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Lombok Eric Lefevre-Ardant @elefevre

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@elefevre Eric Lefevre-Ardant

Slide 3

Slide 3 text “Will Speak For Food” Brown Bag Lunch Singapore

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From this... Reduced boiler-plate code

Slide 7

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From this... Reduced boiler-plate code to this...

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No content

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How to make it work

Slide 10

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Add lombok.jar to your classpath ...with Maven: org.projectlombok lombok 1.16.2 provided How to make it work

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Also, plugins ● Eclipse ● NetBeans ● IDEA IntelliJ How to make it work

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@Data Features

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@Data and friends ● @Getter & @Setter ● @ToString ● @EqualsAndHashCode ● @NoArgsConstructor ● @RequiredArgsConstructor ● @AllArgsConstructor Features

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@Data and friends ● @Getter & @Setter ● @ToString ● @EqualsAndHashCode ● @NoArgsConstructor ● @RequiredArgsConstructor ● @AllArgsConstructor Features And... @Value

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Under the hood

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● Annotation Processor ● Injects code into the AST at compilation time Under the hood

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Any performance impact?

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No Any performance impact?

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@NonNull @Builder @SneakyThrows @Log4j, @Slf4j... @Synchronized Other features

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@Wither (experimental) @Delegate (experimental) And more!

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● Easy to implement ● Easy to remove ● No performance impact To sum up

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Questions? ● Easy to implement ● Easy to remove ● No performance impact

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Creative Commons License These slides are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. You may share, modify this document as much as you wish, as long as you give attribution to me. For example, include a link to somewhere. To the best of my knowledge, all the pictures included were also released under this same license. Links to originals are included. Details on the license: