Android Testing Support Library
Continuous Integration
AWS Device Farm
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Why is this hard?
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Why is this hard?
Many devices
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Why is this hard?
Many devices
Many options
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Android Test Strategy
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
• Strive for high coverage
• Make it easy to get started and test
• Run tests as much as possible
• Get immediate test results
• Understand and fix test results
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Testing Fundamentals
Test case classes
Instrumentation JUnit
Mock Objects
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Testing Fundamentals
Run on the JVM
Local unit tests
Require Android
Instrumentation tests
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Testing Support Library
JUnit 4-compatible test runner for Android
Suitable for functional UI testing within an app
UI Automator
Suitable for cross-app functional UI testing across
system and installed apps
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Testing Support Library
• JUnit Support
• Access to instrumentation information (Context)
• Test filtering
@RequiresDevice, @SdkSuppress
@SmallTest, @MediumTest, @LargeTest
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2015 Android Testing
* A simple integration test which checks the validity of the DummyActivity
public class DummyBaseTest {
public ActivityTestRule mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(DummyActivity.class);
public void setup() {
// You might want to do something else here
public void testContext() {
assertThat(mActivityRule.getContext(), notNullValue());
public void teardown() {
// You might want to do something else here
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AWS Device Farm
A step into
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AWS Device Farm
• Service that enables you to test your Android apps
on real phones and tablets
• Provide test reports containing high-level results,
low-level logs, screenshot and performance data
• Testing is performed in parallel
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AWS Device Farm
Upload your app
Configure your tests
Select a device pool and configure your tests
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AWS Device Farm
• AWS Device Farm plugin for Jenkins
(August 2015)
• AWS Device Farm plugin for Android Studio
(October 2015)
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AWS Device Farm
• Connect to the pre-prod or demo
• Select a relevant device pool
• Spoon integration
• Jenkins credentials
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Continuous Integration
Getting around with
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Continuous Integration for
Android applications
Ship reliable apps