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Welcome to SIG Contributor Experience

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What is the Kubernetes Community #1 OSS project by developer activity* #2 project by Pull Requests* Source: devstats Community Stats (Aug 2020) Contributors 48,000+ Org Members 1,179 Repos 209 Pull Requests 166,425~ Slack 100,000+ * As of 2020-02-25 - Ref: CNCF Velocity Report

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Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Who are we?

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Who are we? Bob Killen @mrbobbytables Jorge Castro @castrojo Nikhita Raghunath @nikhita Christoph Blecker @cblecker

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Teams ● Events ● Marketing ● GitHub Admins ● Stream Team ● Moderators ● APAC ● “Community Managers”

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What we do “The Contributor Experience Special Interest Group (SIG) is responsible for improving the experience of those who upstream contribute to the Kubernetes project. We do this by creating, and maintaining programs and processes that promote community health and reduce project friction, while retiring those programs and processes that don't. Being conscientious of our contributor base is critical to scaling the project, growing the ecosystem, and helping the project succeed.” - SIG Contributor Experience Charter

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First things first ● ● Calendar: /resources/calendar/

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How we do it...subprojects ● Community - Owns and manages overall community repo, including community group documentation and operations. ● Community Management - Manages operations and policy for upstream community group communication platforms. ● Contributor Documentation - Writes and maintains documentation around contributing to Kubernetes, including the Contributor's Guide, Developer's Guide, and contributor website. ● Devstats - Maintains and updates, including taking requests for new charts.

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How we do it...subprojects ● Events - Creates and runs contributor-focused events, such as the Contributor Summit. Event Teams are part of this subproject. ● GitHub Management - Manages and controls Github permissions, repos, and groups, including Org Membership. ● - Creates and maintains shortcuts and automation apps running in the domain. ● Mentoring - Oversees and develops programs for helping contributors ascend the contributor ladder, including the New Contributor Workshops, Meet Our Contributors, and other programs. ● Slack Infra - Creates and maintains tools and automation for Kubernetes Slack.

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Community Management ● Mailing Lists and Calendars ○ All SIGs have public meetings with notes on the community calendar ○ Join the list of the thing you’re interested in ● YouTube ○ Check out ○ Stream team is looking for more members, specifically on the West Coast US “The last remnants of the old republic are being swept away ...eventually”

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Community Management ● Community Repo ○ OWNERs of ○ “Meta of the meta” - governance documentation, election procedures,, anything steering wants us to oversee or janitorialize. ● Zoom ○ TLDR: Keep your clients up to date ● ○ Community forum with related k8s topics ● Moderators ○ Always looking, especially APAC.

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● Team was established late last year and has grown significantly! ● Launched a communication framework to provide clear and regular updates. ● Wrote multiple blog posts on SIGs that resulted in new contributors! (Editorial board) ● New Contributor Twitter account launched - @k8sContributors Community Mgmnt Upstream Marketing? Channels Needs Feedback Appreciated ICYMI Priority Action Required Up next ● Scope and release of a message syndication bot. ● Simplify our issue template based on initial feedback. ● Continue community group blog series.

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Contributors Documentation ● “Living documents” ● Contributor Guide ● Developer Guide ○ Currently undergoing a significant rework. ● Contributor Site ○ Publish contributor guide, community calendar, release information and more. ○ Launch targeting end of August

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DevStats ● Toolset to visualize GitHub archives (GitHub events) using Grafana dashboards ● Revisiting all the boards and sections with the mindset of how they can used by leads. ● Ping Lauri Apple (@LappleApple) if you’re interested.

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Events ● Contributor Summits during KubeCon :( ○ Currently on hiatus due to world events, more to follow. ○ Potentially going to host virtual event. ● Upcoming Steering Committee election ○ Announcement will be sent to kubernetes-dev mailing list. ● Kubernetes Office Hours

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GitHub Management ● Manages and controls Github permissions, repos, and groups, including Org Membership. ● GitHub Org Clean up is done \o/ ○ Community Membership Guidelines have been updated to support off-boarding members ○ Members with NO activity across any of the Kubernetes Orgs for 18 months will be removed and asked to go through org membership process again ● Kubernetes-incubator should be retired by the end of August ● Upcoming: Pruning inactive repos in the Kubernetes org

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Mentoring Prereq - The ladder Subproject Owner - Set priorities and approve proposals for subproject - Responsibility and leadership for entire repository/directory Approver - Approve contributions for acceptance - Highly experienced reviewer and contributor in subproject Reviewer - History of reviewing; reviews frequently - Authorship in subproject Member - Active contributor to the project - Sponsored by two Reviewers Non-member Contributors

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Mentoring ● Programs / Initiatives: ○ Meet our Contributors - AMA with current contributors ○ Group Mentoring Cohorts - Semi-structured group mentoring initiative with a small group of people ○ Shadow Programs (Building Teams) - Scalable apprenticeship program ○ 1:1 Hour - Pair with someone in the ecosystem ○ Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - Internship program ○ Outreachy Internships - Internship Program ○ New Contributor Workshop - more on this in a bit ESSENTIAL TO OVERALL PROJECT HEALTH

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Mentoring - New Contributor Workshop ● Formerly an all day workshop hosted as a part of the Contributor Summits ● Being reworked to be piecemeal and targeted towards online only ● Looking for volunteers to help present and record sections

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Slack infra ● Slack tooling has enabled us to manage a 100k user Slack (thanks Katharine~) ● Upcoming: ○ Connecting github to #announcements so people can PR/approve announcements ○ Channel-level moderation

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Related Working Groups ● WG Naming ○ We have a new WG working with SIG Contribex! ○ We are working with GitHub for their roadmap on renaming the default branch on repos to “main”.

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How you can Contribute

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Getting involved...the SIG Meeting ● Every SIG/WG/UG has regularly scheduled meetings ● All meetings are uploaded to the Kubernetes Community YouTube Channel ● SIG ContribEx Mailing List ...sometimes we have random hat days too!

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Tips on your first SIG Meeting ● Find a buddy ● Volunteer to take notes ● Attend regularly ● Small, dependable contributions > volunteering for the world ● SIGs should have a list of “good first issues” for you to chew on, if they don’t then … start with issue triaging

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There are non-code related paths available

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Where to find us ● Chairs ○ @mrbobbytables ○ @castrojo ● Technical Leads ○ @cblecker ○ @nikhita ● Home page: README link ● Slack channel: ● List:!forum/kubernetes-sig-contribex