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@Rob Bertholf Social Media Marketing: Strategy Marketing for Humans: Part 1 of 3 w/ @Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf @Rob’s Geek Cred Google Search Engine Optimization Expert Out of over 22,500,000 Results #1 in @Rob PATENT APPLICATION #US20060294199

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@Rob Bertholf @Rob’s Marketing Courses HUMANS DOLLARS ROBOTS

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@Rob Bertholf Overview Develop Strategy Buildout Part 2: Tactics Part 3: Measure Identify Goals Part 1: Strategy

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@Rob Bertholf Overview ● What is Social Media? ● What is Social Media Marketing? ● Developing your Brand’s Wiki ● Next Steps...

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@Rob Bertholf Takeaway: Create your Brand Wiki Develop your Social Marketing Continuity Document

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@Rob Bertholf Takeaway: Your Brand Wiki ● Goals & Objectives ● Positioning & Key Messages ● Target Audience ● Assets (Content/Resources) ● Event/Promotion Calendar ● Target Keywords/Hashtags ● What does success look like? (Define KPIs)

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@Rob Bertholf Marketing Terms ● A goal is a broad primary outcome. ● A strategy is the approach you take to achieve a goal. ● An objective is a measurable step you take to achieve a strategy. ● A tactic is a tool you use in pursuing an objective associated with a strategy.

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@Rob Bertholf What is “Social Media”?

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@Rob Bertholf Definition via Wikipedia “Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words and pictures.”

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@Rob Bertholf via

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf Tools Always Change

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@Rob Bertholf Social Media is mainstream...

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@Rob Bertholf • 65% of U.S. adults use social media • If Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s 3rd largest. (750 million active users 50% login daily) • Two hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every second. • 200 Million tweets sent per day (up from 65M last year) • 380,000,000 Foursquare check-ins (1 in every country) • YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world more than 100 million videos. Social Media Stats

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf Social Media is NOT a conversation ...its where the conversation takes place @JayBaer

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@Rob Bertholf How to Join the Conversation?

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@Rob Bertholf Social Media is NOT a new language

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@Rob Bertholf Social Terminology ● Hashtag ● Trending ● Share ● Troll ● Meme

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@Rob Bertholf “I dont understand this stuff”

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@Rob Bertholf Business Cocktail Party Advice

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@Rob Bertholf OK, lets “DO” social...

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@Rob Bertholf Lets plan to “BE” social and engage with a purpose

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@Rob Bertholf What is “Social Media Marketing”?

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@Rob Bertholf Definition via Wikipedia Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites.

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@Rob Bertholf Traditional Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing

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@Rob Bertholf Effort & Time Spent (Flip the Funnel) Find Convert Keep Find Convert Keep Traditional Social W ord of M outh

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@Rob Bertholf Traditional vs Social 1. What is the goal? 2. Who is the audience? 3. What does the audience know? 4. Where is the audience? 5. How can I connect with my audience? 6. How do I extend the conversation? 7. How can I get introduced to others?

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@Rob Bertholf +Social: Extending the Conversation How do I extend the conversation? Once you’ve made that initial contact and gained permission to have an ongoing conversation, what do you plan to do next?

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@Rob Bertholf +Social: Gaining Recommendations How can I get my audience to introduce me to others? When was the last time you saw this section in a marketing plan overview? Don’t let that be a reason to leave it out of your plan. If you’re going to do something truly integrated, you have to think beyond the conversation to the recommendation. Recommendation is where the real ROI comes, so think about how you can get your customer to give you one.

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@Rob Bertholf Integrated Marketing Efforts Traditional + New Media = Success

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@Rob Bertholf Next Steps Goals Strategy Buildout

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@Rob Bertholf Identify your GOALS What are your objectives? What do you hope to achieve?

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@Rob Bertholf What is the purpose? Awareness Authority Action Advocacy Customer Service Rainbows Cats

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Worksheet #1: Goals • Post cat & rainbow photos • Because Management Says So • Generate top of mind awareness • Drive traffic to your website • Build a community • Drive leads and sales • Encourage & reward brand advocacy • Reputation management • Support Public Relations • Be a thought leader in your industry • Support customer service • HR, recruiting

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@Rob Bertholf Example: “I want to gain more sales with social media” #FAIL

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@Rob Bertholf ● Specific ● Measurable ● Achievable ● Realistic ● Timely Is it SMART?

