Slide 13
Slide 13 text
D-Robotics 2024 - Confidential Information Under NDA
Query the nodes and topics on RDK X3 board using
ROS2 command-line tool:
root@ubuntu:~# source /opt/tros/setup.bash
root@ubuntu:~# ros2 node list
root@ubuntu:~# ros2 topic list
ROS2 Node Communication: Publisher-Subscriber Mechanism and
Visualization with rqt
nodes don't communicate directly with each other; instead, they publish and
subscribe to topics. This mechanism allows for loose coupling between nodes, where
a publisher can send data without needing to know who the subscriber is, and vice
Node Graph Visualization in rqt (ROS Tool)
Key Features of Node Graph in rqt:
Nodes: The graphical representation of all active nodes on the system, shown as
individual entities.
Topics: Each node can publish and subscribe to one or more topics, which are
depicted as connections between the nodes.
Connections: Arrows or lines show the publisher-subscriber relationships between
nodes and their associated topics.