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Topic Modeling for Information Retrieval and Word Sense Disambiguation tasks Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Di Donato Leonardo Text Mining Course - Prof. Fabio Stella

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Introduction Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca super abundant amount of digital unstructured information it continues to grow at an astonishing rate (it doubles every two years) man can not manage it: information overload. problems: crawling, representing, storing, summarizing, clustering, searching ... (general rule: every problem is an opportunity) opportunity: automatically extract value from chaos what value? how to do it?

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Goals the value that we want to extract is: clusters of semantically related documents our purpose is [1] the unsupervised clustering of a text dataset [2] the implementation of information retrieval procedures that exploit the representation of documents at the topic level [3] the modeling of the ability to computationally identify the meaning of words in context (word sense disambiguation) our documents collection: a partition of the Associated Press dataset ~ 2300 english textual news (dating back to the '90s) characteristic of any text document: it is often messy, has flaws and noise we need to clean the data we need a structured representation of the data Dataset

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Pre-Processing google refine [ link ] [1] replacement of abbreviations and common entities with expressions that normalize them (e.g., {dlrs, dlr, $, ...} → {dollar}, {mln, mlns, ...} → {million}) [2] adjustment of flaws and [3] stripping metadata entities through regular expressions mallet [ link ] [1] make all the characters lowercase [2] tokenization [3] stop-word removal [4] vocabulary proportional cut-off, with threshold 0.03 [5] term-frequency representation of each document corpus is a unique file, every line is a document with this format: results: |W| = 32349 token types, 241908 words

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Topic Models probabilistic generative models for uncovering the underlying semantic structure of a document collection based on a Bayesian analysis of the original texts [ Blei, 2003 ] goal: discover patterns of word-use and connect documents that exhibit similar patterns idea: documents are mixtures of topics (assignments) and each topic is a multinomial probability distribution over words which are the topics have generated the given corpus of documents with the maximum likelihood ? we have to infer 3 latent variables: [1] the word distribution over topics [2] the topics distribution over documents [3] the word-topic assignments [1] Φ(j) = P(W|Z = j) [2] Θ(d) = P (Z|D = d) [3] P(Z|W)

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Topic Models Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model associates with [2] and [1] two smoothing hyper-parameters α and β. the number of times a topic j which has been selected for a document is indicated by α j (α 1 , ..., α T are the parameters of a prior Dirichlet) β is the parameter of a prior Dirichlet which indicates the count of extracted words from a topic (before observing any corpus document) To estimate them we can use different methods (e.g.; Gibbs Sampling) we need to estimate the distributions Φ and Θ: it is possible compute them directly through the matrixes of counts

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Tuning which are the best value for hyper-parameters ? usually α = 50/T and β = 0.01 are those that give the best results [ Steyvers and Griffiths, 2007 ] which is the optimal number of topics T ? and the number of iterations I ? it depends on the specific problem, it's an open problem we have set T = 35 and T = 40 there are topics evaluation techniques that try to face this problem ... we have used one of those techniques (i.e., the topic coherence metric, which evaluates the semantic coherence of a topic) to compare two model configurations: symmetric α versus asymmetric α

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Symmetric α versus Asymmetric α an asymmetric configuration (AS) for the alpha hyper-parameters serves to calibrate with more flexibility the degree of topics sparseness has been empirically demonstrated that optimizing Dirichlet hyper- parameters (α i , ..., α T ) for topics-document distribution makes a huge difference: topics are not dominated by very common words and they are more stable as their number increase [ Wallach, 2009 ] it has not been verified by our experimentation: the topic's average coherence for AS configuration was worse than SS configuration why ? in our corpus there isn’t a topic that tends to occur in each document (or the optimal number of T may be greater, or simply the answer is more trivial ...)

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Top topics for symmetric α and T = 35

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Post-Processing - Information Retrieval why should we use topic models to improve information retrieval tasks ? [1] we can cluster queries according the extracted topics [2] two documents which share no common words can be measured as similar query likelihood model is a basic approach for information retrieval in this context (generative model) we can evaluate how well a document matches a query specifying how the words of the query may have been generated by a language model we derive a language model for each document (a mixture of topics) so, the relevant documents will have a topic distribution that is likely may generated the set of words contained in (or associated with) the query → documents similarity

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Documents Similarity two approaches to compute the similarity between documents [1] probabilistic query approach [2] comparison of topics distribution of documents how ? through divergence metrics (e.g., symmetrised Kullback-Leibler, Jenson-Shannon)

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Similar documents for query "forest fire" AP880727-0015 X Fire-spitting helicopters were dispatched to Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday to help protect the Old Faithful geyser area from a 6,000-acre blaze ...

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Post-Processing - Word Sense Disambiguation the ability to identify the meaning of words in context in a computational manner is usually referred as the Word Sense Disambiguation four elements: [1] selection of word senses (i.e., the classes) [2] use of external knowledge sources [3] representation of context [4] selection of an automatic classification method input: a user specified context document d c that contains the word w x to be disambiguated [1] → given s most similar words for w x , for each of this we build a sense document capturing synsets, glosses, example phrases, and other relevant relations from WordNet [2] → WordNet as external knowledge sources to create the sense documents d s [3] → the topical and the semantic features [4] → comparison of document d c with each of the s d s document (with one of the two approaches presented): the most similar will be the sense of word w x in context d c

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Words similarity two possible approaches to compute the similarity between words: [1] associative relation [2] comparison of (topics-words) P(Z|W) distribution

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Words similar to token "arab"

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Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca Future Work topic modeling → ● train an LDA model with asymmetric α for increasing values of T and evaluate the resulting quality of topics ● train an LDA model with asymmetric α on a vocabulary on which has not been performed any proportional cut-off ● investigate a possible implementation of a multiple chain model to obtain topics more stable ● use other metric of topic evaluation information retrieval → ● assess and fine-tune the prior probability of a document in the query likelihood model ● use other high-frequency metrics (e.g., α-skew) in relation to the comparison of distributions word sense disambiguation → ● implement and evaluate other methods to compare context document and sense documents (e.g., compute P(d c , d s ) under the assumption that they are conditionally independent, given the topic variable) ● refine the mechanism of sense selection (e.g., choosing each of the s most probable words into probability interval in order to minimize the risk that all the most similar words refer to meanings really strictly correlated)

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Thank you for your attention. Di Donato Leonardo, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca