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Road movie architectures A different perspective on architectural design Uwe Friedrichsen – codecentric AG – 2019- 2022

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Uwe Friedrichsen Works @ codecentric

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IT has become indispensable in our business and private lives

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In IT, we are drowning in complexity and every day it becomes a bit worse

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And what do we do to tackle the problem?

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We happily add more complexity

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This session is about one of the culprits ...

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Sensing the problem

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Current target architecture • Many companies have a target architecture • Either implicit or explicit • Default for all new development projects • Usually strongly influenced by current fashions • Usually targets an ideal “end state” • Will unfold full benefits after entire conversion of IT landscape • Often accompanied by big transformation initiatives

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Reality check • Target architectures change over time • Transformation initiatives are never completed • IT landscapes never become fully homogeneous • Promised benefits of ideal “end state” never fully unfold • Deviations from the target architecture are the norm • The Pareto principle (80/20 rule) strikes surprisingly often • Silent deviations often go undetected for a long time

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The complexity trap • Aiming for an ideal “end state” increases complexity • Layers of incomplete implementations add to IT landscape • Different target architectures usually do not play well with each other • IT landscape complexity grows disproportionally • Everything and everyone suffers • Understandability, reliability, maintainability, evolvability, … • Growing headaches for the people involved

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“We know our current landscape is a mess. But with this new initiative, we will clean it up for good.”

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Until the next CIO abandons the initiative midway and starts a new, “better” initiative

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Or the new fashion appears to be so much better that we push for a new target architecture

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And here we go again …

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The challenge

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We need to accept that eventually reaching an “end state” when the whole IT landscape homogeneously conforms to a given target architecture is an illusion

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Architecture never reaches an end state

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There will always be multiple architectures

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We need to take the diversity of our IT system landscape into account when designing solutions

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We need to design our solutions in a way they become "good citizens" of a heterogeneous system landscape

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We need to design road movie architectures

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Approaching a solution

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Desirable solution properties • Collaborative and inclusive • Simple to interact with (from the perspective of other systems) • Traveling light • Simple to be removed (from the IT system landscape) • Topical and flexible • Keeping its value, aging slowly

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Collaborative and inclusive • Simple to be used by other systems • Integration first system design Benchmark Ø The application can be used from another application in less than a day

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Traveling light • Simple to be removed from the IT system landscape • Construction for deconstruction (C4D) Benchmark Ø The application can be shut down and removed within 1 day while keeping the remaining system landscape intact

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Topical and flexible • Maintaining its business value over time • Preserving its changeability and evolvability Benchmark Ø The application can still be evolved easily after 20 years, i.e., changes do not take longer and are not riskier than a year after the application's first release

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Solution design

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Collaborative and inclusive • Minimal, well-documented APIs • Not only API reference but also concepts, tutorials, how-to, … • Keep need for synchronous responses low • At the functional level, not necessarily at the technical level • Offer fallback integrations that older systems can also use • Not all systems talk REST, GraphQL, Events, gRPC or alike

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Traveling light (1/2) • Plan the systems with its removal in mind • Work hard for good functional design with low coupling • Make global dependencies explicit and keep them minimal • Keep APIs minimal (and design them usage-driven) • Think in flows (behavior and data), not state and entities

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Traveling light (2/2) • Document well what the system does (but keep it concise) • Document how to shutdown and remove the system • Plan how to remove data that is used locally only • Consider stepwise shutdown • Reserve time to continually simplify your landscape

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Topical and flexible (1/2) • Understand the domain • Follow the “low coupling, high cohesion” principle inside the application/service, too • Create dependable and secure systems • Create the simplest solution possible without compromising dependability

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Topical and flexible (2/2) • Document your system for those who will follow • High-level functional structure • Architectural style • Core principles and idioms • (Non-obvious) design decisions • Avoid fashions – use boring technology instead • Manage technical debt – and throw things away!

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Additional considerations • Observe system obsolescence • Watch functional fitness and ease of evolvability • Monitor tool chain dependencies • Limit access to (out)dated systems • Makes removal simpler • Many solution options rooted in organization and processes • Money is not the constraint

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Summing up

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Summing up • Ideal “end state” of a target architecture is an illusion • Aiming for a homogeneous “end state” increases complexity • Accept heterogeneity in your system landscape • Take diversity into account when designing solutions • Design road movie architectures • Collaborative and inclusive • Traveling light • Topical and flexible

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"Ultimately, design is a tool to enhance our humanity” -- Ilse Crawford

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Uwe Friedrichsen Works @ codecentric