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How to Make a Spaghetti スパゲッティの作り方

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.。oO(さっちゃんですよヾ(〃l _ l)ノ゙☆)

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How to Make a Spaghetti スパゲッティの作り方 m4sh.3d "Spaghetti Bolognaise" 2013-06-16 CC by-sa 2.0

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Take dry spaghetti from refrigerator. Take salt from refrigerator. Take water from refrigerator. Put dry spaghetti into pot. Put salt into pot. Boil until good. Marco Verch "Ungekochte Spaghetti mit Bastschnur gebunden vor weißem Hintergrund" 2018-12-04 CC by 2.0 Rebecca Siegel "Clothbound Cheddar - Cheese salt" 2010-07-11 CC by 2.0

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Serves spaghetti.

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DONE. cf. DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - Chef

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How to Make a Spaghetti スパゲッティの作り方 Michael Coghlan "Electrical Madness" 2017-09-27 CC by-sa 2.0

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cf. Rich Hickey "Simple Made Easy" 2011-09 エリック・エヴァンス "エリック・エヴァンスのドメイン駆動設計 " スコット W アンブラー, ピラモド・サダラージ "データベース・リファクタリング " クリストファー・アレグザンダー "パタン・ランゲージ ―環境設計の手引 " ジル・ドゥルーズ "襞:ライプニッツとバロック "

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Software source code often may be complicated. We want to our software be simple. What is simple ?

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simple → sim-plek sim : one (一つ) plek : to plate (編む) Online Etymology Dictionary

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simple → sim-plek In software, simple is ● One concept ● One task

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simple duplicate → dwo (two 二つ)-plek complect, complicated, complex → com (たくさん)-plek

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OK, we know “what is simple? (Simpleとは何か?)”. But we don’t know Is this simple ? / How to make it simple ? (何がsimpleか?)

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Is this simple?

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Is this simple?

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We can’t decide that an isolated thing is simple or not. We need a system that contains the thing.

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We can’t decide that an isolated thing is simple or not. We need a system that contains the thing.

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We can’t decide that an isolated thing is simple or not. We need a system that contains the thing.

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Keep our language simple. Human language Software code Outer world Some works

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Human doesn't know the actual concept of the code. (Only computers know.) Don’t accumulate diff + diff + … Simple abstraction reduces diffs. diff (Function) Actual concept Human concept

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Spaghetti code comes from spaghetti data. Example : Data Complect Temporal field {:x 42 :tmp nil} x & tmp Multi purpose field {:for_a_or_for_b a} a & b Extensible tuple [a b nil] Order & meaning Extensible function arguments [a b nil] -> c Order & meaning

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Design simple data & compose them. (do-something {:x x :tmp tmp}) ↓ (with-tmp do-something tmp {:x x})

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Design simple data & compose them. (if (= “dev” env) (do-as-dev) (do-as-prod)) ↓ Use extensible effect.