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PFAnalyzer: A Toolset for Analyzing Application-aware Dynamic Interconnects Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Dashdavaa Khureltulga, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo Cybermedia Center, Osaka University

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PFAnalyzer: A Toolset for Analyzing Application-aware Dynamic Interconnects Keichi Takahashi, Susumu Date, Dashdavaa Khureltulga, Yoshiyuki Kido, Shinji Shimojo Cybermedia Center, Osaka University

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Challenges in Future Interconnects Over-provisioned designs might not scale well ‣ Interconnects can consume up to 50% of total power [1] and 1/3 of total budget of a cluster [2] ‣ Properties such as full bisection bandwidth and non-blocking may become increasingly difficult to achieve ‣ Need to improve the utilization of the interconnect Our proposal is to adopt: ‣ Dynamic (adaptive) routing ‣ Application-awareness network control 2 [1] J. Kim et al.“Flattened Butterfly : A Cost-Efficient Topology for High-Radix Networks,” ISCA, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 126–137, 2007. [2] D. Abts et al., “Energy proportional datacenter networks,” ACM SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 338, 2010. [3] S. Kamil, L. Oliker, A. Pinar, and J. Shalf, “Communication Requirements and Interconnect Optimization for High-End Scientific Applications,” IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 188–202, 2010.

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SDN-enhanced MPI Framework Our prototype framework that integrates SDN into MPI [4,5,6] ‣ Dynamically controls the interconnect based on the communication pattern of MPI applications ‣ Uses Software-Defined Networking (SDN) as a key technology to realize dynamic interconnect control (e.g. dynamic routing) ‣ Successfully accelerated several MPI primitives (e.g. MPI_Bcast, MPI_Allreduce) 3 [4] K. Takahashi et al. “Performance Evaluation of SDN-enhanced MPI_Allreduce on a Cluster System with Fat-tree Interconnect”, HPCS2014. [5] B. Munkhdorj et al. “Design and Implementation of Control Sequence Generator for SDN-enhanced MPI”, NDM’15 [6] S. Date et al.“SDN-accelerated HPC Infrastructure for Scientific Research”, IJIT, vol. 22, no. 01, 2016.

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Software-Defined Networking (SDN) 4 Feature Control Plane Data Plane Conventional Networking

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Software-Defined Networking (SDN) 4 Feature Control Plane Data Plane Conventional Networking Disaggregation

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Software-Defined Networking (SDN) 4 Feature Control Plane Data Plane Conventional Networking Southbound API (e.g. OpenFlow) Northbound API App App App Control Plane Data Plane Feature Software Defined Networking Disaggregation

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Basic Idea of SDN-enhanced MPI 5 Interconnect Computing Nodes 1 2 3 0 Communication Pattern 0 1 2 3 … Interconnect Control Seq.

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Basic Idea of SDN-enhanced MPI 5 Interconnect Computing Nodes 1 2 3 0 Communication Pattern 0 1 2 3 … Interconnect Control Seq. Extract via Tracer/Profiler
 Static Analysis

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Basic Idea of SDN-enhanced MPI 5 Interconnect Computing Nodes 1 2 3 0 Communication Pattern 0 1 2 3 … Interconnect Control Seq. Extract via Tracer/Profiler
 Static Analysis Resource (Path, Bandwidth, etc.) Allocation

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Basic Idea of SDN-enhanced MPI 5 Interconnect Computing Nodes 1 2 3 0 Communication Pattern 0 1 2 3 … Interconnect Control Seq. Apply using OpenFlow Extract via Tracer/Profiler
 Static Analysis Resource (Path, Bandwidth, etc.) Allocation

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Job Scheduling

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Job Scheduling

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling

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Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection Process Mapping

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection Process Mapping

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection Process Mapping

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection Process Mapping

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PEs PEs PEs Need for a Holistic Analysis in SDN-enhanced MPI 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 5 1 0 3 Job Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Communication Pattern Job Scheduling Node Selection Process Mapping Routing

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Q1: Impact of the Communication Pattern How does the traffic load in the interconnect change for diverse applications? ‣ What kind of application benefits most from SDN-enhanced MPI? ‣ What happens if the number of processes scales out? 7

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Q2: Impact of the Cluster Configuration How does the traffic load in the interconnect change under diverse clusters with different configurations? ‣ How do job scheduling, node selection and process mapping affect the performance of applications? ‣ How does the topology of the interconnect impact the performance? ‣ What happens if the size of cluster scales out? 8 0 Node Selection (i.e. which node should be allocated to a given job?) Process Placement (i.e. which node should execute a process?) j1 j2 j3 j4 1 2 3 Job Scheduling (i.e. which job should be executed next?)

