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@yot88 How to take decisions in groups

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@yot88 Dixit Problem solving

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@yot88 Several ways to take decisions

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@yot88 Decide for others

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@yot88 obtain a majority

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@yot88 Seeking consensus

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@yot88 Consent Consensus Do you agree for … ? Who has a major, reasoned objection? Irrational objections are not admissible.

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@yot88 3 criteria to have a good decision processus Fast Inclusive Graduated

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@yot88 Inclusion principle • Who applies decides • Who decides consults the impacted

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@yot88 Graduation principle Tell Sell Consent

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@yot88 Consent in huge groups "How could we ?" "Would you object if we...?"

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@yot88 Systemic consensing 0 : No problem at all for me 10 : Totally impossible to live for me

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@yot88 Some principles / patterns

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@yot88 Always have a facilitator Always ensure you have a facilitator for each meeting If you don't have a dedicated facilitator in your team you can : • Elect one at the beginning of the meeting • Rotate the facilitator responsibility Parking lot timebox

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How to propose ? - Present, Discuss, Improve

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@yot88 How to propose ? - Design proposals as experiment

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@yot88 How to decide ? - definitions

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@yot88 How to decide ? - Consent voting

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@yot88 How to decide ? - Declare intent and ask for objections

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@yot88 How to decide ? – dot voting

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@yot88 What to do when you are stuck ? - Make decisions smaller

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@yot88 What to do when you are stuck ? - Clarify Statu Quo

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@yot88 What to do when you are stuck ? When critical accountable decides

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@yot88 How to stimulate team wisdom ? - Individual thinking then share

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@yot88 How to stimulate team wisdom ? - Collaborative proposals (1-2-4-All)

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@yot88 How to strengthen commitment ? - Summarize actions and owners

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@yot88 How to strengthen commitment ? – Decision log

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@yot88 Clarify team decision scope with Delegation Poker

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@yot88 S3 : consent decision making

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@yot88 Exercise : Feedforward

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@yot88 Feedforward The "feedforward" consists to formulate requests or propose future-oriented options or solutions, as opposed to the feedback technique, which looks back on a past situation. Example : For your next report, I suggest that you divide the summary of your activities by date or by function (budget, planning, operations management, ...). So that it will be easier to read it, to find the information I need and to refer to it later.

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@yot88 Feedforward Regarding decision making in your team formulate a FeedForward to yourself : “For your next ... I invite you to .... so that...” If you are OK, share it with the rest of the attendees

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@yot88 resources • coaching/how-to-improve-team-decision-making • •