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Let's Plan a GenAI Hands-On Session with your Colleagues! Minoru Onda @minorun365

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$ whoami Minoru Onda 🇯🇵 @minorun365 Technology Evangelist, KDDI Agile Development Center Co-lead: JAWS-UG SRE, Tokyo, Network KDDI Cloud SAMURAI 2021

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CBs, are you Bedrockin’ ?

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Last September, finally Amazon Bedrock was released!

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And next week of GA, Bedrock came on Tokyo region 🎊

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Bedrockers in Japan are so excited! Just a'er 5 days from GA, I launched actual use case from my company

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Last November, 600+ people applied for “Bedrock Night” in JAWS-UG Tokyo

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And you know, Bedrock evolved in re:Invent 2023 a lot!

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Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock *OUFSOBMEPDT 7FDUPS%BUB &NCFEEJOH ,OPXMFEHF #BTF 6TFBT"1* You can ask GenAI models about your internal documents. (As known for RAG architecture) You don’t need to program embedding logic with Python, all you need is clicking on AWS management console!

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Agents for Amazon Bedrock You can make GenAI agents, which plan and act automaXcally. (As known for ReAct) The agents can use KBs and Lambda funcXons if needed. Of cource you can make it from AWS management console. ,OPXMFEHF #BTFT "HFOUT 6TFBT"1* 'VODUJPOT (FO"* NPEFMT

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I tried these new features and so impressed 🤩

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What shold I do to share this experience for everyone...?

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Yes, why don’t I plan a hands-on meetup?

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Lucky for me, members of external tech community invite me for collabora?on event!

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I started planning Bedrock hands-on session 💪

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What I did for prepara6on:

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I made hands-on manual as a tech blog ar?cle precisely wrote all the steps with screenchots 👉

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And I pre-released the manual via SNS This allows people who cannot join this meetup in-person, to experience this hands-on! Also, I can get feedback to improve this hands-on contents.

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As a rehearsal, I hold online pre-event internally in my corpora6on 👆 Checked progress & QA in real-/me

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Introducing my hands-on contents:

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① Let’s try Bedrock! Experience Bedrock with playground & calling API with Python

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② Make your knowledge base! Put a PDF into S3 bucket and retrieve it from playground & Python

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③ Make your AI agent! Make “tokyoWeather” funcXon & give it to your agent with KB

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Some efforts I made:

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UIlize waiIng Ime While provisioning Cloud9 environment, I introduced Bedrock basics for atendees

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Causing errors on purpose Atendees can understand deeply what they do, by facing errors and fix it as “planned” steps

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And the day come...

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Full house!

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We learned 90 min is too short 😂 2/3 contents are completed! ① Let’s try Bedrock ② Knowledge Bases ③ Agents ✅ ✅ ⌛

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But feedback was so posi>ve ☺ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 92% ★ ★ ★ ★ 4% ★ ★ ★ 4%

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Plus, I got another chance!

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We have the biggest meetup on JAWS-UG, next March!

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In JAWS DAYS 2024, sessions are selected from “Call for X” (not CfP) There were numerous entries, making the odds of winning 5 to 1 🎯

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And incredibly, my CfX was selected 🎉 I hope many people experience Bedrock & KBs, through this workshop

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Now, let’s plan a hands-on with your colleagues 🙌

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Thank you! Give me your feedback 👉 @minorun365