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Angular(あるいはNestJS) ではじめるTypeScript Fukuoka JS #8

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Noriyuki Shinpuku ng-fukuoka organizer @puku0x 2 VEGA corporation Co., Ltd.

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TypeScript ● Superset of JavaScript ● Type safety ● Strong tools 4 TypeScript ES201x ES5

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8 Angular

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Angular A platform for building modern Web Apps ● Move faster ● Scale better ● Reach further 9

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10 Angular Protractor Forms PWA Augury Language Services Router Elements CDK Universal Karma Labs Compiler i18n Http Material Animations CLI Angular products

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Type safety 12 function add(a: number, b: number) { return a + b; } add(1, 2); // 3 add(1, '2'); // Argument of type '"2"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

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Interfaces 13 export interface Todo { id: number; text: string; enabled: boolean; } export interface OnInit { ngOnInit(): void; }

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Example: Life cycle hooks 14 @Component({...}) export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { ngOnInit() {...} ngOnDestroy() {...} }

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Component @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: `

Hello, {{ title }} !

`, }) export class AppComponent { title = 'Angular'; } 15

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Decorator 16 @Component({ selector: 'app-sample', template: `

Hello, {{ title }} !

`, }) export class SampleComponent { title = 'Angular'; }

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tsconfig.json 17 { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "experimentalDecorators": true } }

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Decorators 18 ● @Component ● @Directive ● @Pipe ● @Injectable ● @Input / @Output

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Generics 19 @Component({ selector: 'app-button', template: ` Click ` }) export class SampleComponent { @Output() clickButton = new EventEmitter(); }

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Example: Dependency injection 20 @Injectable() export class UserService { constructor(private http: HttpClient) {} fetchUsers() { return this.http.get('/users'); } }

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Example: RxJS 21 const a: Todo = { id: 1, text: 'aaa', enabled: false }; const b: Todo = { id: 2, text: 'bbb', enabled: true }; const todos$ = from([a, b]); // Observable todos$.pipe( filter(todo => todo.enabled), map(todo => todo.text) ).subscribe(text => console.log(text)); // 'bbb'

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for backend? 23

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Controller 26 @Controller('cats') export class CatsController { @Get() findAll(): string { return 'This action returns all cats'; } }

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Entity (TypeORM) 27 @Entity() export class Photo { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number; @Column({ length: 500 }) name: string; }

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@puku0x Noriyuki Shinpuku ng-fukuoka organizer Thank you! 28