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Optimizing for Developer Delight Rebecca Murphey 2013 JavaScript Summit

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@rmurphey • these days, I’m a developer at Bazaarvoice, working on a 3pjs app that lets sites add ratings and reviews to their sites by just adding a script tag to their page. think disqus but for ratings & reviews instead of comments; more than 100M pageviews last month js app is >25kloc. part of my job has been to clean up the code and make it easier to work with & more predictable; wanted to talk about three things we’ve done.

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• a clear path for getting up to speed • points of entry for junior & senior devs • as few surprises as possible: it just works • isolated complexity • easy development and debugging • nothing more difficult than it “should” be “developer delight” decent-sized codebases with lots of devs are interesting creatures. if you don’t have someone owning the big picture, then even really smart people can make decisions that solve their immediate problem, but create other problems down the road. when i joined BV, my first take was to take stock of the bigger picture. i wasn’t focused on delivering features; i was focused on making it easier for other developers to deliver features. obviously there are lots of things that make developers happy, but in the context of a codebase, these are the things i’ve zeroed in on. some of the things we’ve done to achieve these goals have been deceptively simple; others are a bit less obvious.

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assert all the things assertions are one of the simplest things you can do, so simple you might never think to do it i came to appreciate it while working w/ember

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how often have you seen an error like this?

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BVReporter.assert(    this.componentId,      'View  '  +  +  '  must  have  componentId' ); assertions let us make sure basic expectations are met before code executes this is *especially* useful for catching errors long before async code has a chance to fail

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assert  :  function  (assertion,  message)  {    if  (!assertion)  {        throw  new  Error('Assertion  failed:  '  +  message);    } } there are assertion libraries, but all we’re doing is this

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now, we get useful error messages as soon as something goes wrong

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lifecycle logging log the lifecycle another deceptively simple thing: tell people what’s going on

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when i arrived, this is what you saw in your console when you loaded the app in dev mode if you wanted to understand what was going on, you had to add your own logging especially hard to understand what’s going on in an async system

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now, at a noisy log level, you can see the steps that occur to generate a given view, for example this is great for newcomers -- they can learn how the system works by watching the console also great for debugging, of course -- you can see exactly how far the process got before it failed

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of course, if you still want this, you can change the log level

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eliminate temptation this one’s a bit more complex most large codebases are full of temptations to make bad design decisions often this temptation comes in the form of a global, which is an invitation to do things that are likely to affect other people’s code

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define([    'ENV',    'underscore',    'bv/api/fetch' ],  function  (ENV,  _,  api)  { for us, it’s ENV. it used to be a dependency for just about every file. it turns out that using a global gives other devs permission to use a global next thing you know, the global becomes the solution for everything

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ENV.trigger('showLoading'); it was a global event bus

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ENV.trigger(    'track:error',      new  Error('Missing  parent  in  Collection  :  '  + ); it was an error aggregator

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ENV.trigger('track:conversion',  data,  conversion); it was the pass-through for analytics

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if  (      !ENV.get('userTokenDfd')  ||      ENV.get('userTokenDfd').state()  ===  'resolved' )  {    ENV.set({  userTokenDfd  :  $.Deferred()  }); } it was the keeper of anything we couldn’t figure out a better way to pass around

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this.on('pageto',  this.fetchPage,  ENV); it was even a magical last argument that would change method behavior

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ENV.trigger('showLoading');; maybe you implement things via a global, but hide that implementation! now we have a loading overlay class ...

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ENV.trigger(    'track:error',      new  Error('Missing  parent  in  Collection  :  '  + ); BVTracker.error(  new  Error(        'Missing  parent  in  Collection  :  '  + )  ); ENV.trigger('track:conversion',  data,  conversion); BVTracker.conversion(data,  conversion); we created a BVTracker class for tracking things

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this.on('pageto',  this.fetchPage,  ENV); this.subscribe('pageto',  this.fetchPage); and the magical ENV arg is gone globals are inviting, they’re confusing, they’re easy to overload, and global events are just asking to be abused. globals leave it up to users to decide how to use them; different users will make different decisions, and then all users will have to live with them. make those decisions for your users as much as possible, and eliminate potential confusion. this leads nicely to the next topic ...

