• Rust and Elasticsearch Trainer
• Event organiser
• Ruby Programmer since 2003
• Rust Programmer since 2013
• CEO asquera GmbH
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• Community person
• Rust/Search Meetups
• eurucamp/jrubyconf.eu
• RustFest
• https://isleofruby.org/
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Part of the global
Rust community team
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As a hobby, I shoot arrows at stuff
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Rust as a CLI
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What is
Slide 9
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• new systems programming language
• powers and was developed in along
with Servo, a new browser engine
• by Mozilla and the Community
• First stable release May 15th, 2015
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Providing an alternative to C/C++,
but also higher-level languages.
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• Safe
• Concurrent
• Fast
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It’s generally perceived that
safety, especially memory-safety
comes at a runtime cost.
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• Safe
• Concurrent
• Fast
Slide 15
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Pick Three
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Core features
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• Static type system with local type
• Explicit mutability
• Zero-cost abstractions
• Runtime-independent concurrency
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• Errors are values
• No null
• Static automatic memory manage-
• No garbage collection
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A short introduction
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extern crate tempdir;
use tempdir::*;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() {
let tempdir = TempDir::new("goto-berlin");
let mut tempfile = match tempdir {
Ok(dir) => {
Err(_) => { panic!("Couldn’t open tempdir") }
do_something(&mut tempfile);
// look, no close necessary!
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Base concept:
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struct InnerData {
val: i32
struct Data {
inner: InnerData
fn main() {
let d = Data { inner: InnerData { val: 41 }};
d.inner.val = 42;
// error: cannot assign to immutable field `d.inner.val`
Slide 23
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struct InnerData {
val: i32
struct Data {
inner: InnerData
fn main() {
let mut d = Data { inner: InnerData { val: 41 }};
d.inner.val = 42;
Slide 24
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Base concept:
Ownership & Borrowing
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• Every piece of data is uniquely
• Ownership can be passed
• When owned data reaches the end
of a scope, it is destructed
Slide 26
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use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
let file = File::open("test")
.expect("Unable to open file, bailing!");
// take_and_write_to_file(file);
// ^^ Illegal
fn take_and_write_to_file(mut file: File) {
writeln!(file, "{}", "Hello #gotober!");
Slide 27
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• Access can be borrowed (mutable
and immutable)
• You can borrow mutably once
• Or multiple times immutably
• Exclusive: mutable or immutable,
never both
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Shared mutable state is an issue
even single-threaded applications!
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use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
let mut file = File::open("test")
.expect("Unable to open file, bailing!");
write_to_file(&mut file);
write_to_file(&mut file);
fn write_to_file(file: &mut File) {
writeln!(file, "{}", "Hello #gotober!");
Slide 30
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fn main() {
let mut vector = vec![1,2,3];
let elem = &vector[1];
vector[2] = 4;
Slide 31
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error[E0502]: cannot borrow `vector` as mutable
–> src/main.rs:4:5
3 | let elem = &vector[1];
| —— immutable borrow occurs h
4 | vector[2] = 4;
| ^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
5 | }
| - immutable borrow ends here
Slide 32
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Rust checks validity of all
references at compile-time.
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struct Data<’a> {
inner: &’a i32
fn return_reference<’a>() -> Data<’a> {
let number = 4;
Data { inner: &number }
Slide 34
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–> src/main.rs:8:20
8 | Data { inner: &number }
| ^^^^^^ does not live long
9 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here
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All Rust function signatures not only
signal data types, but also mutability,
ownership and interconnections
between input and output types.
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100, 1000, 10.000 lines of called
code, Rust keeps these properties!
Slide 37
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Rust provides higher-level abstractions
through Generics and Traits, similar
to C++ Templates or Java Generics.
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control & safety!
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• Borrows boil down to pointers at
• Values are plain values just like in
e.g. C
• Optional unsafe sub-language
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“ Safe code means you
can take better risks.”
– @QEDunham
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"I stopped writing Python or Ruby, I
write my small tools in Rust now."
