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Paul Kinlan Developer Advocate

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A Progressive Web App is Discoverable by all Loads quickly, even on 2G Works offline Fast and smooth Progressively installed Easy to re-engage with

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Installable Performant Engaging

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Add to home screen Installable

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Splash screen and theme color Installable

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HTML { "short_name": "Flipkart Lite", "start_url": "/", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#2196F3", "theme_color": "#2196F3", "icons": [{ "src": "icons/icon-192.png", "sizes": "192x192", "type": "image/png" }], "orientation": "portrait" } JSON Manifest Installable

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Activated Error Idle Active Terminated Load Service Worker Adds app-like lifecycle to a page Wakes up only when the OS says Only responds to system events Installable

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Install required assets Activated You manage what is “installed” and how it is cached. Install Get files /index.html /styles/main.css /scripts/app.js Installable

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Offline and resilient You are in control Client-side proxy Manage every request Service Worker Web
 Server Local
 Cache Installable

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Fast even on 2G and cost effective Service Worker Local
 Cache Web
 Server Performant

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 Screen Density Viewport-Width: 
 Mobile width Save-data: 
 User wants to save data downlinkMax: 
 Network speed Make intelligent decisions on sever No image No videos Low res image downlinkMax 
 < 50kp Save-data = 1 DPR = 0.5 Web Server Performant

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Automatically fast ModPagespeedInheritVHostConfig on
 ModPagespeedRewriteLevel OptimizeForBandwidth
 ModPagespeedEnableFilters inline_javascript,prioritize_critical_css,inline_preview_images
 ModPagespeedCssPreserveURLs off
 ModPagespeedRewriteLevel CoreFilters

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Push notifications Works when browser closed Lightweight (save’s battery by using GCM) Native notifications Service Worker Push Service (GCM) Web Server Engaging

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Power of push notifications increase in time spent for users visiting via push notifications 72% increase in average spend per visit by users arriving via a push notification 26% Engaging

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350M Push notifications delivered every day Engaging

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Bluetooth Permissions Network 
 Information Microphone Camera And there is more Native Sharing Location Engaging

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Progressive Web Apps Discoverable by all Loads quickly, even on 2G Works offline Fast and smooth Progressively installed Easy to re-engage with

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The web is 
 critical to your mobile strategy

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Thank You

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New Billion Users IDG Ventures Culturealley Google Nishant Patni Sudhir Sethi Jay Kota Snapdeal Anand Chandrasekaran

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Thank You