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Clay Smith Developer Advocate, New Relic @smithclay - [email protected] Managing front-end anarchy with build artifacts

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About Me • Lots of web and mobile app development (PagerDuty, Reuters, Flite) • Been node.js since 0.4 • Dev Advocating at New Relic (focus on mobile and JS)

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Front-end web dev is • Building JavaScript apps is complicated and changes fast. • Complexity and constant change introduce new modes of failure. • Build artifacts simplify workflow. This talk is all about them.

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Case study: Building a single-page app in late 2015 CC A ND

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Choosing a language • To JavaScript or not to JavaScript? • ES6, ES7 or ES-old? • CoffeeScript, ClojureScript, Scala.js • DogeScript, DART CC A ND

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Now boarding on platform mobile CC A ND

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• Do I build a separate app? • Do I use build a native (Swift/Java) or hybrid app (PhoneGap)? • If I build a single-page app, do I use a responsive framework? • How do I test this on different mobile devices? Difficult mobile app questions

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CC A ND JS Framework (n) - Something to argue about at dev conferences.

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The battle for ★s 43, 046 29, 029 23, 092 14, 847, 10/6/15

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• 245 talks and events on Ember.js • 746 talks and events on Backbone • 777 talks and events on React.js • 1222 talks and events on Angular • 2434 talks and events on jQuery,10/6/15 5424 talks

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Putting it all together with build tools Screenshot of my build environment

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{com,trans}pile, optimize *.js, *.css, *.html, *.woff *.js, *.css, templates

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Webpack: so on fleek right now (see also: AssetGraph)

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Assets are nodes in a graph index.html about.html header.png style.css about.js custom.woff shared.js Example dependency graph

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Also: webpack doesn't care what module load you use. “webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.”

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bundle splitting! async loading! packaging static assets!

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Visualization of the open-source package generator-webapp: (MIT License) So. Many. Dependencies.

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npm install all-the-things

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Slide 20 text is 3068 lines long npm list (BSD Licence)

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Why does it seem like everyone uses Bootstrap?

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CC0 Welcome to iceberg web dev

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Build artifacts are here to help CC A ND

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Slide 24 text An artifact is one of many kinds of tangible by-products produced during the development of software.

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The /dist folder problem screen capture (MIT License)

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• Problem #1: "Whoops, I forgot to rebuild in this commit" • Problem #2: Very, very painful merge conflicts. • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The hybrid app problem iOS Android Browser APP

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• Multiple platforms and targets need some combination (and potentially different versions) of JavaScript, CSS, HTML. • Don't want to check in transformed source code. • Don't want to make Xcode/Android do javascript builds. • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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So just run (gulp || grunt) on the app servers before deploy?

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Slide 30 text grunt-to-heroku I was wrong on StackOverflow.

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Best practice: Don't put "transformed" code into VCS... or make other people build it.

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Artifact repositories - a home for artifacts

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build artifacts (prod. JS/HTML/CSS) repository (cloud storage, GH release, etc) "something" that needs the archive Build Artifact Workflow

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Case study: npm • npm doesn't want you to annoy people who use your package with the details of how you built it. npm package npm registry you publish install

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Slide 35 text “The advantage of doing [compilation, transformation, etc] at prepublish time instead of preinstall or install time is that they can be done once, in a single place, and thus greatly reduce complexity and variability.”

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#YOBO You Only Build Once.

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Case study: Carthage • Carthage is a new dependency manager for iOS. • It compiles Swift or Objective-C code and produces dynamic frameworks that can be used by other projects.

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Slide 38 text “Carthage can automatically use prebuilt frameworks, instead of building from scratch, if they are attached to a GitHub Release on your project’s repository.”

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CC A ND Recap

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Single page JavaScript is hard. CC A ND

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Bundle assets created from your build process. CC A ND

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Use an artifact repository to mangage artifacts. CC A ND

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Key takeaway: never check transformed JS source into VCS. CC A ND

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Say hi at the New Relic Booth. Clay Smith Developer Advocate, New Relic @smithclay - [email protected]