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http://rustup.rs or
your package manager
Slide 43
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rustup allows full management of
a Rust development toolchain,
including cross-compilation.
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In general, it is recommendable
to target a rustc that is shipped
with your target system.
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$ rustup install stable
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Minimum version
The minimum version for the
following example is Rust 1.15.
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Writing a small
CLI program
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We’re currently collecting
community blogposts and I lost
count. Luckily, a kind soul offers
a JSON feed on readrust.net.
Quick error
handling in CLI
let file = File::open("foo").unwrap();
// This will quit if the File cannot be opened
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Rust has 2 types of strings: &str and
String. The first is harder to use then
the second. They are compatible.
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handling Strings
At the beginning, whenever
you encounter &str and
are confused, use this:
let heap_allocated_string = "normal_string".to_string();
Slide 54
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A proper CLI tool that gets
the feed, parses it, prints it
in a nice, readable fashion.
Slide 55
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readrust 0.1
Florian G.
Reads readrust.net
readrust [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-c, –count Show the count of posts
-h, –help Prints help information
-V, –version Prints version information
-n, –number Only print the NUMBE
Slide 56
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We need:
• Argument parser
• HTTP client
• JSON parser
• A pretty-printer
extern crate clap;
use clap::App;
fn main() {
let app = App::new("readrust")
.author("Florian G. ")
.about("Reads readrust.net")
.args_from_usage("-n, –number=[NUMBER] ’Only print
the NUMBER most recent posts’
-c, –count ’Show the
count of posts’");
let matches = app.get_matches();
Slide 63
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$ cargo run – –help
readrust 0.1
Florian G.
Reads readrust.net
readrust [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-c, –count Show the count of posts
-h, –help Prints help information
-V, –version Prints version information
-n, –number Only print the NUMBER most
recent posts
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Well, that was quick.
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reqwest, the high-level http client
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• Easy to use
• synchronous and asynchrous modes
• Documented
Using that
let feed = get_feed();
if matches.is_present("count") {
Slide 79
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Showing blog posts
Let’s use prettytable-rs. It prints
out data easily as a table.
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• Easy to use
• Supports subtables and colours
• Documented
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fn fn print_feed_table>(items: I) {
let mut table = prettytable::Table::new();
table.add_row(row!["Title", "Author", "Link"]);
for item in items {
let title = if item.title.len() >= 50 {
} else {
table.add_row(row![title, item.author.name, item.url]);
Slide 82
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Using it
if matches.is_present("count") {
} else {
let iter = feed.items.into_iter();
if let Some(string) = matches.value_of("number") {
let number = string.parse().unwrap();
} else {
Slide 83
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We’re done
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• A 79-line program
• With full build and dependency
• No typing ceremony except the
Feed definition
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• Easily shippable as a binary
• Full error handling (even if we just
• Fully documented dependencies
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When and why
to pick up Rust
• You want to learn something new
• You want that extra bit of perfor-
• You want the control of C, but the
safety of Python
• You want to parallelise things
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Learning experience
Rust takes around three
weeks to click in full.
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• Do proper error passing and central
• Add logging (using... log!)
• Filter the items
• Make statistics over the items
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Rust is a surprisingly productive
language with great compiler
diagnostics that scales from
lowlevel to "just quick" programs.
let counter = Counter { count: 0 };
for _ in 1..3 {
std::thread::spawn(move || {
increment(&mut counter);
// capture of moved value: `counter`
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use std::rc::Rc;
let rc = Rc::new(Counter { count: 0 });
for _ in 1..3 {
let handle = rc.clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
// `std::rc::Rc` cannot be sent between
threads safely
increment(&mut handle);
Slide 98
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use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
let rc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Counter { count: 0 }));
for _ in 1..3 {
let handle = rc.clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
increment(&mut handle);
Slide 99
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This example could be a
concurrency bug in many
languages, or even a double-free!
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This analysis is purely static and
independent of concurrency primitive!
Rusts type system allows no data races.