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We aim to develop a toolset to help answer these questions ‣ How does the traffic load in the interconnect change for diverse applications? ‣ How does the traffic load in the interconnect change under diverse clusters with different configurations? Simulator-based approach is taken to allow rapid assessment ‣ Requirements for the toolset are summarized as: Requirements for the Interconnect Analysis Toolset 9 1. Support for application-aware dynamic routing 2. Support for communication patterns of real-world applications 3. Support for diverse cluster configurations

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Related Work ORCS [7] ‣ Simulates the traffic load of each link in the interconnect for a given topology, communication pattern and routing algorithm INAM2 [8] ‣ Comprehensive tool to monitor and analyze network activities in an InfiniBand network PSINS [9] ‣ Trace-driven simulator for predicting the performance of applications on a variety of HPC clusters with different configurations 10 [7] T. Schneider et al., “ORCS: An Oblivious Routing Congestion Simulator”, Indiana University, Computer, no. 675, 2009. [8] H. Subramoni et al. “INAM2: InfiniBand Network Analysis and Monitoring with MPI”, ISC 2016, pp. 300–320 [9] M. M. Tikir et al. “PSINS: An Open Source Event Tracer and Execution Simulator”, HPCMP-UGC 2009, pp. 444–449.

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PFProf (profiler) and PFSim (simulator) constitute PFAnalyzer ‣ PFProf - Fine-grained MPI profiler for observing network activity caused by MPI function calls (Requirement 2) ‣ PFSim - Lightweight simulator to simulate traffic load in the interconnect targeting application-aware dynamic interconnects
 (Requirement 1, 2, 3) Overview of PFAnalyzer 11 PFSim PFProf Application Profile Result

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PFProf: Motivation Existing profilers do not capture the underlying pt2pt communication of collective communication ‣ They are designed to support code tuning and optimization, not network traffic analysis. ‣ MPI Profiling Interface (PMPI) only captures individual MPI function calls. 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 4 3 2 5 7 6 Actual communication performed 0 0 Behavior of MPI_Bcast as seen from applications 12

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PFProf: Implementation MPI Performance Revealing Extension Interface (PERUSE) is utilized ‣ PERUSE exposes internal information of MPI library ‣ Notifies you when a request is posted/completed, a transfer begins/ends, etc. 13 PFProf MPI Application MPI Library • MPI_Init • MPI_Finalize • MPI_Comm_create • MPI_Comm_dup • MPI_Comm_free

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PFProf: Implementation MPI Performance Revealing Extension Interface (PERUSE) is utilized ‣ PERUSE exposes internal information of MPI library ‣ Notifies you when a request is posted/completed, a transfer begins/ends, etc. 13 PFProf MPI Application MPI Library • MPI_Init • MPI_Finalize • MPI_Comm_create • MPI_Comm_dup • MPI_Comm_free Subscribe to PERUSE Events

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PFProf: Implementation MPI Performance Revealing Extension Interface (PERUSE) is utilized ‣ PERUSE exposes internal information of MPI library ‣ Notifies you when a request is posted/completed, a transfer begins/ends, etc. 13 PFProf MPI Application MPI Library • MPI_Init • MPI_Finalize • MPI_Comm_create • MPI_Comm_dup • MPI_Comm_free Call MPI Functions Subscribe to PERUSE Events

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PFProf: Implementation MPI Performance Revealing Extension Interface (PERUSE) is utilized ‣ PERUSE exposes internal information of MPI library ‣ Notifies you when a request is posted/completed, a transfer begins/ends, etc. 13 PFProf MPI Application MPI Library • MPI_Init • MPI_Finalize • MPI_Comm_create • MPI_Comm_dup • MPI_Comm_free Call MPI Functions Notify PERUSE Events Subscribe to PERUSE Events

