Earth Engine Japan 2018
Nick Clinton
Earth Engine Developer Relations
͜ͷࢿྉɺ3݄ʹ։࠵͞Εͨ Google Earth Engine mini-summit Tokyo 2018Ͱͷ
Nick ClintonࢯʢEarth Engine Developer RelationsʣͷࢿྉΛϕʔεʹɺ
࠶ฤूͨ͠ͷͰ͢ɻίϯςϯπͷஶ࡞ݖ Nick Clintonࢯ͓Αͼ Googleࣾʹؼଐ͠·͢ɻ
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Source: NASA
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"To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible
and useful."
Google Mission Statement
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-Jim Gray (1944-2007)
“Often it turns out to be more efficient
to move the questions than to move
the data.”
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> 17 Petabytes of Earth observation data
(imagery, weather, etc.)
Javascript API
Interactive Code Editor
Python API
Python module
Web Apps with Appengine
Jupyter Notebooks*
How Do I Use It?
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On-Demand Computation Batch Computation
● Just-in-time map tile rendering
● Reduce human time: iterate quickly!
● Reduce CPU costs:
only compute what you actually need!
● Reduce disk costs:
only store what you actually need!
● Host a “virtual exabyte” of scientific data
2 Computation Modes
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● Large-scale computation powered
by Flume/MapReduce
● Reduce CPU costs: run at batch
● Reduce serving latency: store all tiles
as static resources
● Run computations that require analysis
of complete data
Batch Computation
Batch Computation
2 Computation Modes
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Confidential + Proprietary
The Earth Engine Code Editor
Your Scripts &
API Docs
Your Data Search Your Code Data Inspector
Batch Tasks
Drawing Tools Map