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Better Presentations

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Michael Plöd Partner and Principal Architect at Senacor Technologies AG More than 50 (conference) talks Author Java Magazin @bitboss

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Dear developers, I don‘t want to drag you to the dark side of the force

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There are far too many bad and boring presentations

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Also I started with bad presentations

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Bad Design

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No Message

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Bullet Point Bonanza

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Bad Delivery

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PowerPoint Material- search The usual process consists of only 2 Steps Bad Presentation

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Good Presentation Arguments Design Delivery

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Everyone can create good Presentations...

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... if you follow a simple process...

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Five simple steps ......

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Step 1: Analysis of audience

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Step 2: Material collection

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Step 3: Argumentation

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Step 4: Layout

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Step 5: Delivery

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In the beginning we work Analog

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Step 1: Analyze the audience

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The speaker is not the Hero

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The audience is the Hero

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7simple questions for analyzing the target audience Source: Nancy Duarte - Resonate

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What moves them?

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How can I solve their issues?

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What do I want my audience to do?

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Who are they?

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Which resistance will I get?

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Why are they here?

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How can I reach them?

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Analyze the environment as well

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Step 2: Material collection

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Collection of ideas with pen and paper OFFLINE

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Example: Collection of ideas

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Collection Selection Assessment

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Fist: Collect without restrictions N+1 Problem 2nd Level Cache Batch Fetching Lazy Loading Eager Fetching Karthesian Product Hibernate Statistics Ignore Bind Variables Log Files for Queries Subselect Fetching Query Cache Session and 1st Level Cache

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Log Files for Queries Then: Group N+1 Problem 2nd Level Cache Eager Fetching Karthesian Product Hibernate Statistics Ignore Bind Variables Subselect Fetching Query Cache Session and 1st Level Cache Lazy Loading Batch Fetching Fetching Strategies Problems Analysis Caching

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Log Files for Queries 2nd Level Cache Hibernate Statistics Query Cache Session and 1st Level Cache Eager Fetching Subselect Fetching Lazy Loading Batch Fetching Fetching Strategies There are 2 main issues There are 2 tuning spots Caching Tools Finally: Messages N+1 Problem Karthesian Product

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Step 3: Argumentation + Story

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Each presentation has one Main Message It is the minimum take away of your audience

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Inductive Reasoning Message Answer Answer Answer Question

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Inductive Reasoning Everyone can create good presentations Process Argumentation- techniques Design Basics why?

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M E C E utually xclusive ompletely xhaustive

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ME CE Message Message Messages don‘t overlap with regards to their content Answers are sufficent to make the message intangible

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Deductive Reasoning Message Neutral Claim (Situation) Commenting Claim (Complication) Conclusion from Situation and Complication why? +

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Deductive Reasoning Test of project xyz should be suspended for 2 weeks There are many bugs in the current test release The bugs prevent a smooth business test Hence the test should be paused for 2 weeks in order to enable the developers to fix the bugs why? +

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Inductive and deductive reasoning can be combined +

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Deductive with inductive reasoning +

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Complete inductive reasoning

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What do those guys have in common?

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! a great Story

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Ethos Pathos Logos

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Based on our reasonings we create a Storyboard

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What is? What can be? A Sparkline helps us to structure the story

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What is? What can be? The STAR-MOMENT is the highlight of your presentation

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Step 4: Layout + Design

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Initial layout of ideas with pen and paper OFFLINE

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Example: Layout

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3simple rules for a great slide layout

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One message per slide

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Keep it simple

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Use graphs instead of words

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Visualization of Data

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Presentation software offer too many types of charts 0 25 50 75 100 2007 2009 0 50 100 150 200 2007 2009 0 25 50 75 100 2007 2010 0 17,5 35 52,5 70 0 25 50 75 100 2007 2009 7 % 8 % 10 % 11 % 29 % 35 % 0 10 20 0 5 10 15 20 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 50 100 150 200

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Categorize messages in Comparison Types Structure Frequency Time Series Context Ranking

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A structural comparison contains procentual or proportional information in the message 27% of the reported errors were in the user interface whereas only 4% could be allocated to the business logic 9 % 60 % 4 % 27 % UI Business 3rd party libs Other

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A frequency comparison aims to show how often a figure appears in different magnitudes Most of the bugs are CSS layout bugs 0 15 30 45 60 DB JS CSS Java

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A time series comparison documents the change of a figure over a certain amount of time „We managed to lower our build times by 45% within the last 30 weeks by introducing Gradle “ 0 25 50 75 100 0-10 10-20 20-30 AVG Build Time

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A contextual comparison displays data in context to each other an aims to deduce correlations „Too many queries are executed too often in relation to their runtime“ 0 100 200 0 100 200

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A Ranking evaluates data in order to deduce a order of precedence „Most of the developers in our team favor Apache Wicket whereas JSF is not very popular“ 0 15 30 45 60 JSF GWT Wicket

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Visualization of textual facts with Slides

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Structure Display of structure within layers, trees or a matrix

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Cluster Display of grouped information

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Flow Display of processual flows

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Radiate Display of correlations, knots and cores

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Influence Display of cause and effect

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Don‘t manipulate

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Step 5: Performance

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Senacor Special Print Open Source Integration magazin Java t Architekturen t Web t Agile CD-INHALT JAVA Mag 12.2011 Lean Enterprise Architecture Video von der JAX 2011 HIGHLIGHT Death of XP Java Tech Journal Special Edition EXKLUSIV für unsere Leser WEITERE INHALTE r -VDFOF4PMS r "DUJWF.2 r $9' Soft Skills konkret Effektiv vermitteln, aber wie 97 Geoinformations- systeme Orte malen 86 Brandneues Programm 51 Best Practices mit Git Besser Gits nicht! 100 Solr unter Strom Suchmagie für Applikationsentwickler 48 Apache Cayenne Mit Remote Objects Welten verbinden 30 Googles JPA: Bigger Table, lesser Standard? 80 Integration HIGHLIGHT Death of XP Java Tech Journal r "DUJWF.2 r $9' Best Practices mit Git „Präsentationstechniken für Softwareentwickler und -architekten“ von Michael Plöd, Principal Architect und Partner bei Senacor Technologies AG 4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDL4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDL 4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDL4POEFSESVDLt4POEFSESVDL E-Book

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Thank you !!! Photos / Graphics (c) Michael Plöd / Senacor Technologies AG Exception: Photos of Michael Plöd (Slides 2, 5) (c) Matthias Heyde Pointy Font licensed from Bitfoundry [email protected] @bitboss