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PFProf: Implementation MPI Performance Revealing Extension Interface (PERUSE) is utilized ‣ PERUSE exposes internal information of MPI library ‣ Notifies you when a request is posted/completed, a transfer begins/ends, etc. 13 PFProf MPI Application MPI Library • MPI_Init • MPI_Finalize • MPI_Comm_create • MPI_Comm_dup • MPI_Comm_free Call MPI Functions Notify PERUSE Events Subscribe to PERUSE Events Hook MPI Functions with PMPI

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Representation of Communication Pattern ‣ Defined as a matrix T of which element Tij is equal to the volume of traffic sent from rank i to rank j ‣ Implies that the volume of traffic between processes as constant during the execution of a job 14 0 50 100 Sender Rank 0 25 50 75 100 125 Receiver Rank 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Sent Bytes ⇥108 An example obtained from running the NERSC MILC benchmark with 128 processes The communication pattern of an application is represented using its traffic matrix

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PFProf: Overhead Evaluation 15 101 103 105 107 Message Size [B] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Relative Throughput 100 101 102 Throughput [MB/s] w/o profiler w/ profiler 101 103 105 107 Message Size [B] 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Relative Latency 102 103 104 Latency [µs] w/o profiler w/ profiler Throughput (osu_bw) Latency (osu_latency) Measured throughput and latency of pt2pt communication with and without PFProf using the OSU Microbenchmark

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PFSim: Overview 16 PFSim Interconnect
 Usage Performance
 Metric Plot Simulation
 Log Output Simulation
 Scenario Cluster
 Configuration Communication
 Patterns Input Scheduling Plugin Node Selection Process Placement Routing PFProf Cluster

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PFSim: Overview 16 PFSim Interconnect
 Usage Performance
 Metric Plot Simulation
 Log Output Simulation
 Scenario Cluster
 Configuration Communication
 Patterns Input Scheduling Plugin Node Selection Process Placement Routing PFProf Cluster
 Topology For Requirement 2

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PFSim: Overview 16 PFSim Interconnect
 Usage Performance
 Metric Plot Simulation
 Log Output Simulation
 Scenario Cluster
 Configuration Communication
 Patterns Input Scheduling Plugin Node Selection Process Placement Routing PFProf For Requirement 3 For Requirement 3 Cluster
 Topology For Requirement 2

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PFSim: Overview 16 PFSim Interconnect
 Usage Performance
 Metric Plot Simulation
 Log Output Simulation
 Scenario Cluster
 Configuration Communication
 Patterns Input Scheduling Plugin Node Selection Process Placement Routing PFProf For Requirement 3 For Requirement 1 For Requirement 3 Cluster
 Topology For Requirement 2

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PFSim: Architecture 17 Event Event Event Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Job Submitted Event Handlers … Job Started Job Finished Job Queue Simulator State Update Interconnect Computing Nodes Event Dispatch

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PFSim: Architecture 17 Event Event Event Queue j1 j2 j3 j4 Job Submitted Event Handlers … Job Started Job Finished Job Queue Simulator State Update Interconnect Computing Nodes Event Dispatch Customized via Plugins

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PFSim: Example Input & Output 18 topology: topologies/milk.graphml output: output/milk-cg-dmodk algorithms: scheduler: - pfsim.scheduler.FCFSScheduler node_selector: - pfsim.node_selector.LinearNodeSelector - pfsim.node_selector.RandomNodeSelector process_mapper: - pfsim.process_mapper.LinearProcessMapper - pfsim.process_mapper.CyclicProcessMapper router: - pfsim.router.DmodKRouter - pfsim.router.GreedyRouter - pfsim.router.GreedyRouter2 jobs: - submit: distribution: pfsim.math.ExponentialDistribution params: lambd: 0.1 trace: traces/cg-c-128.tar.gz Cluster Configuration (YAML) Interconnect Utilization
 (Output GraphML visualized with Cytoscape)

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PFSim: Example Input & Output 18 topology: topologies/milk.graphml output: output/milk-cg-dmodk algorithms: scheduler: - pfsim.scheduler.FCFSScheduler node_selector: - pfsim.node_selector.LinearNodeSelector - pfsim.node_selector.RandomNodeSelector process_mapper: - pfsim.process_mapper.LinearProcessMapper - pfsim.process_mapper.CyclicProcessMapper router: - pfsim.router.DmodKRouter - pfsim.router.GreedyRouter - pfsim.router.GreedyRouter2 jobs: - submit: distribution: pfsim.math.ExponentialDistribution params: lambd: 0.1 trace: traces/cg-c-128.tar.gz Cluster Configuration (YAML) Interconnect Utilization
 (Output GraphML visualized with Cytoscape) High Traffic Load

