Slide 8
Slide 8 text
In the Middle Ages5, an English writer named
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a poem for King Richard
II as a wedding present. In the poem he
mentioned St. Valentine. Over time, the idea of
Valentine’s Day became associated6 with the idea
of love.
In the 1800s, Valentine’s Day became extremely
popular. Men and women spent a lot of time
making beautiful Valentine’s cards with ribbon,
fancy paper and lace. In those days, people were
very reserved7 and they often did not say what
they were feeling. Valentine’s Day gave them a
way to show their love for someone, without giving
their names. The sender of a Valentine’s card
would remain a mystery until they could speak
more freely.
Middle Ages:
the period
from AD 1000
to 1450
to associate:
to connect
shy, quiet
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