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Worksheet #2: Objectives { Goal } achieved by { Tactics } measured by { KPI } assigned to { POC} completed by { Date }

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@Rob Bertholf Get more website traffic: Tactics ● Link all your social profiles to your blog ● In social posts add call to action to website ● Create blog posts and share link in social ● Listen to requests & share relevant link ● Organize hangouts with details on website ● Ask advocates & influencers to share links ● Pay for your link in social media ads

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@Rob Bertholf Get more website traffic: KPIs ● Website Sessions from Social Media

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@Rob Bertholf Determine what success looks like … and how to measure success

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@Rob Bertholf Key Performance Indicator (KPI) A KPI is a type of performance measurement used to evaluate the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged. It is critical that success be determined by fulfilling pre-identified KPI’s rather than looking for random trends after the fact.

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@Rob Bertholf Progressive KPIs Authority Action Engagement/Interest Advocacy Reach/Awareness

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@Rob Bertholf Reach • Website Visits / Pages viewed/ Unique Visitors • Social Bookmarks (Diggs, Bookmarking) • Audience Size (Likes/Follows/Circles/Connects)

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@Rob Bertholf Engagement • Post Likes/+1’s • Shares/Retweets • Post Comments • Social Reviews • Forum threads • Mentions • Comments

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@Rob Bertholf Authority • Share of Voice • Search Ranking • Social Influence Metrics • Aggregated Metrics

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@Rob Bertholf Action • Event Tracking (Key Clicks/Downloads/Read Brochure) • Goal Conversion (Inquiries/Email Signup/Registration/Petition) • eCommerce Conversion (Sales/Donations/Subscriptions) • Offline Actions

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@Rob Bertholf Advocacy • Positive WOM • Generating Content (Blog Posts/Media Content) • Customer Satisfaction

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf Creating & Setting Baselines • Set KPI’s based on customer relationship & business goals/communication objectives • Determine which methods will track these KPI’s

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@Rob Bertholf Data Based Decisions • Using the data to advance to next stage of customer engagement

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@Rob Bertholf Understand your audience Who do you want to reach/engage? What do they know about you?

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@Rob Bertholf Who is your target audience?

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Worksheet #3: Audience Profiles My ideal customers name is ________ they are _______ years old. They describe themselves as ________. Their relationship status currently reads _________. They live with their _______________. They have lived in ________ (all their life / __ years ). #PROTIP: Use to manage your customer profiles and dive deeper into business learning.

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@Rob Bertholf Give Appropriate Assignments 1961 Entries 300 Entries

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@Rob Bertholf Social Technographics

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@Rob Bertholf Give Appropriate Assignments

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@Rob Bertholf What does your audience know?

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@Rob Bertholf Based on your audience choose the right social networks

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@Rob Bertholf via Platform Usage by Interest or Topic

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Worksheet #4: Choose where to have the conversation

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@Rob Bertholf Define your Social Marketing STRATEGY

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@Rob Bertholf Definition via @Rob Social Media Marketing Strategy is the framework for engaging with results oriented social media marketing focused on business or communication goals.

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@Rob Bertholf Start with Keyword Research Create a content marketing plan!

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@Rob Bertholf Brand Nike Product Running Shoes Topical Running Customer Health

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@Rob Bertholf Answer these questions: 1. What words would be used to refer to my brand? 2. What words would people use to request my product or service? 3. If my product/service is the answer, what is the question? 4. Who would ask the question?

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Worksheet #5: Keywords Branded Keywords (Company Name, Product Names, Trademarks, Executive Staff) #1 BRAND/REPUTATION MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE Industry (Product/Service) Keywords (Generic Product/Service Names) #2 CUSTOMER ACQUISITION Topical Keywords (Related to but not specific to a cause/service/product) #3 CONTENT TOPICS CAMPAIGNS & HASHTAGS Customer/Lifestyle Keywords (Result of product/service or words which describe the consumer) #4 CONTENT CURATION/ PARTNERSHIPS

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf Watch the full video on how to conduct a keyword research exercise Learn more about Keyword Research at

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@Rob Bertholf Get organized & proactive Create a content calendar!

