
Deep Learning!
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Horton’s Law
AWS Bill
Interest in deep learning
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How can I start programming the
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NumPy example
import numpy as np
x = np.random.randn(10000000).astype(np.float32)
y = np.random.randn(10000000).astype(np.float32)
z = x + y
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GPU example
import cupy as cp
x = cp.random.randn(10000000).astype(cp.float32)
y = cp.random.randn(10000000).astype(cp.float32)
z = x + y
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GPU example
import cupy as cp
x = cp.random.randn(10000000).astype(cp.float32)
y = cp.random.randn(10000000).astype(cp.float32)
z = x + y
Approaches to
CUDA in Python
1. Drop-in replacement
2. Compiling CUDA
strings in Python
3. C/C++ extension
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Drop-in replacement
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CuPy: a drop-in NumPy replacement
Developed for the deep learning framework
Supports NumPy-like indexing, data types,
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API differences
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More CUDA drop-ins
cuDF: drop-in for pandas dataframes
cuML: CUDA-powered scikit-learn
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Compiling CUDA strings in Python
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Threads, Blocks, and Grids
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Threads execute CUDA code, and have a threadIdx in up to 3 dimensions
The threadIdx is used for specifying which part of the data to do work on
Why up to 3 dimensions?
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Data parallelism
“Same operations are performed on different subsets of same data.“
Or, different processors take distinct slices of the data and do the same thing to it
Many operations on vectors and matrices can be performed in a data-parallel way
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1-D example
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
t0 t1 t2 t3
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1-D example
Threads to indexes:
t0: 0, 4, 8
t1: 1, 5
t2: 2, 6
t3: 3, 7
Rule: threadIdx + numThreads * i
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2-D example
[[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8]]
t0 t1 t2 t3
? ? ?
% %
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3-D example
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2-D example
[[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8]]
t0,1 t1,1
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Blocks & Grids
Blocks organize groups of threads
“Thread blocks are required to execute independently: It must be possible to
execute them in any order, in parallel or in series...Threads within a block can
cooperate by sharing data through some shared memory and by synchronizing
their execution to coordinate memory accesses”
Also can be indexed in up to three dimensions using blockIdx and blockDim
Grids: just groups of blocks
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Threads, Blocks, and Grids
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GPU Architecture
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CUDA Kernel example
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Host and device
CPU (Host) GPU (Device)
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CUDA Kernels
Kernels are C/C++ code with additional syntax, most importantly __global__ for
identifying the kernel function, and the <<<...>>> syntax for specifying grid size and
block size
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CUDA Kernel example
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Built by Andreas Klöckner, a researcher in scientific computing at UIUC
Described in the paper “PyCUDA and PyOpenCL: A scripting-based approach to
GPU run-time code generation” (2012)
Used for scientific and research projects: Sailfish: Lattice Boltzmann Fluid
Dynamics, Copenhagen CT toolbox, LINGO Chemical Similarities (and more!
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PyCUDA example code
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Benefits of PyCUDA
Automatic Memory Management
Data Transfer: In, Out, and InOut
Automatic Error Checking
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Automatic Memory Management
One of the big benefits of PyCUDA: Object cleanup is tied to lifetime of objects.
Once your Python object goes out of scope, it will free the CUDA allocated
memory for you.
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Data Transfer: In, Out, and InOut
import numpy
import pycuda.driver as cuda
a = numpy.random.randn(4,4).astype(numpy.float32)
func(cuda.InOut(a), block=(4, 4, 1))
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Data Transfer: In, Out, and InOut
They are wrappers around your numpy array to transfer data to and from the GPU
For example, to perform an operation on a np array a you’d have to:
1. Create the array on CPU
2. Allocate GPU memory of that size
3. Transfer data from CPU to GPU
4. Run the CUDA kernel
5. Transfer data back from GPU to CPU
Instead you can use cuda.InOut(a) and it does all that for you!
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Automatic Error Checking
“[I]f an asynchronous error occurs, it will be reported by some subsequent
unrelated runtime function call.” ???
PyCUDA checks CUDA errors and surfaces them as specific Python Exceptions
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When writing CUDA kernels, some parameters have to be chosen carefully, like
“What’s the optimal number of threads per block?”
This is often done with heuristics
According to the PyCUDA docs:
“The solution to this problem that PyCUDA tries to promote is:
Forget heuristics. Benchmark at run time and use whatever works fastest.”
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Metaprogramming example
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CUDA as a C/C++ extension
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“Why not just use C++?”
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Python API &
C/C++/(CUDA) performance
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Python C Extensions
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CUDA to C/C++
Nvidia provides the nvcc compiler
nvcc takes in your CUDA C source code and does several things:
1. Compiles the kernel to GPU assembly code
2. Replaces the special syntax (<<<...>>>) in the C/C++ code
3. Optionally, can use your C/C++ compiler to compile the host (CPU) code
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The Python side
Starting point:
Uses Cython to generate C++ class
setuptools then helps us compile and link everything together
Accessing a GPU
Google Colab (free!)
Kaggle Kernels (also free!)
Cloud GPU Instances:
AWS p2.xlarge ($0.90 per Hour)
Google Cloud ($0.45 USD per GPU)
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Horton’s Law
AWS Bill
Interest in deep learning
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Where to go next?
Applying CUDA to your workflow
Parallel programming algorithms
Other kinds of devices (xPUs like TPU, FPGA through PYNQ)
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The End. Go program the GPU!
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“Gordon Moore: The Man Whose Name Means Progress”
NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide: