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@maoosi @_maoosi Sylvain Simao Senior Front-End Developer @ Clemenger BBDO

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The Frontend revolution

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Timeline of Web Technologies

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HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution...

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...but what makes something Revolutionary ?

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“Totally disrupts the established order and changes the dynamic of everything around”

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What if I told you, that HTML5 is taking control ? ● Flash banners become HTML5 banners ● Games become browser games ● Native mobile apps become hybrid apps ● Software become web applications

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And so began the reign of front-end web...

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(... and the front-end chaos)

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Why should you consider using a JS Framework ?

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Advantages of using a Framework ● Don’t reinvent the wheel ● Do more with less code ● Save time (and money) ● Brings order out of chaos

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DOM-Driven approach is problematic If we rename an element, or if we change the html structure, the code will be broken. Code complexity.

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Data-Driven approach one way to reduce complexity (eg. with Vue.js) We can change the html structure and rename elements without breaking the code. Minimalist code. v-model = data-binding | v-if = conditional rendering

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React Angular 2 Vue.js Text interpolation { message } {{ message }} {{ message }} Bind text content
DOM add/remove {shouldShow &&
Repeat =>
Bind event handler Define component ES6 class Polyglot extends React.Component @Component({})class Polyglot {} class Polyglot extends Vue Define component ES5 React.createClass({}) ng.core.Component({}).Class({}) Vue.extend({}) Two-way binding (native) not supported Two-way binding (components) not supported Source: Front-end Hyperpolyglot

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The State Of JavaScript: Survey about Front-End Frameworks Over 3000 responses from worldwide Front-End developers.

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Should you use Vue.js?

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You may or may not...

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“Pick the right tool for the job”

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So what’s Vue.js ? ● Open-source progressive Framework ● First release in Feb. 2014 ● Created by Evan You (Meteor / Google Creative Lab)

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Apr. 2015: this happened

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Vue.js - Today ● ~28,053 stars on GitHub ● ~150k downloads/month (NPM only) ● $8,000+ monthly support from the community

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Frameworks are designed to help us deal with complexity.

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DOM Problems with the DOM ● Re-rendering entire chunks of DOM is expensive and disruptive ● Ensuring that you keep the DOM in sync with the state is tedious and error-prone

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Break UI into components, responsible for managing a piece of DOM Nav Content Item Sidebar

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The entire UI can be abstracted into a tree of components

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Declarative & Reactive Rendering View User Input State Render View is just a declarative mapping from the state State should be the single source of truth

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Virtual DOM Render Function Template compile Virtual DOM Tree Actual DOM Tree create render Watcher track dependencies

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...vue.js is fast Vanilla JavaScript Vue 2.0.0-beta.1 React 15.3.0 Angular 2.0.0-rc.4 1x 1.29x 1.74x 1.97x Based on independent 3rd party comprehensive rendering benchmark

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...and approachable. new Vue({ // ... })

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● Imported as a ES6 module (easily testable) ● Collocation of Template, Logic & Style ● Just use what you already know: HTML, CSS & JavaScript ● Embedded preprocessor support: Sass, Less, Pug, Stylus ● Component-scoped CSS with a single attribute (no conflicts) Single File Vue Components

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Nesting Components with Custom Elements ... ...

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Official Chrome DevTools Extension

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Vue.js offers a rich ecosystem VueX (State management) Vue-Resource (HTTP requests) Vue-Router (Routing) Vue-CLI (Command line scaffolding)

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Agencies will love it ... ● Small learning curve and semantic ● Pre-processor agnostic (Jade/Pug, Sass, Stylus...) ● Server-side rendering (SEO / Javascript disabled) ● Stable, maintained, and tested ● Vue.js 2.x is (almost) retro-compatible

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Do companies already uses Vue.js ?

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Hell yeah !

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Coding time !

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> npm install -g vue-cli > vue-cli init webpack-simple-2.0 my-app > cd my-app > npm install > npm run dev

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What’s next?

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● Vue.js news ● Case studies ● In-depth learning ● Hybrid Apps Laravel + Vue.js = <3

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Vue 2.0 now in RC-7

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Melbourne’s – and Australia’s - most awarded agency.

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Thanks! @VueJsAustralia