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Digital Currency: Crypto Opportunities in Improving the Global Economy Nur Muhammad Luthfi Find me on internet @nmluthfi UKM FODIM, Univ. Atma Jaya Jakarta September 10th, 2021

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Halo Semua! 01

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Gimana Kabarnya? 02

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Kenalan Dulu Yuk! 03

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Nur Muhammad Luthfi Previously Product at KoinWorks Currently Official Influencer and Community Organizer at CoinMarketCap

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Topics List 1. The concept of Cryptocurrency 2. Crypto in Indonesia 3. Crypto as Indonesia's Economic Catalyst 4. If Crypto Mainstream 5. The Next Big Thing in Crypto 6. Cryptocurrency Risk Mitigation 7. Crypto as Money Today’s Topic

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What is cryptocurrency? 07

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If we breakdown the word..... Crypto: methods of securing data with cryptography Currency: money 08

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So, what is cryptocurrency? Encrypted, peer-to-peer digital currency stored on the blockchain 09

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2 Types of Cryptocurrency Coin Token 10

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Source: Coinswitch 11

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Wait.. wait.. another one? blockchain? It’s Distributed data storage stored in a block and interconnected with previous and future blocks. 12

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Woah.. that’s too much! I’m getting confused here....... 13

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HAHAHA! Alright. Alright No worries! 13

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Let’s see how blockchain works! Please take a loot at Budi dan Ani case. Budi want to transfer 100k to Ani. Budi Ani 14

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Budi Ni, gua mau bayar utang warkop kemarin Gua kirim pake aset digital yak! Ani Oke, 100k loh. Jangan sampe lupa! Siap, Ni! Ditunggu yo... 15

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Budi *klik Bitcoin *input alamat BTC Ani *done Hash: 3A8E5061828FDEE9A2BE79E22833FD38D98B74407F5187F45C3091C7FC46F6A7 16

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Block X Guys, ada transaksi baru. Tolong di validasi ya! 17

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Agung Noted gan! Alvin Oke siap! Dinda Ashiapppp! Adit Oke, gua catet. 18

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Budi Ani, udah gua kirim. Udah sampe kan? Ani Wait, gua check Udah sampe, Bud! Thanks! 20

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Wow. So cool!!! However, what’s the differences with the current system? Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Need Middleman Peer-to-Peer 01 01 02 02 03 03 Closed Source Open Source Centralized Decentralized 22

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Crypto in Indonesia 2018 Cryptocurrency was officially legalized in September 2018 supervised by Bappebti 2019 Government categorizes cryptocurrency as a commodity. (Regulation No.5 of 2019) 2020 Bappebti makes mandatory Know- Your-Customer regulations Bappeti makes a list of legal cryptocurrencies to trade. (Regulation No. 7 of 2020) 2021 Government Soon Establish State- owned Crypto Exchange Goverment implement CDBC /Digital Rupiah (???) 23

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Crypto as Indonesia's Economic Catalyst For goverment For society Source of State Tax Income As Investment Vechicle 01 01 02 02 03 Fast, Transparent and Precise Money Distribution As Source of Incomp k Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Easy to monitor money in circulation 24

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But, Why NFT? 25

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Because it’s the time! 26

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If.... crypto mainstream True Sharing Economy 7B Potential Market Monetizing Data Creators of Value Protecting Rights 01 02 03 04 05 29

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The Next Big Thing in Crypto Cross-chain / Multichain Metaverse Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) 01 02 03 30

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Cryptocurrency Risk Mitigation 01 02 03 Know the project and the founder well Keep your account on a safe place or keep it on cold wallet Never share your cold wallet’s key phrase 04 05 06 Invest money that you can afford Keep updated with the industry Learn, learn and learn. 31

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Crypto as Money vs Fiat vs Gold Source: 32

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Further Read 01 02 03 Tips Memilih Crypto Untuk Berinvestasi Web 3.0: Masa Depan Internet Semua Tentang NFT Explained. Read more on 33

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Thank You 34

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any ques tion? 35