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@onishiweb Cleaner Themes Persil Case Study

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@onishiweb 2 to give away

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@onishiweb Code Examples

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@onishiweb Beginner / Expert

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@onishiweb The project

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@onishiweb The project: ‣ WordPress backend ‣ 35+ Markets Worldwide ‣ Multi-language support ‣ Customisable per market - features, styling, etc ‣ Manageable by local teams ‣ Integrate with external campaigns

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@onishiweb The solution... ‣ Work with a team of developers ‣ Modify styles/functionality on a per-site basis ‣ Managed through a simple codebase ‣ Easy to keep up to date and easy to deploy ‣ Extendible when necessary

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@onishiweb Tools

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‣ Multisite ‣ Parent/Child Themes ‣ Git ‣ Frontend Tools - Sass/Compass/Grunt ‣ Plugins @onishiweb Tools

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@onishiweb Multisite

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@onishiweb Centrally managed system

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@onishiweb Easily create new sites

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@onishiweb Got a bit messed up...

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@onishiweb Parent/Child Themes

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@onishiweb 1 core parent theme

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@onishiweb Child themes

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‣ Functions file ‣ Pluggable functions ‣ Post type & taxonomy slugs ‣ Mail settings @onishiweb Child theme config

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if( ! function_exists('dig_mail_from_address') ) : function dig_mail_from_address( $old ) { return '[email protected]'; } endif; add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'dig_mail_from_address'); @onishiweb

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function dig_mail_from_address( $old ) { return '[email protected]'; } @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Always child theme!

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@onishiweb Git

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@onishiweb USE IT!

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@onishiweb A successful Git branching model

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@onishiweb Frontend Tools

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@onishiweb Sass/Compass

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@onishiweb Sass & Compass benefits ‣ Easier to work in collaboration ‣ More modular way of writing styles ‣ Makes working with child themes a breeze ‣ Good for performance ‣ Easily modify base styles

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@onishiweb Grunt

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‣ JSHint ‣ Concatenation ‣ Minification ‣ Image optimisation ‣ Compass compliation @onishiweb Grunt tasks

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@onishiweb Icon Fonts

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@onishiweb Plugins

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@onishiweb Advanced Custom Fields

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‣ Repeater Field ‣ Options Pages ‣ Flexible Content Field @onishiweb ACF Add-ons

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@onishiweb WordPress Multilingual

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@onishiweb WordPress SEO (Yoast)

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@onishiweb WordPress Social Login

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@onishiweb Content

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@onishiweb Custom Post Types

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@onishiweb 5 main 3 supporting

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@onishiweb Custom Taxonomies

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@onishiweb Configured per market

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$count = 1; foreach( $tax_labels as $slug => $labels ) { $args = array( 'hierarchical' => true, 'labels' => $labels, 'show_ui' => true, 'show_admin_column' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => $slug ), ); register_taxonomy( 'dig_product_filter_' . $count, 'dig_product', $args ); $count++; } @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Custom Fields

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@onishiweb ACF...

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@onishiweb Modular content made easy

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@onishiweb $75!

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@onishiweb $75 AUD!

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@onishiweb The Theme

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@onishiweb Theme organisation

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@onishiweb Folders are your friend!

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/css /javascript /inc /inc/admin /inc/template-tags /templates /template-parts @onishiweb

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@onishiweb The template hierarchy extends into subdirectories

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// For /pages/page-contact.php // Will return ‘pages/page-contact.php’ @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Templating

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@onishiweb Template parts

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@onishiweb Separating logic from templates

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@onishiweb Custom template tags

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if( ! function_exists( 'dig_get_post_type_title' ) ) : function dig_get_post_type_title() { if( is_tag() ) { $query = get_queried_object(); return __('Topic: ', 'dirtisgood') . $query->name; } $type_name = dig_current_post_type(); if( '' !== $type_name ) { $post_type = get_post_type_object( $type_name ); return $post_type->labels->name; } } endif; @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Custom templates

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@onishiweb Best for i18n - no more page-xxxx.php

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@onishiweb Ajax

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@onishiweb admin-ajax.php

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// Set up Nonce in the arguments args.nonce = coreData.ajaxData.postUserNonce; // Run ajax call $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: coreData.ajaxData.ajaxurl, data: args, success: callback }); @onishiweb

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/* <![CDATA[ */ var coreData = {"ajaxData":{"ajaxurl":"http:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin- ajax.php","postUserNonce":"d11736ec4f"}}; /* ]]> */ @onishiweb

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wp_enqueue_script( 'core', $javascript_file, 'jquery', '1.1.1', true ); $ajaxData = array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php' ), 'postUserNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'ajax-users-nonce' ), ); wp_localize_script( 'core', 'coreData', $ajaxData ); @onishiweb

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add_action('wp_ajax_sort_filter_articles', 'dig_ajax_process_archive'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_sort_filter_articles', 'dig_ajax_process_archive'); @onishiweb

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// Set up and send the response $response = json_encode(array( 'results' => true, 'pages' => $pages, 'data' => $data, )); die( $response ); @onishiweb

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@onishiweb I18n and L10n

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$labels = array( 'name' => __('Laundry Products', 'dirtisgood'), 'singular_name' => __('Product', 'dirtisgood'), [...] );


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$strings = array( 'close' => __('close', 'dirtisgood'), 'all' => __('All', 'dirtisgood'), 'both' => __('Both', 'dirtisgood'), [...] ); wp_localize_script( 'core', 'coreData', $localisations ); @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Custom plugins

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@onishiweb Reusable functionality

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@onishiweb Easy to switch on/off

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@onishiweb Menu

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@onishiweb Uses custom menus

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@onishiweb Making use of JavaScript

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@onishiweb Universal Navigation

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@onishiweb Work in Progress!

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@onishiweb Thanks!