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Mastering Mental Health in Digital Marketing’s Always On World Ryan Jones SEOTesting @RyanJonesSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO Hi, my name’s Ryan! 󰗝 - Marketing Lead @ SEOTesting - 9th Year Working in Digital Marketing Roles - Spent Time Agency, In-House & Freelance

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What We’ll Cover ✏ 01 Causes 02 Employees 03 Employers 04 Thoughts @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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Story Time… @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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This raised some important questions! @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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Why on Earth was my phone battery allowed to get down to 9%? 😱 @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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Why the f**k was I awake at 2:34 in the morning? 🤔 @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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How many people are going through the same thing as us right now? 🤔 @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Headspace 80% of all professionals say they experience the “Sunday scaries” on some occasion. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Headspace Over 90% of Millennials and Gen Z reporting they experience the Sunday scaries on a regular basis. #LondonSEO

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Is this a symptom to a bigger problem? 🤔 @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Spill (2023) 61% of employees said they left a job or planned to leave a job in the next 12 months due to poor mental health. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Spill Around 828,000 employees suffer from work-related stress, depression or anxiety every year. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Spill (2023) 17% of employees will struggle with a diagnosed mental health condition this year. #LondonSEO

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The cost to the workplace is massive! 💰 @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Spill Poor workplace mental health costs UK employers around £56 billion every year, with a 25% increase since 2019. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Spill 28% of all sick days taken in the UK are due to poor employee mental health. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *Spill The cost of staff turnover due to poor mental health has increased over 150% in the last three years. #LondonSEO

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So… What causes these issues? Especially for us marketers? @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO Burnout Remote Work Core Updates

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Burnout Remote Work Core Updates #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It's a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. *WebMD #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Burnout happens when you're overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life's incessant demands. *WebMD #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing But there’s another form of burnout we should be concerned about… #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Burnout in the course of employment can make one feel emotionally drained and unable to function in the context of work and other aspects of life. *Centre for Addiction and Mental Health #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Career burnout can reduce productivity and can lower your motivation and cause you to feel helpless, hopeless and resentful. *Centre for Addiction and Mental Health #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Career-Burnout Causes: - Lack of Control - Schedule, Assignments, Work - Unclear Job Expectations - Dysfunctional Workplace Dynamics - Work / Life Imbalance #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing 54% of UK tech employees now work more on weekends and in the evenings than before Covid, and struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #BrightonSEO Burnout Remote Work Core Updates

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Remote Work Benefits - Less time spent commuting. - Greater flexibility in working hours. - Reduced turnover in staff. - Reduced need for office space. #LondonSEO

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The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows!

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Drawbacks to Remote Work: - Partial or complete loss, of work/life balance. - Less human interaction. - Delayed response times. - Frequent meetings. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO *NHS Wales (299 People Study) 1 in 2 people reported increased feelings of loneliness when working from home.

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *NHS Wales (299 People Study) 1 in 2 people stated that working from home had worsened their mental wellbeing. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing *NHS Wales (299 People Study) 1 in 4 people reported that working from home had increased their alcohol consumption. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Burnout Remote Work Core Updates #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Marketers are Judged on KPIs - Organic Clicks & Impressions - On-Page Metrics - Conversion Rates - Revenue & Profit #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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What can we, as employees, do to improve our mental health? @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Tip 1: Put your own oxygen mask on first. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing We can’t help our managers, teams and other colleagues to the best of our abilities if we’re not 100% ourselves. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Humans are great at picking up the stress of others. If we’re burned out, it will spread to the wider team. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Sometimes, pulling back and focussing on ourselves can help us become better employees and managers. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Tip 2: Build & maintain a healthy work / life balance. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Implement a “Shut Down” ritual, at the end of the day to tell your brain that you have finished work. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing For crying out loud… Take your lunch break. You’re entitled to it, use it! The same goes for your holidays, too. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #BrightonSEO Find something outside of work to engage in. Having something to look forward to makes disconnecting easier.

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FFS! Why do I do this to myself?

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What about employers? Can they help support our mental health, too? @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Be a leader, not a boss. Lead by example. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Remember what I said about staff using their holidays? Yes, this applies to you, too! #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing It’s not just about what you do as an individual, though. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing It’s also about what your company does for your employees. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Provide appropriate training, on the job support and mentoring schemes for your staff (and you, too). #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing If you don’t already have one, create a mental health policy for yourself and your staff to adhere to. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing Create a culture of support and understanding around mental health issues. Don’t shy away from tough talks. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing - Mental Health Policy from Barnsley Borough Council: - Mental Health Training from Mind: (eLearning Courses, Virtual Training & More) - Headspace: Meditation App - Starting at £4.17 per Month #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing It’s not just about the little things. But the little things go a long way! #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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Some Final Thoughts @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing - Mental health at work is in focus more than it ever has been, which is an incredibly good thing! - Now that remote work is the norm for a lot of people, we need to start taking mental health at work more seriously. - If left to fester, burnout can spread from one team member through to the rest of your team. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing - Taking your lunch break, taking holidays and not working after 5pm should be the bare minimum, not just the norm. - There are plenty of resources out there for employers who want to help staff better manage their mental health. - If you’re a manager, set the example by doing these things yourself. Don’t set a bad example for staff to follow. #LondonSEO

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I want to leave you with one final point… @RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing You can still be a great SEO / Digital Marketer / Business Owner, without spending all of your time at work and burning yourself out. #LondonSEO

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@RyanJonesSEO // @seo_testing #LondonSEO

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Connect With Me! 󰛈 Twitter (X) - @RyanJonesSEO LinkedIn - /Ryan-G-Jones/ (Extended Trial)

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