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Hi, I’m Coby.

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Hi, I’m @cobyism.

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Product design at GitHub.

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A selection of interesting* things I’ve learnt doing design at GitHub. *Actual levels of interestingness may vary.

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Let’s talk about Philosophy

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GitHub Zen

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• Responsive is better than fast. • It’s not fully shipped until it’s fast. • Anything added dilutes everything else. • Practicality beats purity. • Approachable is better than simple. • Mind your words, they are important. • Speak like a human. • Half measures are as bad as nothing at all. • Encourage flow. • Non-blocking is better than blocking. • Favor focus over features. • Avoid administrative distraction. • Design for failure. • Keep it logically awesome.

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Let’s talk about Practicality

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Technical scaling probably won’t be your problem.

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Choose technology your team can rely on.

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GitHub isn’t a Rails shop. It’s not even a Ruby shop. It’s a Unix shop. — @rtomayko “

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Let’s talk about Performance

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Event delegation $('.js-button').on 'click', -> …

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Event delegation $(document).on 'click', '.js-button', -> …

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Minimal SCSS

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Let’s talk about Complexity

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<% if current_user.invitations_enabled? && @team.pending_invitations.any? && @team.adminable_by?(current_user) %>

Pending invitations

<% @team.pending_invitations.each do |…| %> … <% end %> <% end %>

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app/views/orgs/teams/show.html.erb app/view_models/orgs/teams/show_view.rb

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class Teams::ShowView < ViewModel attr_reader :team def show_pending_invitations? current_user.invitations_enabled? && team.pending_invitations.any? && team.adminable_by?(current_user) end end

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<% if view.show_pending_invitations? %>

Pending invitations

<% do |…| %> … <% end %> <% end %>

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<% if current_repository.pushable_by?(current_user) %> <% if pull_request && pull_request.head_ref_deletable_by?(current_user) && branch != current_repository.default_branch %> <%= link_to "Delete branch", … %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if view.can_delete_branch? %> <%= link_to "Delete branch", … %> <% end %>

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Feature flags

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module FeatureFlags def preview_features? staff? end def new_thing_enabled? preview_features? end end

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class User < ActiveRecord::Base include FeatureFlags end

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class ApplicationController flags = FeatureFlags.public_instance_methods delegate *flags, to: current_user, allow_nil: true helper_method *flags end

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<% if new_thing_enabled? %> … <% end %>

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<% if new_thing_enabled? %> … <% else %> … <% end %>

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class NewThingController < ApplicationController before_filter :ensure_new_thing_enabled def ensure_new_thing_enabled render_404 unless new_thing_enabled? end end

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module FeatureFlags def preview_features? staff? end def new_thing_enabled? preview_features? end end ⁉️

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module FeatureFlags def preview_features? staff? end def new_thing_enabled? preview_features? true end end ✨

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jnunemaker / flipper !

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Let’s talk about Tooling

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peek / peek !

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github / dat-science !

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require "dat/science" class YourApp::Widget def allows?(user) experiment = "widget-permissions" do |e| e.control { model.check_user(user).valid? } e.candidate { user.can? :read, model } end end end

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require "dat/science" class YourApp::Widget include Dat::Science def allows?(user) science "widget-permissions" do |e| e.control { model.check_user(user).valid? } e.candidate { user.can? :read, model } end end end

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github / dat-analysis !

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Let’s talk about Responsibility

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class StarsController < … areas_of_responsibility :explore … end

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class ReleasesController < … areas_of_responsibility :releases, :git … end

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class BranchesController < … areas_of_responsibility :pull_requests, :repo_browsing, :web_flow, :git … end

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--- # Areas of Responsibility in the github/github codebase 2fa: name: "Two-Factor Authentication" teams: - "@github/2fa" abilities: name: "Abilities" teams: - "@github/abilities" - "@github/abilibuddies" api: name: "API / OAuth" teams: - "@github/api" - "@github/oauth-of-tomorrow"

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Design faces inwards too.

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Design cuts through the stack.

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Learn to code, but don’t get hung up.

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Learn to design, but don’t get hung up.

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Thanks! @cobyism