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Creating a RESTful API for mobile applications Paul McMahon @pwim

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My Company: My Product:

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REST provides a convention for client/ server communication

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The core idea in REST: everything is a resource

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Example: or /communities/1

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Four methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

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5 standard actions in APIs GET /communities List communities POST /communities Create a community GET /communities/1 Get a community PUT /communities/1 Update a community DELETE /communities/1 Delete a community

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Nesting Example: GET /communities/1/posts

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These actions are all you need!

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The resources in your API are not the same as in your application models

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Example: Archive a community

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POST /communities/1/archive

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Example: Unarchive a community

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DELETE /communities/1/archive

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Significance of pluralization: Many communities, but only one archive per community

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Format of resource is independent of representation

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So the body of a request / response could be html, json, xml, image, etc

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Practically speaking, we use json

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Example { “community”: { “name”: “Tokyo iOS Meetup”, “post_count”: 5, “members”: [ { “name”: “Paul” }, { “name”: “Matt” } ], “public”: true, }

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Use HTTP Status to Indicate Status of Request

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Important status codes 200 OK 201 Created 401 Not Authorized 404 Not Found 406 Not Acceptable 422 Unprocessable Entity

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Authentication: Use OAuth 2.0

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API Practicalities

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Version your api: /api/v1/communities

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Kill Switch: Force clients to upgrade

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Control Endpoint Domain: i.e, don’t use in production

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Don’t handcraft your json

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Return complete URLs

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Build your API to minimize requests for mobile client

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So, what about Rails?

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Anatomy of an API Controller class Api::V1::CommunitiesController respond_to :json def index @communities = Community.all respond_with @communities end end

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Generating JSON user.as_json(include: { posts: { include: { comments: { only: :body } }, only: :title } })

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RABL # app/views/posts/index.rabl collection @posts attributes :id, :title, :subject child(:user) { attributes :full_name } node(:read) { |post| post.read_by?(@user) } [{ "post" : { "id" : 5, title: "...", subject: "...", "user" : { full_name : "..." }, "read" : true } }]

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ActiveModel Serializers class PostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :title, :body has_many :comments end class CommentSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :text end # /posts/1 { “post” : { “id”: 1, “title”: “Sample”, “body”: “Sample Body”, “comments”: [ {“id”: 1, “text”: “comment 1”}}, {“id”: 2, “text”: “comment 2”}] }

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OAuth2 with Doorkeeper class Api::V1::CommunitiesController respond_to :json doorkeeper_for :index def index @communities = Community.all respond_with @communities end end