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Firebase is a powerful platform for building realtime feature-rich apps

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Realtime Database NoSQL JSON data store Cross-platform client-side SDKs Restful API Works Offline Auto-scaling

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Authentication Anonymous Email / password Social Custom

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Hosting Free static asset hosting SSL certificate Global CDN Single command deploys One-click rollbacks Custom domains

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So you want to learn how to build a realtime mobile chat application with Firebase?

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No content

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Sign up on to get a firebase (data) url

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Add the library dependency directly to your app’s file In cases of build errors caused by duplicate files, exclude those files by adding these too

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Connect your app to Firebase

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Edit your AndroidManifest.xml file First, request an INTERNET permission in the tag Next, change the name of the application

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Create a Chat Model class

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Send a message to Firebase Create a new Activity, complete with a layout that looks better than this. Be sure to add a , an for collecting messages and a for sending the data.

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Send a message to Firebase Create a reference to Firebase in the Activity and insert your own firebase url.

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Send a message to Firebase Retrieve the text from the EditText and push to Firebase

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Retrieve a message from Firebase Create a layout for the chat. It could look like this, or even better

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Retrieve a message from Firebase Create a ChatAdapter class that extends FirebaseListAdapter

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Retrieve a message from Firebase Create a ChatAdapter class that extends FirebaseListAdapter

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Retrieve a message from Firebase Override onStart() in MainActivity to read and display the messages

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Retrieve a message from Firebase Override onStop() in MainActivity to remove all the data

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Implement offline functionality with Firebase With just one line of code… seriously

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Woohoo!!! You now have a very basic Firebase app that sends, receives, displays messages and functions offline.

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Credits The official Firebase Chat App example was modified to produce this app. The complete app including Login functionality implemented with Firebase is available on Github here:

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Twitter LinkedIn Github Moyinoluwa ADEYEMI Thank You!