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code for every concept this is a bit more abstract than everything I’ve talked about so far, but, basically: if there’s a concept you talk about when you’re explaining your system, there should probably be a piece of code -- an object, or a class -- that represents that concept

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ENV.trigger(    'track:error',      new  Error('Missing  parent  in  Collection  :  '  + ); BVTracker.error(  new  Error(    'Missing  parent  in  Collection  :  '  + )  ); we saw this just a second ago, where we created a BVTracker object for tracking things

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"reviewContentList"  :  {    "features"  :  {        "self"  :  ["headToHead",  "contentFilter",  "contentItemCo        "contentItem"  :  ["has:stars",  "has:secondaryRatings",  "        "pagination"  :  ["ugcCount"],        "secondaryContentList"  :  ["secondaryContentItemCollecti        "secondaryContentItem"  :  ["avatar",  "feedback"],        "contentFilter"  :  ["has:filterButton"]    },    //  ... }, another example: our application is centered around configurable components; the configuration for a component might look like this, but it doesn’t really matter

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var  components  =  ENV.get('components'); components.each(function  (component,  index)  {    var  view  =  init.initView(component,  index);    //  ... }); when i showed up, we just stored these raw component objects in ... ENV. shocking, i know. we didn’t ask components to do things -- we passed around raw component objects, and did things to them. if a new developer asked “what’s a component?” there was no code they could look at to learn the answer

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a huge change i made when i showed up was to make components first-class citizens in our code

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_(componentData).each(function  (config,  componentName)  {    var  c  =  new  Component(config);    this.components[componentName]  =  c;    var  view  =  c.initView(index);    //  ... },  this); there’s now a component class that receives the raw component object components can now do things, rather than having things done to them best of all, there’s a documented, tested Component class that devs can look at to understand everything they need to know about components

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interfaces, not internals there’s a lot that goes on under the hood to make components work, which brings me to my next point: don’t make developers understand the implementation details of a system

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as an example: deferreds and promises landed in jquery back in early 2011 like lots of new concepts, it’s easy to get carried away -- see also pubsub, custom events, etc

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Backbone.Model.extend({    initialize  :  function  (config,  options)  {        this.set({            dataReadyDfd  :  $.Deferred(),            postDataReadyDfd  :  $.Deferred()        },  {  silent  :  true  });        //  ...    },    dataReadyDfd  :  function  ()  {        return  this.get('dataReadyDfd');    },    postDataReadyDfd  :  function  ()  {        return  this.get('postDataReadyDfd');    }    //  ... }); originally, our code passed deferreds around to anything that wanted them. if you wanted to know if a model’s data was ready, you asked for the data ready deferred

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myModel.dataReadyDfd().done(function  (data)  {    doSomething(data);    doSomethingElse(); }); myModel.dataReadyDfd().resolve(someData); so if you had a reference to a model instance, you could get its data ready deferred -- you could even resolve it, because we were handing back deferreds, not promises! this was terrible -- basically we were handing out implementation details to any piece of code that wanted them we were also requiring developers to know implementation details in order to interact with a model.

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myModel.dataReadyDfd().done(function  (data)  {    doSomething(data);    doSomethingElse(); }); myModel.onDataReady(function  (data)  {    doSomething(data);    doSomethingElse(); }); promises and deferreds are great! use them! but use them behind *an interface* our new interface still uses promises under the hood, but consumers of a model don’t interact with those promises directly -- we just use the promises to implement an interface. developers learn that interface -- not how it’s implemented under the hood.

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automate everything no really, automate everything. no matter what xkcd says.

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we have an internal admin tool for doing all sorts of things that would be hard or impossible to do manually for example, looking up a URL for previewing a client in our local environment, or deconstructing an API request the great thing is that once you have this tool, you’ll think of all sorts of things to add to it

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we decided even that wasn’t easy enough, so we also have grunt tasks for doing lots of the same things from the command line

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did your environment get into a borked state? there’s a command line tool for that. command line tools for scaffolding new features, too, and of course our tests are automated

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document you already know you should be documenting everything, right? to be honest, i’m a little skeptical of that; there’s a lot to be said for focusing on readable, modular code but there are a few things that even the best code can’t tell you ...

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document the rationale and thinking behind your codebase

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document how to do things

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document how to fix things

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document where to find things (and if you can’t say what a dir is for, it has too much stuff in it)

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document things you might wish you didn’t have to document

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changelogs: treat your code like an open-source project

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do it all in the repo (at least to start)

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measure progress (and side effects) how do you know you’re delivering developer happiness? i actually have no idea hard to quantify the speed of feature delivery

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i did add complexity reporting fairly early on, and i was able to see that some of the changes we were making were reducing measured complexity.

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we’re also making sure that our changes aren’t hurting performance (they seem to be helping)

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are we there yet? constant vigilance -- code reviews, code planning, constantly asking what is harder than it should be

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@rmurphey •