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D E A R F I R S T N A M E L AS T N A M E : P E R S O N A L I Z AT I O N & C O N T E N T TA R G E T I N G WO R D C A M P N E W YO R K 2 0 1 7 @jeckman | #wcnyc

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P E R S O N A L I Z AT I O N @jeckman | #wcnyc Delivering a unique experience to each individual user (or segment of users) Adapting portions of the experience on the basis of explicit user choice or implicit user behavior

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C O N T E N T TA R G E T I N G @jeckman | #wcnyc Delivering content designed to address a specific market niche or interest Designing an experience to maximize delivery of content relevant to specific interests

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I M P L I C I T / E X P L I C I T @jeckman | #wcnyc • Implicit User Behavior: • Geolocation • Referrer • Device / user-agent • Previous requests • Explicit User Choice: • “Areas of interest” • Newsletter signups • Registration & login • Previous requests?

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E X A M P L E S @jeckman | #wcnyc • Referred by newsletter - update CTA • Referred by social, highlight channel • Update imagery / content target based on paid campaign • Targeted landing pages for audiences • Content surfacing (related, recommended)

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E X A M P L E S @jeckman | #wcnyc

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OT H E R P L AT F O R M S @jeckman | #wcnyc

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@jeckman | #wcnyc

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WO R D P R E S S O P T I O N S @jeckman | #wcnyc

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WO R D P R E S S O P T I O N S @jeckman | #wcnyc

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WO R D P R E S S O P T I O N S @jeckman | #wcnyc

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WO R D P R E S S O P T I O N S @jeckman | #wcnyc

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C O D E YO U R OW N @jeckman | #wcnyc • Access contents of http request • Set/check for presence of cookie • Custom business rules based on implicit and explicit data • Dynamic logic for alternative displays • Be aware of performance impact

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C AU T I O N S @jeckman | #wcnyc • Start small and enhance slowly • Don’t exceed your data / over-reach • Avoid the uncanny valley • Beware assumptions about intent • Don’t break the web

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T H A N K S ! @jeckman | #wcnyc