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Valentine’s Day R-201 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc. ESL Lesson Plan

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© 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc. Thank you for downloading your FREE Off2Class lesson plan! This teacher-led lesson plan is designed using the communicative approach - perfect for teaching students online or in any screen-enabled classroom. To access the Teacher Notes and Answer Key, or to assign homework, click here to set up your FREE Off2class account. Don’t forget to join the discussion on Facebook to get access to other great tools for online ESL instruction. 2

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When do we show people that we like them? How do we show how we feel? A B C D © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Why is this day special? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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1 How do we celebrate Valentine’s Day? 2 Is it an important holiday in your country? A C B D © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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1 Valentine’s Day is a fun celebration1. On this holiday, it is common to receive candy and cards from your friends. But there is a lot more to this day. The Romans celebrated a festival called Lupercalia on February 15. This festival was held to keep wolves away from their flocks of sheep. It honored a god called Lupercus. Some people think that Valentine's Day is based on this festival. 5 to celebrate: to have a party after a happy event, or on a holiday © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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2 However, most scholars think that Valentine’s Day is named after St. Valentine, who was a Christian martyr2. One legend3 is that St. Valentine was a priest in third century Rome. At that time, the Emperor of Rome was Claudius II. He decided that single men were better soldiers than married men. He outlawed4 marriage for all young men in his army. Valentine decided this law wasn't fair and secretly helped young couples to marry. When Emperor Claudius II found out, he imprisoned Valentine. Valentine received flowers and letters from couples he had married. Later, Claudius put him to death. 5 10 a martyr: someone who is punished because of his or her religion or opinions a legend: a story from history which may or may not be true to outlaw: to make something against the law or forbidden 3 4 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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5 In the Middle Ages5, an English writer named Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a poem for King Richard II as a wedding present. In the poem he mentioned St. Valentine. Over time, the idea of Valentine’s Day became associated6 with the idea of love. In the 1800s, Valentine’s Day became extremely popular. Men and women spent a lot of time making beautiful Valentine’s cards with ribbon, fancy paper and lace. In those days, people were very reserved7 and they often did not say what they were feeling. Valentine’s Day gave them a way to show their love for someone, without giving their names. The sender of a Valentine’s card would remain a mystery until they could speak more freely. 5 Middle Ages: the period from AD 1000 to 1450 to associate: to connect reserved: shy, quiet 6 7 10 15 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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8 Today, Valentine’s Day has changed a lot! We still exchange cards, but many people buy cards instead of making them. We also give flowers or chocolates. These gifts remind people of our friendship and love for them. Most Valentine’s gifts and cards use the colors red and pink, and are decorated with images of hearts or roses. Another common symbol of love on this day is Cupid, the Roman god of love. He is shown as a little angel with a bow and arrow. According to legend, anyone who is struck by his arrows will fall in love. Valentine’s Day is all about showing people that you love them and appreciate8 them. You can do something nice for them, or make them a little keepsake9. 5 10 to appreciate someone: to feel that someone is special a keepsake: a small object that reminds you of a person 9 15 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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or Valentine’s Day is in May. Lupercalia was a holiday in Ancient Greece. Many people think that Valentine’s Day is named after St. Valentine. Cupid was the Roman god of love. True False 1 2 3 4 © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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5) My birthday present was wrapped in paper and had a red ____ on the outside. 6) Cupid carries a bow and ____. 7) There are many ____ about vampires, but I don’t believe them. 4) Choose the correct word for each sentence. legends arrow ribbon rumours © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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8) Stealing is ____ in every country. 9) I always have a big party to ____ my birthday. Choose the correct word for each sentence. outlawed celebrate remark © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Look in the text to find when these events happened: 10) When St. Valentine lived 11) When Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a poem for the wedding of a king 12)When Valentine’s Day became very popular © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What would be the best heading for this article? Life in ancient Rome A How to make a Valentine’s card B What Valentine’s Day is all about C My favorite love poems D © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Do you have any keepsakes? What kinds of objects do people give as keepsakes? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? What are good ways to show other people that you like them? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.