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#g0vSummit2020 / Fri Dec 4 2020 Civichat The government interface on Japan @Civichat

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• Member • Problem • Solution • Demo • Future Today’s Agenda 2

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Member 3

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PM of Civichat • N - high school • CEO of Civichat, Inc • Product Management and Direction of Civichat Shunsuke Takagi 4 @tkgshn

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Engineer of Civichat • N - high school • Director of Civichat, Inc • Engineer of Civichat Keigo Murata 5

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Engineer of Civichat • NIT Ibaraki Collge • Infrastructure Engineer of Civichat • Database Engineer of Civichat Hayata Yuge 6

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Engineer of Civichat • N - high school • Recommend Engineer of Civichat • ☺ of Civichat Yuki Takatsu 7

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Designer of Civichat • N - high school • Designer of Civichat Yuki Mihashi 8

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Problem 9

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Problem • People don’t know which “Public welfare program” is the best • Bad UI/UX • No noti f i cations • Government has no incentive to be applied • They don’t have to notify (may not work) • Di f f i cult to understand • No format for each municipality 10

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“No Notifications” • It's not enough for the government to devote resources to notify people • Much costly for people to do • Not automated ⚙ • “The government interface" isn't on the digital 11

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• No format for each municipality • No validation on document • If there is a validation, you can con f i gure the appropriate information architecture by entering tags, categories, etc. “Difficult to understand” 12

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Solution 13

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• Noti f i cations • Recommend the best program based on the information you registered when you created your account ℹ • Understandable description • Same format • Writing close to an arti f i cial language (maintenance of Information architecture) Solution 14

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• People can't search for a word they don't know • = you end up not know • Contextual and passive means of exploration 🅰 • Explore the best programs through talk with Civichat Not Search, EXPLORE. Why Chat Bot? 16

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Same format Validation on document • Validation to the f i elds • Sta f f can con f i gure the appropriate information architecture by entering tags, categories, etc • Writing close to an arti f i cial language (maintenance of Information architecture) • Simple and easy UI 17

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Future 19

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Future To be a “the government interface” on Japan • Complete the process of recommending and applying for the program on LINE • Individual NumberʢϚΠφϯόʔʣ is on the authentication board • Designed to allow government services to be used both online and o f f l ine • Reduce the digital divide through OMOʢOnline Merges O f f l ineʣ by collaborating with local governments ⌁ • Converting information about the administrative system into open data • Opening up the API for development, research, etc 20

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Thank you for listing You can see the website from there are QR code. And #Civichat on Twitter