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@Rob Bertholf Content Marketing Calendar Benefits Social media editorial calendars create a cohesive layer to a content strategy that bridges the benefits of: • Accountability: Put it in writing where everyone can see it, touch it and live it. • Commitment: Stamp a date on it, chances are, you will get it done. • Accomplishment: Checking it off the list feels so good and also ties back to accountability. • Planning: Big picture first, start at the year, month, week and day. • Creativity: Mapping out the topics first will help free up space for creativity and inspiration. • Trends: Tie in the topics with keyword research and boost the SEO strategy. • Measurement: Watching the results in growth and also what is popular in content via tools such as Google Analytics will give you valuable information for future editorial ideas.

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Worksheet #6: Content Calendar Blog Post Facebook Poll Video Post Guest Blog Post Press Release Live Stream Tweetup Theme Blog Post Interview Event

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf

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@Rob Bertholf Buildout Social Asset & Community Buildout

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@Rob Bertholf Website Importance The hub of all marketing efforts!

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@Rob Bertholf WordPress = CMS + Blog Keyword Rich Pages Fresh Blog Posts Social Media Sharing Capabilities Conversations Tracking Conversions

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@Rob Bertholf Linking Strategy Personal Website Website/Blog Review Sites Microsite Guest Blogging News & Press Release

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@Rob Bertholf Search Engine Authority validated by social signals.

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Exercise: Handles & Hashtags Claim Social Handles Register Hashtag

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@Rob Bertholf Twitter Best Practices

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@Rob Bertholf 1. Login 2. Ensure Profile Complete: a. Header image b. Profile Photo c. Description i. Moderator’s handle ii. Hashtag d. URL Go to

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@Rob Bertholf Initial Tweets Populate your account with some content: 1. Link to Website 2. Announce your Hashtag 3. Inform handle on other social networks 4. Call to action

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@Rob Bertholf Tweet 1: Website Link To learn more about [Company Name] visit our website at http:// []

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@Rob Bertholf Are you a fan of [Some Topic]? Join in on the conversation using # [YourHashtag] Tweet 2: Hashtag

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@Rob Bertholf Be sure to [Action] us on [Platform]! [Link] Tweet 3: Other Social Channels

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@Rob Bertholf Sign up for our newsletter to [be notified of special offers] at [Link to Form] Tweet 4: Call to Action

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@Rob Bertholf Build Your Audience Aprox 20% of users you follow will follow back ● # Discover: Who to follow ● # Discover: Fiend friends ● Search: “[ Your Brand Name ]” ● Search: “[ Keywords from #2 & #3 ]” ● [User]: Lists: [List Name]: Members

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@Rob Bertholf Curate Lists Start building your authority by creating lists: 1. Thought Leaders by Topic/Location 2. Partners/Vendors 3. Customers & Advocates (Set to private)

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@Rob Bertholf Best Practices Facebook

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@Rob Bertholf 1. Login 2. Ensure Profile Complete: a. Header image b. Profile Photo c. Description i. Moderator’s handle ii. Hashtag d. URL Go to

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@Rob Bertholf Instagram Best Practices

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@Rob Bertholf Google Best Practices

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@Rob Bertholf LinkedIn Best Practices

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@Rob Bertholf Pinterest Best Practices

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@Rob Bertholf Social Reviews & Deal Sites Best Practices

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@Rob Bertholf Encourage the right behavior Social Media Policy & Employee Guidelines

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Exercise: Social Media Policy

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@Rob Bertholf Prepare for what could go wrong Social Media Crisis Plan

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Worksheet: Crisis Plan Brand Crisis ● What could go wrong? ● Who needs to be notified? ● What is the plan of action? Community Crisis ● What is your role?

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@Rob Bertholf Questions? Continued in Part 2 @Rob

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@Rob Bertholf What were your thoughts? Please tweet: “Just finished #SocialMedia #Strategy course with @Rob. It was _________”

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@Rob Bertholf Aloha! @Rob