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PFSim: Example Input & Output 18 topology: topologies/milk.graphml output: output/milk-cg-dmodk algorithms: scheduler: - pfsim.scheduler.FCFSScheduler node_selector: - pfsim.node_selector.LinearNodeSelector - pfsim.node_selector.RandomNodeSelector process_mapper: - pfsim.process_mapper.LinearProcessMapper - pfsim.process_mapper.CyclicProcessMapper router: - pfsim.router.DmodKRouter - pfsim.router.GreedyRouter - pfsim.router.GreedyRouter2 jobs: - submit: distribution: pfsim.math.ExponentialDistribution params: lambd: 0.1 trace: traces/cg-c-128.tar.gz Cluster Configuration (YAML) Interconnect Utilization
 (Output GraphML visualized with Cytoscape) High Traffic Load Less Traffic Load

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Simulated Cluster ‣ Modeled after a cluster installed at our institution ‣ 20 computing nodes (160 cores) ‣ 2-level fat-tree topology (oversubscription ratio = 2.5) ‣ Switch (NEC PF5240) supports OpenFlow 1.0 (and 1.3) ‣ NAS CG and NERSC MILC are used as workloads 19 Spine Switches Leaf Switches Computing Nodes

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Simulated Configurations 20 Node Selection Process Placement Routing Linear Random Linear Cyclic D-mod-K Dynamic 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 3 1 4 2 5 Path selected solely based on the destination of flow 0 50 100 Sender Rank 0 25 50 75 100 125 Receiver Rank 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Sent Bytes ⇥108 Path allocated based on communication pattern (heavy pairs first)

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Simulation Results Maximum traffic load on all links is plotted as a performance indicator 21 Linear/Block/DmodK Linear/Block/Dynamic Linear/Cyclic/DmodK Linear/Cyclic/Dynamic Random/Block/DmodK Random/Block/Dynamic Random/Cyclic/DmodK Random/Cyclic/Dynamic 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Maximum Tra c (Normalized) Linear/Block/DmodK Linear/Block/Dynamic Linear/Cyclic/DmodK Linear/Cyclic/Dynamic Random/Block/DmodK Random/Block/Dynamic Random/Cyclic/DmodK Random/Cyclic/Dynamic 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Maximum Tra c (Normalized) NAS CG Benchmark (128 ranks) NERC MILC Benchmark (128 ranks) D-mod-K Dynamic

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Comparison with Benchmark Results 22 DmodK Dynamic 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Maximum Tra c (Normalized) DmodK Dynamic 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Maximum Tra c (Normalized) DmodK Dynamic 0 100 200 300 400 Execution Time [s] DmodK Dynamic 0 100 200 300 400 Execution Time [s] NAS CG Benchmark (128 ranks) NERSC MILC Benchmark (128 ranks) Simulated Maximum
 Traffic Load Execution Time
 on Actual Cluster Simulated Maximum
 Traffic Load Execution Time
 on Actual Cluster 50% 18% 23% 8%

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Future Work Integration into SDN-enhanced MPI framework ‣ To realize online optimization of interconnect ‣ Can be used for application-aware scheduling and process allocation Improved fidelity ‣ Currently, false-positive hot-spots may be identified due to rough approximation (drop of time-axis information) ‣ Segment profile into multiple distinct communication phases and simulate each phase separately 23

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Conclusion ‣ SDN-enhanced MPI is an embodiment of future application-aware dynamic interconnects ‣ A tool to rapidly test different interconnect control algorithms is required for the research on SDN-enhanced MPI ‣ Our proposal: PFAnalyzer - PFProf: Collects communication pattern from applications using MPI PERUSE interface - PFSim: Simulates the interconnect in a holistic manner using the communication pattern acquired with PFProf ‣ Preliminary results are obtained that conform benchmark results on actual clusters ‣ Future plan: integrate into SDN-enhanced MPI for online simulation 24