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Android Testing A Small Dive into

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Android Testing Support Library Continuous Integration AWS Device Farm

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Why is this hard?

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Why is this hard? Many devices

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Why is this hard? Many devices Many options

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Android Test Strategy Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger • Strive for high coverage • Make it easy to get started and test • Run tests as much as possible • Get immediate test results • Understand and fix test results

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Testing Fundamentals ApplicationPackage InstrumentationTestRunner TestPackage Test case classes Instrumentation JUnit Mock Objects

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Testing Fundamentals Tests Run on the JVM Local unit tests Require Android Instrumentation tests app/src/test/java app/src/androidTest/java

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Testing Support Library AndroidJUnitRunner JUnit 4-compatible test runner for Android Espresso Suitable for functional UI testing within an app UI Automator Suitable for cross-app functional UI testing across system and installed apps

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Testing Support Library • JUnit Support @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) • Access to instrumentation information (Context) • Test filtering @RequiresDevice, @SdkSuppress @SmallTest, @MediumTest, @LargeTest

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2015 Android Testing /**
 * A simple integration test which checks the validity of the DummyActivity
 public class DummyBaseTest {
 public ActivityTestRule mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(DummyActivity.class);
 public void setup() {
 // You might want to do something else here
 public void testContext() {
 assertThat(mActivityRule.getContext(), notNullValue());
 public void teardown() {
 // You might want to do something else here
 } }

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AWS Device Farm A step into

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AWS Device Farm • Service that enables you to test your Android apps on real phones and tablets • Provide test reports containing high-level results, low-level logs, screenshot and performance data • Testing is performed in parallel

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AWS Device Farm Upload your app Configure your tests Select a device pool and configure your tests Run

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AWS Device Farm • AWS Device Farm plugin for Jenkins 
 (August 2015) • AWS Device Farm plugin for Android Studio (October 2015)

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AWS Device Farm • Connect to the pre-prod or demo • Select a relevant device pool • Spoon integration • Jenkins credentials

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Continuous Integration Getting around with

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Continuous Integration for Android applications Automation Ship reliable apps Confidence

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Continuous Integration for Android applications • Custom build logic • Manage dependencies, build variants, signing, testing Android Gradle plugin

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Continuous Integration for Android applications Build clean assemble

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Continuous Integration for Android applications Build Deploy clean assemble allTaskClean

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Continuous Integration for Android applications Build Tests Deploy clean assemble connectedAndroidTest allTaskClean

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Continuous Integration for Android applications Build Tests Quality Deploy clean assemble connectedAndroidTest lint allTaskClean